Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 859: Yuanshi chess pieces

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Chapter 859: Yuan Shi Pawn

Great Emperor Ye and Shushu have fought fiercely in the immortal magic star field, and they are the biggest enemies of each other, but now the space-time segment of Heavenly Father has appeared and became the master of Shushu. This series of changes made Jiang Li I do n’t understand at all, but I know that this is the layout of Heavenly Father.

Perhaps, Heavenly Father is not very satisfied with the operation of the light world.

So he has to lay down more pieces in order to wait for his reincarnation to return and ensure that he can master the changes in the heavens.

The space-time segment is not an image, but an image that is formed by the supernatural power, and then calculates the future changes, and then uses this influence to interfere with the future, so that the future changes will go to the track that they have reserved without generating. No deviation at all.

The time and space clip also has extremely powerful power. It is definitely not a simple virtual image, but it can destroy the world and break the imprisonment.

Even the lowest level of science and technology in human beings can leave their own images and let future generations know their own voice and smile, let alone the existence of Heavenly Father?

They have reached this level of practice and can almost interfere with life and death. The concept of life and death is very weak. Reincarnation and rebirth are just a way for them to avoid the catastrophe.

"Master." "Surgery" looked around for a while: "Would you say that the Lord of this world will come? There are 30 volumes of immortal scriptures in the brain of the universe, but they are absorbed by the Lord of the world. Say, that number is also in the hands of the Lord of the earth? In this way, I am afraid that it is extremely dangerous. "

"I ca n’t even see the fate of this son. Naturally there is no air transport, but air transport can be exchanged at any time. There is no limit to the air transport. The infinite road he created is likely to be cultivated in the future. Trend. "Heavenly Father said:" In addition, this person is likely to lurk into the depths of the Immortal Tower now, but you have not been found. He already has the power to surpass the emperor, but the realm is not enough. That ’s it, you have to be careful. He collected 72 volumes of indelible scriptures and concentrated most of them in his hands. The rest is to collect all the scriptures. The reason why I appeared this time is that I just ca n’t grasp the situation. The changes are all in my calculations, but this time they are miscalculated. I have not calculated the appearance of the Lord of the Earth, and the world of humans is not in my calculations. Wang Chao and Ba Liming, I have already calculated Their changes, things are still under my control, but that Jiangli has completely escaped from the variables of things, so I appeared. "Heavenly Father fragmented.

"How does that Master deal with the Lord of the Earth?" Shu said: "Now the human world is also a great threat to us, and the future is confusing. By the way, the light world and our immortal tower and the star domain have battled again and again, and I do n’t know What does Master think about this? "

"The light world didn't succeed. They let them devour the immortal world and merged into the original source, which made me resurrect. They did not do it. Instead, they failed and let Yae get the immortal magic lamp. He didn't do it either. The world did not complete the tasks I assigned, and I was completely disappointed with them. However, I supported a new Light Lord, Jiang Nalan, come out. In the future, you will be the Light Lord and you will replace it. My flesh has become a new existence, because you have the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, plus my blood, together, it is the strongest blood in the universe, and that Jiangli merges with my blood With the blood of the King of Heaven and the blood of the son of destiny and the other side, he created it and turned it into an infinite blood, but one day your blood will be stronger than him. I will now order your blood to be the blood of the emperor! "

With a wave of his uncle's father, Jiang Nalan actually came out from the depths of time and space. Now he is completely reborn, and no one knows what level Xiuwei has reached.

"Jiang Nalan?" Shu's eyes flickered with jealousy. In his eyes, Jiang Nalan didn't seem to be anything. He was just a character smaller than the ants. Now he is actually cultivated by Heavenly Father.

"Don't be jealous. His luck is stronger than you. He is a man born of obedience to numbers." Heavenly Father said: "Everything that stands out from the blood of Yuanshi Tianwang and can stand out by his own cultivation is supreme. The strong, Jiang Nalan's potential is almost invincible, but his luck is suppressed by Jiang Li. Now, I have completely sent his luck. In the future, the Yuanshi Tianwang treasure will be opened, and he will get the important things. I want to get The book of faith must also rely on him. Anyone who has the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King will have the opportunity to obtain the treasure, which is the first treasure of the realm of the universe. The treasure of the immortal lamp star domain is much smaller than this treasure. It ’s not as good as children. ”

"Master, do I now cooperate with the light world with all my strength? But my father will not agree with this matter." Shu is difficult to agree.

