Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 847: Long River of False Wisdom

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847 Chapter 847

"Young Master, there are 20 Scriptures in the hand of that art. How can we capture them? There are 29 Scrolls of the Lord of the Earth." The floating Emperor looked at the sky, the starlight was getting darker and distressed: " Right now, the universe's brain star field is getting weaker and weaker. The only way out is the immortal scriptures. If we get the immortal lamp that time, we can get a big deal, and even defeat the immortal tower master and the big dream in one fell swoop. Prince, put both the forged jade dish and the fairyland under our control. "

"I was also anxious. We had already agreed to exchange Scriptures for mutual understanding, and to create a jade plate together, kill Palimin, and expel Wang Chao." Number: "But recently, that immortality There was a big problem with the new universe created by the Tower. All the evil spirits in the tomb crushed above were sucked away, and all the sacrificed gods were killed. All the masters of the earth were doing evil, and even the art was almost Death in it, and the messenger of the world also appeared. Now the matter of creating a jade dish, He Hezhen, will be postponed again. There is also the big prince, who has not been ready for the chaos festival, and does not know what to do. What's going on? Is he thinking that when Wang Chaoba Liming and both of us lost and wounded, he would take another shot and devour us?

"It is very possible that although Prince Dream is not the kind of reincarnation, he is ambitious and has created a world of his own. Even the son of the immortal has been driven out. He must be trying to devour the immortal tower star domain and the brain of the universe. Xing Yu and even Wang Chao and Ba Liming have ambitious plans to confuse the world. "The Empress Dowager said:" The young master has to defend. Although we have established a contract with him, it is a cooperation on the surface, but we are also fighting. You know, as long as the crisis is resolved, you have to fight hard. Now we are going to start the layout and wait for the end of the contract. I think of a layout method. "

"What method?" Counting is somewhat interested: "You talk about it? Prince Dameng now masters the heavenly courts and holds sacrifice for many times. It has been blended with the will of the heavens. Even the sons of the immortal world can hardly pose a threat to him. What do we use to restrict it? he?"

"It's very simple, it's the son of the fairyland." The Empress Dowager said: "There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal benefits. The sons of the fairyland are now united with the human world to prepare to recapture the heaven, but they are often unsuccessful. We may find her. To deal with Prince Dream. "

"The human world is our biggest enemy. Will you touch the Lord of the world once you contact her?" The number is a bit tempting. After all, the children of the fairy world were born from the roots of the fairy world. If you can cooperate, it is the best way to deal with Prince Dream. A good piece of chess, now some old antiques in the depths of the fairy world, have not yet surrendered to the big prince, but wait for the return of Feng Feng.

"Also, I already know that the Fengfeng is also promoted to be the emperor." The floating emperor said: "Once she is promoted to the emperor, the origin of the fairyland will be completely concentrated on her, so that she has more privileges in the fairyland. The immortal world is gradually solidifying, and many gates seem to be surrendering to the obscenity of Prince Dameng, and some old antiques can no longer sit still, but with the promotion of Emperor Feng, many people of Xu Yan are eager to move. Do n’t be his horse pawn. This is one of the reasons why Prince Dream has failed to complete the chaos. ”

"How do we cooperate with 珞 风? Will the Lord of the Earth make trouble in it?" This is the most concerned issue.

"The Lord of the World is a man of great talents, who is more powerful than Prince Dream, and our greatest enemy, but we can be a tiger and use him to fight against Prince Dream. In addition, he and Wang Chaoba Although Li Ming is also a type of person, he may not have a single mind. He is the master of the human world. What if Wang Chao Ba Li Ming returns, what should he do? So, in his heart, there are actually other thoughts. In it. "The Empress Emperor's analysis was clear:" Also, the son of the immortal world may not be in the same heart as the human world. She is just using the human world. She actually wants to get everything in the human world to become her power. In the future, she will have the opportunity to compete with Prince Dream, and even unite the human world and the fairy world into a heaven. "

"It's true, you have a good analysis." Several admired: "Using the son of the fairy realm to deal with Prince Dream, and then using her to deal with the Lord of the World."

"That's right, that's it, it's clear, but you are not suitable for the young master, let me say it." Floating Empress Road.

"No, in order to show my sincerity, I still go to see this woman in person, and let this woman come to the Immortal Tower Starfield. That is unrealistic. She is very wary. If I do n’t show up, she will only use her as a snake, and If you want to give her a sweet taste, you will cooperate fairly with us. "

"What do you do? Are you going to the world in person, that's very dangerous. The Lord of the world is not a good character." The floating Emperor was taken aback.

"I will use one of my avatars to go to the human world, and by the way observe the weather in the human world."

When she spoke, the space in front of her opened, and she rushed out to be the same incarnation as her, and even cultivated to be the same as the godhead. Her avatar was more authentic than the ancestor of the demon, and apparently did not know how much Resources. The resources of the brain of the universe are more than the resources of the demon ancestor.

