Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 839: Great Emperor Gathering

Chapter 839: Emperor Gathering

Wan Qianqiu and Xuanyuan would sneak into the realm of the earth, stealing the key of Yuan Shitian's treasure.

At this moment, in a special deep space and time, many great emperors are planning secret events, including the Great Emperor Wujie, the Great Emperor of the Dragon Realm, the Great Emperor of the Demon Realm, and even the Great Emperor of the Confucian Realm, the Book, the Painting and the Four Realms The Great.

The Seven Realms gathered.

Divided into two groups, Wu, Dragon, Demon is a group, while Confucian calligraphy and painting is a group.

"You, our alliance, think of a way to deal with the human world together. What do you think?" The Confucian Lord first said: "The human world has been promoted very well, especially the earthly humans in the body of all realms. Indigenous people, stealing the power of all realms day and night, plundering our universe, but we have no way to stop it. "

"The people in the human world are indeed a group of vampires. Now there are more and more human beings on the indigenous peoples of the celestial sphere of the universe. It is almost calculated by trillions. Only a few hundred thousand people are awakened by blood. It is already terrifying. All human beings are awake, and the realm of the world will collapse, especially the universe, and it will shrink immediately. In fact, this is also the killer arsenal set by the King of Heaven. "

"Then what should we do now?" Said the Lord of Dragon Realm and Emperor Wanlong. "But Prince Dream of the Immortal Realm is not a good thing. It has already formed an alliance with the immortal tower universe brain to return the forged jade dish. It won't be long before they can become the realm of transcending the emperor. "

"Hahaha ..." The main writer of the literary world: "Emperor Wanlong, it was Prince Damen who rescued your mother Siye Zulong. You must know that Xiye Zulong is the mother of Wanlong, and now you will open Yuanshi The treasure of Uranus, once the ancestor Dragon Ball is acquired, can be transformed into a real dragon mother. It has a special control over the dragon world, and you will not be able to master the dragon world at that time.

"In other words, since the birth of Wanjie Celestial Ball, the immortal magic lamp star domain has also undergone great changes and is controlled by the servant of Yuan Shi Tianwang. What do you say next? I think that the treasure of Yuan Shi Tianwang will be born."

"However, you must find the key before you can open the treasure and find it."

"That's easy, the key is in the human world."

"Who said it? Who said that the key to Yuanshi Tianwang's treasure was in the human world?"

"it's me!"

Just as the seven emperors were talking, a voice passed in, faint and astringent, like a cry and a complaint, making people creepy.

Then the three emperors appeared.

The Great Emperor of Heaven, the Great Emperor of Disha, the ancestor of the Devil.

"The ancestor of the Devil Heart, you actually appear here, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Don't worry, Lord of the Demon Realm, I won't fight for power with you, but now I have to deal with the human realm. The human realm got the first ancestor of the magic vine, which caused me many years of hard work and ruined it once, and that Jiang Li killed a annihilator. The messenger, the messenger who devoured the reincarnation of the five emperors, and even got the five emperors' magical treasures, converged into a key, you can open the treasure of the emperor Yuanshi, this time I joined the Emperor Tiandi, the Emperor Disha, and then The empires of the four realms of Confucianism, literature, painting and painting joined forces to break the realm of the human world and obtain the key to the treasures of the King of Heaven, and what do you think? "

"Is this true?" Wu, the demon, the dragon, and the Lord of the Three Realms all growled. "Is the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang really born out of the air? We don't believe, Master Devil, are you deceiving us? You are notorious It's remarkable. It's specially attracted to people. It's all sorts of conspiracy. Don't think I don't know? "

"So, I pulled on the Lord of Confucianism this time." The ancestor of Xinmo was very dignified. "I have never deceived you this time. You can ask the Lord of Confucianism to see if I have deceived him."

"You guys, I talked with the ancestor of the Devil for a long time, and I talked in the mighty river, there is no falsehood, so you still have to believe him, not to mention the heavenly Emperor, these two emperors are united, the power is infinite, if If they can get their help, I will do whatever it takes to make things happen. "The Lord of Confucianism has already joined forces with the ancestor of the Devil and the Heavenly Emperor. Help him speak.

"Master of the Confucian Realm, you uphold the spirit of integrity, but the deepest ethics and the purest foundation. Why should you cooperate with the demon ancestor of the Devil Master?" The Lord immediately stepped forward to question.

