Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 843: Supreme existence

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843 Chapter 843 Supreme Existence

The boxing is invincible.

Jiang Li integrated the artistic conception of Chaos Divine Fist into the infinite Divine Fist and swept out. Although he cannot summon the power of Chaos, he himself has stored the ancient Chaos in the depths of the wells of beings, which is equivalent to calling Chaos Power, of course, he is actually transforming things in the physical world into chaos. In a way, he is also a child of chaos.

In fact, he himself does not know who he is, or if he is the son of chaos. According to the possibility that he can transcend the fate, only chaos can transcend destiny.

However, the son of Chaos came from the mission of destroying the world. Jiang Li thought that he could not destroy the world. He wanted to make the world a better place. This violates the true meaning and true colors of the son of chaos. He can destroy Other worlds, but in any case will not destroy the human world. The human world is his foundation, even what he has to protect in order to give up his life.

怎么 How could such a person become a child of chaos?

I say so, the son of chaos has another person.

Who is he?

Is it Jiang Nalan? Or someone else.

However, Jiang Nalan could not be the son of chaos, otherwise he would not be so miserable, but he has a mysterious luck, or it may be a reincarnation of some ancient power.

As soon as Li Jiang urged Chaos God Fist, his thoughts immediately filled with thoughts.

He thought of the son of chaos.

I also saw a lot of things.

到底 What exactly is the Son of Chaos, he seems to see a rough outline.


The sound of the huge explosion rang out, showing the realm of infinite destruction everywhere, shattering everything into the realm of chaos. Although the infinite fist did not really do it, it could smash the will into chaos. All the will of the emperor was smashed in the boxing method. List.

The ancestor of the heart demon, the great emperor Tiandi, and the great emperor Disha saw the fists appear and were taken aback. Who are they? Mighty and incomparable, there are countless mysteries that are unpredictable by ghosts. At a glance, you know the power of boxing, even the induction of breath. That boxing can change their own aura, temperament, breath, and become chaos.

When one punch arrives, everyone ’s soul is trembling, and part of the soul ’s power is turned into chaos, making the front blurred. Now, Jiang Li ’s infinite infinite fist combined with the magic of the infinite infinite fist. Compared with the original infinite infinite fist, Know how many times it is.

"How can your boxing skills be so powerful!" Tian Di Di Shao roared, and their cultivation was able to defeat all the emperors in the past. Although they lost the first ancestor, the magic vine, it was also the most powerful existence among the emperors, but it was simply There was no resistance in front of Jiang Li, and he couldn't catch a punch. They couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Originally, from the immortal lamp, Jiang Li practiced the same as Emperor Xian Xian, but until now, it is completely different. He has far surpassed Emperor Xian Xian. Otherwise, he would not summon him. Kill the long river.

Since ancient times, no one can summon the river of killing, and he can.

However, he was not prepared to use the power of killing the Changhe River and Wangdaidao Changhe, because after the summoning, the corresponding sacrifices must be given, or in other words, the corresponding sacrifices can be summoned.


Min Jiangli's body began to sway from side to side, punching and punching like a dragon dragging his tail, chasing the past, killing him in darkness, and the sun and the moon were dark.

The ancestor of that demon god, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, retreated back and forth, unable to resist at all, but to avoid its sharp edge.

In front of Jiang Li, the three had almost no resistance.

"Freedom in Heaven!" Seeing that there is no retreat, the ancestor of the demon heart has made all kinds of changes, and the heaven and earth are constantly changing and creeping.

"Break me!" Jiang Li shouted, and the disillusioned mood appeared around him. Each of his infinite fists reached an extremely high level, breaking the sky with his fists and breaking the void with his gods.

Wherever the boxing method goes, all the demons, all the demons, all the demons, all the creatures will disperse, but this is not the spirit of Wang Yidao, but a flavor similar to the natural danger. For example, when people see the emperor will be afraid, but see the cliff, Gullies, rivers and rivers will also stop.

Other people's boxing is the way of the emperor, his way of nature, the way of nature.

The boxing method bombarded that free heaven.

At this moment in the heavens of freedom, the heavens were suddenly torn apart.

I can't resist Jiang Li's punch at all.

"Absorb!" Moreover, after one punch was destroyed, Jiang Li punched backhand. This punch showed the taste of a back hook, and he pulled back fiercely. Between the pulls, the heavens and the earth kept condensing inward. Inhale the celestial realm into it, and then absorb the Emperor Tiandi and the Emperor Disha.

"Heavenly and terrible, destroy all eternity, dominate everything, cut everything!"

They played out 108 Changhongs, each of which is completely different, presenting 108 colors. In the depth of the color, it turns into countless heavens, which change and intertwin with each other to resist the attractive force of Jiang Li's boxing.

At this time, the ancestor of the demon lord became nine bodies, and each body had the same strength as itself.

The real master of the emperor, when it is impossible to break through, only splits the power and condenses the same avatars as himself, such as the deity and the wind, etc. Before he breaks through the emperor, he also condenses the avatars that are exactly the same as himself and replicates the avenue .