The incarnation and the floating Emperor rushed out, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Then her deity continued to enlighten here. The eternal scriptures fluctuated and twitched with each other, forming thirty bright rivers of scripture, spinning continuously around her body.

Minjiang Lizhuang watched all this.

He plans to conquer the indelible scriptures.

However, he does not have this idea for the time being. Although the brain of the universe has been suppressed severely, it is a holy place in the universe after all, with a deep foundation.

Last time, he was able to stir up the storm in the depths of the chaotic prison of the Immortal Tower. The first is to have a identity, to stand against the body of the deities, to hide, but also rely on the ancestor of the devil, and the evil of the Great Emperor's civil strife is the most critical The thing is, the messenger came out at that time.

He combined, he took advantage.

But now, he has no identity, and there is no great emperor here. Although his cultivation has increased several times compared to the depths of the chaotic jail in the tomb of the Immortal Tower, he is more aware of the chaos, infinite mysteries, and summons. Killing the long river, Wang Yi said the long river, but did not exceed the strength of the emperor.

Moreover, even if this holy place in the universe is beyond the existence of the Great Emperor, it may not be able to please.

He is more difficult to capture magic weapon in the most central place than to reach the sky.

Now, he can stay lurking here without being discovered, it is already an earth-shattering achievement.

"A half river of wisdom, for me to understand the indelible scriptures!"

Suddenly, when I counted, another space was opened. In the deep space, a long river, not a long river, appeared. The long river was full of wisdom, and poured into the depth of the immortal scriptures.

"This is ..." Jiang Li's eyes were straight, "This is a long river, no, this is not a real long river! It is a pseudo long river."

He did not dare to shoot. Once the shot caused any mental and energy fluctuations, the system would immediately suppress him. Although the entire brain system was invaded by Wang Chao, it only had half of the operating power, but it was also very scary and even more scary. It is true that for many billions of years, the fortunes gathered by the entire universe's brain and star fields have converged into something almost infinitely close to the long river.

Minjiang Li saw that deep in the brain of the universe, a long river seemed to be moving.

长 This long river is not a real one. It has not been pinned in the void. It is not even equal to the infinite river in essence, but the power it contains is billions of times greater than the infinite river.

The real long river is an absolute idea, pinned in the depths of the void, immortal and natural.

For example, the infinite river of Jiangli, although only the size of ants and worms, but because of its absolute concept, infinite truth can also be pinned in the depths of the void. As more and more people practice the infinite road, the river will grow larger and larger. If the world is not destroyed, then after hundreds of millions of years, perhaps the Infinite Avenue will grow to the point where it can compete with the king and the river.

However, the long river of the universe's brain star domain has not pinned the void, because it lacks an absolute idea.

Minjiang Li's philosophy is infinite.

长 This long river has no idea. Although it is overbearing, it cannot be pinned in the void and turned into a real long river.

However, Jiang Li felt the wisdom, movement, and calculation power from this long river. If this long river rests in the void, it should be the long river of wisdom.

Now, in the void, there is no long river of wisdom. It is not that there is no wisdom for sentient beings. The wisdom of sentient beings seems to be bound by a great being.

伟大 This great existence is the power of the entire star field of the brain of the universe.

The long river in front of my eyes, compared with the infinite river of Jiang Li, is the difference between gold and diamond.

The infinite river is a diamond, and the "semi-wise river" of the cosmic brain has not yet entrusted it to gold. In essence, the infinite river is of high quality, but the infinite river is just a small diamond with sesame seeds. Jinshan, even the continuous Jinshan Mountains ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this value can not be compared.

"This is not a long river of wisdom, but a half river of pseudo-wisdom, or a river of pseudo-wisdom. It has not been entrusted to the void. It can only be stored here and waited for one day to entrust the void." Observe.

The long river of pseudo-wisdom, that is, the prince who has not achieved the emperor, already has majesty.

"I can't think of it. The brain of the universe has such a huge killer. I've miscalculated. Once the power of this pseudo- wisdom river erupts, it will be enough to kill and surpass the existence of the emperor. Now, the killer at the bottom of the box, no one knows that the brain of the universe has existed for so many years, and it has actually collected the wisdom of all beings and gathered them into a long river.

As long as Changhe gets the most truthful truth and entrusts the void, the master of the brain of the universe will probably become the strongest surpassing the existence of the emperor, and even be able to stand up to the great existence of Yuanshi Tianwang.


{WeChat public account hit 120,000 fans, everyone must help me publicize, there will be new Dragon and Snake 2 updates every day. Although the number of words is small, I promise to write that spirit. Wang Chao in the Dragon and Serpent Romance is the true spirit of the true truth, the true spirit of the true fist. From this book, I want to write out Li Hansha's misty heavenly spirit. } (To be continued)

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