"It's very simple." The main path of Confucian realm: "I want the four realms to be united, once again restore the glory of the past, and the first realm of the celestial realm, the legend of the celestial realm has been a long time. Now there is an extra human world. We have to fight for it, and everyone knows that the four realms are an alliance, and they ca n’t go together. If you get the help of the demon ancestor, the God of Heaven and Earth, it is still very hopeful and summoned directly The mighty river captures this river and becomes a level existence with the forged jade dish. Then, after our four realms are united, we can be transformed into the realm of justice, maintain order, and be supreme. Why not do it? "

"The unity of the four realms has always been our dream. The four realms of Confucianism, painting, literature, and books are themselves a whole, and they have since split. However, we have one thing in common. They are all scholars who cultivate the spirit of magnanimity and maintain justice. "The master of the book world:" But there is one point, but I have to figure out, after our four realms are unified, who is the master? Who is the real first? How to organize securities and how to manage? "

"It's very simple. Of course, it's me who decides. We in Confucianism are the biggest in themselves."

"Fart!" The masters of the literary world and the masters of the painting world shouted in unison: "You, the master of Confucianism, are too shameless. The spirit of arrogance is not unique to Confucianism, and rules, justice, and law, Dao, Bing, Nong, each family, kindness and compassion, we in the world of literature, literature, and painting are all scholars. The scholars are not all Confucians. The soldiers must read the Bing Shu, and the painters must study poetry. But it is just one of the branches. How can the scholars of the world be monopolized by the Confucianism. "

"Don't you also want to be the Lord of the Four Realms? Become the Master of the Righteous Heaven Realm?" The Lord of the Confucian Realm seems to have no fear, because he has the ancestor of the Devil and the Emperor of Heaven. The three great emperors joined forces and could not even be killed by the surpassing existence of the great emperor.

Moreover, now beyond the existence of the emperor, is the master of the immortal tower and the brain of the universe, and Wang Chaoba Liming, now these four people are entangled with each other, can not be separated, so there is an emperor between heaven and earth Respect.

Of course, in this material world, there must be more than the Great, but none have appeared.

As for the will of some worlds, that is beyond the existence of the emperor, but they cannot be separated from their own world. They must borrow various people in order to achieve various purposes.

Once the will of God is separated from its own world, the world loses its order of operation, it will collapse and decay, just like the death of a person's soul.

"We also do n’t want to do it, but we must have an order and not be dictatorial. We can also learn the referral system in the human world. If all people in the world vote for election, whoever has high moral standing and who has a major influence on the world can become The Lord of the Four Realms, otherwise, we will never agree, and we will never recognize it. "

"Not the Four Realms alliance, but the Four Realms combined, even if the Four Realms are united into a huge and complete Providence." The demon ancestor said: "The origins of the Four Realms are also merged into the Realm of Justice. I, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, support the foundation of the universe, but your proposal is very good, and you must run for election. This is the way of long-term peace and stability. The reason why the human world is so prosperous now is to rely on this system. "

"I agree with it." The Emperor Tiandi Disha did not choose the master of Confucianism as the future master of the righteous celestial world. He also hoped that the election, because if the election, they can share a slice of it, maybe they can use all means to become the master of the universe. Celestial Supreme.

"Master Demon, you are notorious, do you want to run for the Lord of the Righteous Realm? At that time, this four-world alliance is not a joke? At that time, it will be more than the Devil Realm of us."

"What do you know?" The demon ancestor retorted: "The immortals are righteous, they are in one heart, they only care about transformation. I was once the overlord of the immortal world, the brother of the soul emperor. Do you not know what the justice order is? I still put A refining of the first ancestral fairy magic vine, which obtained the fairy magic gourd, in an attempt to reshape the fairy and magic realms, but unfortunately, the messenger of the world appeared, and was taken away by the lord of the human world, and now it is necessary to recapture it and build it up. I can say that the world is better at building than anyone else. And now that I am participating in the fusion of the four realms, I am not the ancestor of the demon, but the ancestor of the mind. , Studying etiquette and suppressing your own demon. In this way, the demon is even more powerful. If I succeed in building the righteous world of heaven ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it will definitely make the world flourish and flourish without any trace of magic. . "

"That's true." The Tao of Confucianism: "The Tao of Magic is originally one, the higher the Tao, the deeper the magic, the deeper the same, the higher the Tao. I also agree to the election. Since everyone has reached an agreement, then The four realms are ready to merge, and a new realm of justice is born. "

"The combination of the four realms is not a simple matter. Although we are the masters of the universe, it still depends on the will of God. However, the meaning of the will of God is also a union. What we have to do now is to kill the powerful beings and sacrifice the will and chaos. Draw strength from the depths, so that the four realms can be smoothly and securely integrated. "

"What do you call us for when the four realms come together?" The Lord of Wujie was impatient.

"It's very simple." The demon ancestor said: "The four realms need to be sacrificed, and the human blood on earth is the most suitable for sacrifice. Therefore, we are going to let the dragon, martial arts, and magic three realms assist. Of course. , You will get the great benefit of heaven, since the treasures of the Emperor from the beginning of Shaoyuan, our seven realms are evenly divided. "

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