Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 868: Split 1 and a half

Jiang Nalan has been wandering around since he was expelled from the earth. He is a bereavement dog. Many beings in all realms want to hunt him down. Human beings even regard him as a wanted criminal. To please the human world and get a reward, all count to kill him. Read.read.net

So his life is very hard, but in adversity, his cultivation is also rising, he is good at using many resources, and has great luck in his body. Jiang Li ca n’t catch him at all. Then he turned to the light world, like a fish.

Moreover, his persistence finally paid off.

Now he has been favored by Heavenly Father. Not only has he incorporated space-time fragments into his body, transformed his bloodline, but also caused him to accept Heavenly Father's own bones and blood.

In his body, there is the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and it is not thin. It may even be stronger than Jiangli. Combined with the blood of the Father, it becomes a new blood.

It's not the infinite blood, but the blood of the Emperor.

It seems that Heavenly Father is to shape him into a Heavenly Father-like existence.

Jiang Nalan's body merged into the tall bones. The bones were squirming. As soon as they opened their mouths, the blood in the blood pool flew up, and all of them attached to the body. The flesh came out and turned into internal organs, skin, hair, There are various organs.

Jiang Nalan ’s power kept growing, and even the power of the light world and the endless gathering of faith and glory began to gather on the body.

In an instant, he actually had the great shore power beyond the emperor.

Originally, the Heavenly Father's Blood Pond and Skeleton were the most amazing things in the light world. No one could shake it, let alone attach to it. Even the Great Lord, the Great God, and the Lord of the Truth could not approach. The instinct was to be restrained. Even any outside emperor, beyond the existence of the emperor, cannot shake this bone.

Only when Jiang Nalan is acknowledged by Heavenly Father himself can he melt the bones and stimulate the blood pool.

"It is impossible for Jiang Nalan to **** up the blood pool and gather strength on himself. Although he is a chess piece, alas, once the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang is opened and the book of faith flies out, the Heavenly Father will take the house and use Jiang Nalan's He will fall completely after rebirth, but during this period of time, it will have a devastating blow to the human world. This person is vicious and full of resentment. Once he gains momentum, the consequences are unthinkable. "Jiang Li shot.

He grabbed it in the palm of his hand, not toward Jiang Nalan, who fused the bones, but to the blood pool. There was some blood left in the blood pool and it was not absorbed.

Under his capture, half of the remaining blood was turned into blood-colored Changhong and fell into his hands. This blood has devastating energy and cannot be absorbed at all. Even if the emperor absorbed a drop, it would be poisoned and killed. , Or that the whole body energy is out of balance and completely exploded.

But Jiang Li absorbed the blood of Heavenly Father. He knows that this blood is a rare great energy between heaven and earth. It is the deepest change of Heavenly Father's concentration of all spiritual ingestion, the deepest changes in the chaos, the combined blood heaven.

Of course, he can't absorb so much blood, but he has ancient wells.

This ancient well can still carry blood.

A rumbling sound exploded and was stored in the ancient wells of sentient beings, making Jiang Nalan's body not reach the final perfection.

Jiang Nalan took this opportunity to transform into the appearance of Heavenly Father. However, his body was a bit lean and seemed to be malnourished. This is because much of the blood in the blood pool was sucked away by Jiang Li.

Jiang Lihukou seized food and finally obtained the essence of Heavenly Father, which would cause a great loophole in Heavenly Father's future plans.

"Jiang Li!" Jiang Nalan flushed.

The fire of hate in his eyes can ignite the big world, suddenly flew out, palm spread, grasped with five fingers, torn apart, and to tear Jiang Li to pieces, now he is in the right direction, no longer afraid of Jiang Li Xiu Wei, after absorbing the bones and blood of his Heavenly Father, he can be described as one step to the sky, and has become one of the few giants in the universe.

"Hand of Faith!"

He concentrated on the beliefs of sentient beings, and came in a critical blow. Before he reached the palm, Jiang Li saw the layered kingdom of God in front of him.

"it is good!"

He was absolutely excited: "This is a great thing. Someone actually got the recognition of Heavenly Father and replaced his body. Jiang Li, we quickly united and suppressed this person."

"That's natural."

Jiang Li raised his head by punching out, the infinite fist urged, chaos rose, and crushed everything and all kinds of martial arts.

Now that his infinite fist has gone through various changes, he has reached the state of innate superiority, and the yin and yang are mixed together, as if the invincible breath of ancient times was destroyed.


The fists of the two bumped into each other.

The whirlwind spread immediately, and the temple was blasted with sores. It was impossible for the two people to cause such damage before, but now they can completely break the light world. What is the temple?

Jiang Nalan's grasping power was rolling, all killed Jiang Li's body, and wanted to explode his body.

This was a force that completely surpassed the emperor. Jiang Li could not resolve it, but he absorbed this power into the depths of the ancient wells of all beings. The depths of the ancient wells are now filled with the blood of Heavenly Father, The attacking powers merged and began to boil.

This is tantamount to Jiang Nalan refining the blood of his heavenly father.