However, now that Feng Feng has become the emperor, she will take back her avatar, because she cannot turn her avatar into an emperor.

Only the existence of the peak of the emperor can not surpass the emperor, will he use his mind to the incarnation, such as the current demon emperor.

He actually appeared nine incarnations, equivalent to nine identical selves, but only one of the nine incarnations, the other incarnations, did not fully condense into the spirit demon **** and free heaven.

The emperor's personality is definitely not so easy to make.

I also turned my avatar into an emperor. That was a luxurious act. The ancestor of the Demon Slayer was not completely successful now.

The ancestral master of the heart demon has an extremely powerful technique called Jiu Jiu Heart Demon. It is to divide one's Yuanshen into nine, and turn it into nine self, and then cultivate one by one into the emperor, and finally return to one by nine, and become the existence that surpasses the emperor.

Alas, this is just his theory.

He wants to truly surpass the emperor. It is even more difficult. Jiang Li now only gets 29 Scriptures in the Immortal Scriptures. He also has to find a way to concentrate all the Scriptures into himself.

Next, he still has a lot to do.

Although the nine incarnations did not become the true King of the Demon God and the free heaven, but there is a strong breath of the emperor, this is the true killer of the Demon Master, and his own cultivation.

The Emperor of Heaven and Earth is a roar, transformed into a yin and yang two magical powers, the flow of this magical powers turns into a baby bead hanging above the void. This is the heavenly earth evil bead.

This bead broke everything, swept invincible, and suppressed Zhou Tian, ​​but it was not comparable to ordinary innate chaos.

Nine nine ancestors of the heart and demons, combined with heavenly earth and evil spirits, cooperate with each other, and they have the supreme power to seize the goodness of heaven and earth.

"Just such a skill, dare to unite to deal with my human world?" Jiang Li saw the ancestor of the Devil to perform a stunt, but just smiled slightly, another step, split it out with one palm.

This palm is different. It is not the true meaning of Chaos Divine Fist, but the peak of Infinite Avenue. It is the framework of 101 rules of Jiang Li's enlightenment. If Infinite Avenue transcends the avenue of destiny, 100 rules must be trained Article 101.

He realized the long river of destiny, the long river of time, the long river of communication and killing, and the long river of Wang Yidao, had seen through everything, and realized the secret of destiny.

Although his 101 rules have not been practiced, the infinite fist has already struck the strongest blow. It is a void, filled with mist everywhere, and it is true nothing.

The rule of Article 101 is called the law of inability. This law is not one of nothingness, but nothingness in nothingness. This artistic conception has never been enlightened by people from ancient times to the present, but is now understood by Jiang Li. The artistic conception is infiltrated in the **** fist, infinite.

He used the fist to transform the Tao, channeled the gods with the Tao, broke the sky with the gods, and even the chaos disappeared.

This not only transcends the way of fate, even before the vagueness, transcends chaos.

Even the chaos disappeared completely, this is the real infinity.

All things are controlled by chaos, and chaos is completely destroyed. That is the limitless, infinite, infinite, infinite, infinite.


The cultivation of Lijiang Li is truly to the extent that no emperor can surpass it.

With this trick, there is no end to nothing, and it is no longer possible to compete with his emperor. The three emperors are involved in absolute nothingness, all magical powers, all mana, and all wills disappear, such as the walking dead.

He hasn't practiced the 101 rules yet, the Infinite Divine Fist is so fierce. Once he's practiced, what will he do?

If at this time, from the perspective of people outside, when Jiang Li punched out in one punch, the whole person has disappeared and is in an absolutely non-existent state. Under this state, the power spreads out, wherever he goes, punches The energy was permeating, and in that pervading place, everything disappeared.

Nine demon ancestors disappeared, and Tianzhudishazhu disappeared. Even the free heavens disappeared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Once Jiang Li reappeared, the demon ancestor and Tiandidisha Emperor were shot kill.

Now he has the ability to kill three emperors.

Attack power is basically equivalent to surpassing the existence of the emperor. Even if there are some differences, it is very subtle.

In other words, when Jiang Li punched out, the ancestor of the Devil and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth were dead.

However, at this time, in this piece of nothingness, a big hand suddenly appeared, and when the big hand was pressed, nothingness disappeared, replaced by Jiang Li and the demon ancestor Tian Tiandi's surprised expression.

The big hand was grabbed again, the nature was terribly evil, and the three great ancestors of the demon ancestor were completely taken up and disappeared.

With a whistle from Changxiao, Minjiang retired: "Who, who is it?"

He is not the master of the brain of the universe, the master of immortal towers, nor Wang Chao and Ba Liming. He is the fifth being beyond the Great.

Only by surpassing the existence of the emperor can he capture the three emperors.


{I made a mistake yesterday, because I just came back from Beijing, I ran all day and did not update Dragon Snake 2 on the WeChat public account, so I sent a voice on it to apologize to everyone, you can listen to my insignificant voice . Plus you can listen. }

(To be continued)

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