"No, I do n’t need you to cooperate with the light world. I cultivate you to deal with the Lord of the world, or the Lord of the world is not in my eyes. I will deal with the King of Heaven, if I guess If it is true, the Lord of the Earth may be a chess piece arranged by the King of Heaven. The King of Heaven will not die like this. He will be reborn and reborn, but he lacks a house. Now it seems that the Lord of the World is the best. Once Jiang Li opens, he may be taken away, lose himself, and become Yuanshi Tianwang. The brand new Yuanshi Tianwang, at that time, Yuanshi Tianwang returned, I am not his opponent. And only I can not calculate To Yuanshi Tianwang's pawn. "A smile appeared on Heavenly Father's face.

"There is still such a thing?" Jiang Li was surprised when he heard the words.

He didn't really think about this layer.

The fact that the treasure key of the Emperor Yuanshi fell into his hands was a signal in itself.

What kind of character is Yuan Shitian Wang? This kind of things cannot be counted. Maybe the emperor was swallowed up by the annihilator and killed by Jiang Li, and the keys fell into his hands. This is all in the calculation of King Yuanshi Tianwang.

In this case, he still has to be wary of Yuanshi Tianwang ’s seizure. Although he does not believe that Yuanshi Tianwang ’s structure is so small, at this stage, he is indeed the one who can seize it most. After all, he created the infinite road, and Have the strongest foundation.

Of course, Heaven ’s Father ’s words ca n’t be completely believed. Maybe he ’s aware that he ’s nearby and deliberately tells himself to confuse his calculations.

This kind of character is true or false. No sentence is reliable. You must analyze and judge it yourself.

Of course, it is necessary to guard against others, and to prevent others from hurting. He really has to guard against this matter.

"Well, I ca n’t keep this space-time clip for a long time. To meet you today, just to let you know, I will be back." Heavenly Father clip said: "Jiang Nalan, surgery, you must be sincere now Cooperation, do you know? It will be good to open the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, and everyone can be promoted to be beyond the emperor. "

"Is the Master going now?" Shu quickly said: "If you leave, who will suppress the indestructible scriptures for me? What should I do if the Lord of this world comes up? The messenger will appear. "

"I won't go now." Heavenly Father said: "Appeared here today to solve the matter of the Lord of the World for you, and you cooperated with Jiang Nalan to help him get my bones and blood, Then condensed into my body. From then on, Jiang Nalan is my spokesperson in the material world. Of course, he will also help you to suppress Wang Chao and Ba Liming. In addition, he also swallowed the Prince of Dreams. This son is also a wizard, but he is just the son of the Emperor of the Soul, and has come to the present step by step. "

"How to solve the Lord of the earth?" Shu asked.

"What is the master of the earth is just a little foolishness. By coincidence, to this point, in fact, there is still philosophical thinking in the bones, and there is no progress." Jiang Nalan said disdainfully: "Wait for me to become Supreme Master Work, he must be killed in one fell swoop, or he can't survive, he can't. "

"Yes, Master, I think that the Lord of this world is not the chess piece of Yuanshi Tianwang, he may be the son of Chaos." Shudao.

"You are overestimating him. Although the Lord of the World has deviated from my calculations, he is no better than the Son of Chaos. The Son of Chaos does not play these tricks at all. He does not bother to make such things in the human world. It is the ultimate ultimatum of chaos extinction. He is the king of extinction. He appeared to kill and prevent the existence of chaos. I am also on his list.

"What shall we do now? Go to find the Lord of this earth?" Shudao.

"Be quiet and restless." The Heavenly Father fragment said: "The Lord of the earth is not what you can deal with now, let me talk to him."


The body of Xun Tian's father exudes a majesty.

"Lord of the earth, I know that you are nearby, hide it, and show it up." As soon as the Father caught it, time and space changed, penetrating every corner, and even the system of the immortal tower star domain was retreating ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ His practice has even surpassed the realm of "universal life with heaven and earth", and is two levels higher than the emperor.

In the ancient times, there were some strong men who surpassed the "Everyday in Heaven and Earth" of the Great Emperor, but the Yuanshi Heavenly King and Heavenly Father were stronger than them.

I have surpassed heaven and earth, and I do n’t know what it is.


Lijiang Liheshu was wrapped in the Promise of the Promise, and it actually appeared and was discovered by Heavenly Father.

"Lord of the earth, this is the first time we have met." Heavenly Father's clip stands with his hands up, "You really came, but I underestimated your cultivation behavior, and actually pulled on this woman and combined with her infinite brain, Obtaining the Promise Cerebellum has evolved the Promise Master, but this is only the lowest level combination. If the real Promise brains come together, then I have to retreat.

"That's right, Heavenly Father, do you think you can suppress me? I admit that I haven't accounted for the time and space fragments you actually left behind." Jiang Lidao: "But you haven't really returned, just don't think Compete with me. Although you are an ancient man, you will also withdraw from this era. "

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