For a moment, all the blood in Jiang Li's body began to absorb the blood of Heavenly Father. His 12,969 drops of blood, many of them had the deity breath, but they did not become true. God.

However, now Heavenly Father's blood poured into it, was decomposed and merged, and suddenly a Supreme Master was born, one after another.

How powerful is the blood of Heavenly Father?

Transcending the realm of the emperor is called "Tianditongshou", while Heavenly Father and Yuanshi Tianwang are the highest beings that transcend the "Tianditongshou" realm.

So much blood, even under the baptism of years, began to pass away some vitality, but still contains some indelible things.

With the cooperation of Jiang Li and Shu, he is now the Lord of the Promise, surpassing the existence of the Emperor.

Therefore, under the attack of Jiang Nalan, with the help of his attacking power, he can refine his blood and replenish himself.

He has been almost invincible since he captured the ancient wells.

Deep in the blood in the body, the **** in the world changes to Tianzun, and Jiang Li is able to swallow his vitality faster and faster, and even benefits several.

In particular, "number" can clearly see that Jiang Li has a drop of blood deep in his body. After the birth of Tianzun, he began to create the world in the blood, and in the depths of each world, there are large areas of Tiangong, and the mainland is born, and The human world contrast is more complete.

On the mainland, some are full of book air, some are pure martial arts, some are enchanting, some are righteous, some are conspiracy rules, and some are kings.

Thousands of red dust, gathered body, infinite possibilities, and develop each other.

This is Jiang Li.


Jiang Li was getting stronger and stronger, and stepped out again. Infinite Shenquan swept forward, all kinds of moves, infinite creation, infinite origin, infinite truth, etc. all disappeared. At this time, Shenquan had no moves.

Even infinite chaos and infinity are gone.

Infinite Fist, this time can be considered a great achievement.

Every punch of Jiang Li is a great move, and every action is a move of chaotic evolution.

Directly take the other person's soul, soul, and even the causal lines that are combined with all things in luck and meditation, fate entangled.

"Jiang Li, although you are strong, you are also strong, but I, Jiang Nalan, is now Heavenly Father, no, I just took the body of Heavenly Father, and is about to become a new Heavenly Emperor. You simply cannot understand, I have How powerful, I am now completely different from your imagination. "Jiang Nalan appeared a halo all over his body, this halo enveloped himself, making Jiang Li's boxing methods impossible to attack.

However, the "fantastic" boxing attacked halfway and actually flew upside down, scaring him to use his body skills to dodge again and again to escape.

"This person is so strong, we can't suppress it." It has been seen that Jiang Nalan is not what he can kill at all. Although the messenger of the world is strong, he is not the son of the chaos and the king of the world, so he can only stay away from the front. .

"That's not necessarily. He can't kill me, he can only increase my strength." Jiang Li launched a storm-like attack, and the boxing fought against Jiang Nalan, slamming it.

Each time Jiang Nalan's counterattack power was input into the ancient wells of beings, the blood deep in the ancient wells was refined again. Not only that, he also smashed his power and transformed it into chaos, and the ancient energy was automatically derived from the messenger of the world. Smashed again.

In this way, the light of reality shines on Jiang Li's head all the time, and he is completely valued by the material world.

Heavenly Father's transformed Jiang Nalan was simply injecting energy into him.

In successive battles, Jiang Nalan seemed to understand this, and he opened his eyes with anger: "Jiang Li, I know that you have seized the ancient well created by the immortal magic lamp star domain, which can absorb all attacking power and turn it into chaos. But I won't let you do what you want. There are always things that break your ancient well. I'm not yet familiar with the power of Heavenly Father. When I surrender to the origin of the light world and absorb the will of God, I can finally pinch you! "

Between words, he disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Li's successive attacks fell into the air.

"Go! Capture the eternal ancient well! The thing in the light world that I deserve most is the eternal ancient well!" Jiang Li did not stay at all. He knew that with the strength of Jiang Nalan, he could not suppress it now, but he was not in a hurry. Jiang Nalan had already Falling into the layout of Heavenly Father, death is sooner or later, and none of the ten Jiang Nalans is his opponent at all.

Of course, he also knows that I am afraid that he is caught in the layout of Yuanshi Tianwang. Ten of them are not opponents of Yuanshi Tianwang. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com is now riding the Yuanshi Heavenly King and has not yet recovered. .

There are many ways to master destiny, and he starts in many ways.


He must also start walking. He wants to take advantage of the sky when the light world is in turmoil. Now the light world is in a mess and fighting everywhere, it is the best time to seize the baby.

Between him and Jiang Li walking, he suddenly found that Jiang Li had a strong suction force in his body.

Suddenly, a few rays flew through the air, with an immortal breath.

"Immortal scriptures," he said in shock.

It turned out that Jiang Li absorbed a lot of Heavenly Father's blood, and his summoning ability was once again overbearing. He summoned the immortal scriptures remaining in the light world and reintegrated into his body.

There are 4 verses in the light world.

He has 92 verses of his own, and in doing so, he has a total of 96 verses.

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