Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 870: Big Dream Strikes

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870 Chapter 870

The dense and dense lines are connected to each other, which is the line of the void, inlaid into the ancient and vast chaos.

深 In the depth of chaos, it is the most powerful and original energy, and it is also necessary for the emperor to practice.

In a very early age, Jiang Li knew that absorbing energy began with reiki, then immortality, and finally chaos ancient energy.

In fact, after the cultivation of God, it is necessary to absorb high-level energy, and the chaos and ancient energy can ensure that he can promote cultivation. Why is it difficult for God to be promoted? In the final analysis, because energy is not easy to obtain, you cannot absorb the origin of a world, so the origin is angry and kills you directly, but it will absorb you into the depths of the origin.

Xun's practice also has the same goal. After getting the ancient chaos, he refined the ancient qi and evolved it into the energy he needed.

Anyway, chaos can be transformed into all things. As long as your skill is exquisite, it can be transformed into infinite innocence, immortality, and the essence of time, even the big Luo Fuyu, Wan Mo, Wan Sha, Yuan, Chun Yang ... .Various energy.

However, even if you practice to surpass the existence of the Great Emperor, you cannot absorb the ancient chaos. There is no way to have an endless stream of energy. You can only work hard to find the ancient energy or seek shelter everywhere.

Because of this, the gods and emperors in all realms are still very rare.

Any world is worried for energy.

After all, the ancient wells of Chaos are scarce. If you want to absorb the souls from all walks of life, that's a sloppy salary.

Fortunately, a large number of messengers of the world are now born. This is an opportunity for both souls to destroy and to be born again.

Jiang Lishen thought into the sword, to cut off the depths of the ancient well. The dense lines swallowed the ancient well, but encountered obstacles. His spiritual thoughts slashed down, and the ancient chaos seemed to anger. .

On top of his head, countless gods thunder condensed and turned into a dark cloud.

This dark cloud surging, Shen Lei tilted down, completely destroying the emperor completely, but Jiang Lihua turned into an infinite river, but instead absorbed the power of the Shen Lei, making the scale of the river began to expand.

Although Chaos God Thunder is a force for killing people, it is also energy. As long as it is energy, it can be transformed. From the perspective of Jiang Li, the magical spirit and the extinct gas can be transformed into the ancient chaos, and the ancient chaos can also be transformed. For these substances.

Everything as long as there is means.

He was squirming all over the body, incorporating the Shenlei attack into the long river, and at the same time cutting off the connection between the eternal ancient well and the void.

The God of Thunder is getting fiercer, chaos is angry.

The eternal ancient well is chaotic tentacle, and it can also be called chaotic eyes. When observing sentient beings, Jiang Li is now cutting off the tentacle of chaos, which can be described as the anger of heaven and no one can save him.

All the lines are cut off, all are roaring, shaking, and all are integrated into the infinite river. There are also some changes in the depth of the river. It seems that a spiritual spirit is born out of it. This spiritual spirit is closely related to Jiang Li's own spiritual spirit. It is another self with a different life essence.

The Infinite Long River is even absorbing the power of Wang Long and the Long River.

This was originally impossible, but when Jiang Li encountered a robber, he turned the impossible into possible.

Because the number of robbery of Chaos God Thunder is huge, the energy bombards the depths of the ancient wells of the beings, and it is almost impossible to dissolve, but Jiang Li has a way to start the sacrifice, and sacrifices the energy of this robbery to the two rivers. Down, gradually become their own.

This is equivalent to continuously injecting capital into a company, acquiring shares, and in the end, the company will become your own.

Of course, even with the help of Chaos God Thunder, Jiang Li cannot take the two rivers as his own. The difference in power is too great, but as this behavior is in progress, he has control over the two rivers. It is constantly strengthening.

Go on like this, no one can summon Changhe in the future except him.

Moreover, he still has a killer, that is, wishing for a god, this **** has not absorbed enough power, but it is almost the same. Once he has absorbed enough power and made a wish, he can even use it to resist the fate of the future. .

"Get me up!"

The **** Shenlei became more and more fierce, but Jiang Li was full of spirits, the river fluttered, and the chaos and robbery could not help him anymore. He once again mentioned violently that the ancient well was rising from the ground, and the sound of a huge break almost resounded throughout the light world.

Much of the space in Luguang Realm was shattered.

这个 Originally this thriving, tumor-like light world, success is also an eternal ancient well, and defeat is also an eternal ancient well.


Chaogujing was pulled out by Jiang Li, chaos was angry, it was real anger.

Jain black cloud **** thunder condensed into a sphere, turned into a streamer, threw it down, actually submerged in his body, and then you can see that Jiang Li's body began to swell and was about to explode.

Chaos explosion.

"Suppress me! The power of chaos is also limited, and I am truly unlimited." Jiang Li appeared more runes outside the body, these runes, such as shackles, locked themselves up, forbid that force to outward Blast and blast only inside.

Sure enough, a series of devastating fluctuations inside his body caused the blood to burst out, but the blood was turned into a shadow again and returned to the body again.

And when this eternal ancient well is pulled up, it will not enter Jiangli's body.

"Hahahaha ..." At this time, a voice passed over, "Lord of the earth, thank you for braving the chaos to help me collect the eternal ancient well, I want this ancient well, you can forget it, there is already in your body The existence of Furui. "

Accompanied by the sound, a large hand landed.

His big hand came down from the sky. This big hand is purple and green, with a pure flavor of immortality, more life with heaven and earth, beyond the power and breath of the emperor.

Xun is beyond the existence of the emperor, but this person is very familiar and is an old opponent of immortal world.

Big Dream Prince!

Prince Damen actually surpassed the emperor.

He was originally one of the most powerful emperors. He mastered the Wanbao River, controlled the heavenly courts, controlled the immortal realm, and sacrificed the spirits. He was recognized and seated, and even the son of the immortal immortal could not help him.

However, since he settled in the throne, there has been no major movement. In forbearance and construction, it seems that he is accumulating strength, sacrificing in secret, and has not completed the great event of the return of the forged jade dish with the immortal tower universe brain.

主人 The masters of the two holy places are still blaming him for his bad work.

In fact, he secretly promoted his cultivation and became a master who surpassed the emperor. He lives with the earth and enjoys the atmosphere. Now he takes the power of the fairyland and descends. He must not only take the eternal ancient well away from the river, but also strike Kill him.

The big dream Prince Prince is the enemy of the human world.

"The eternal ancient well must be the eternal ancient well." Jiang Li knew that Prince Dream could be promoted, it must be because of the problem of eternal ancient well. In the fairyland, there is an eternal ancient well, which was originally connected to the world, but since the master Prince dreamed of heaven After that, she lost contact, and it was clear that Gujing must have been mastered by Prince Dream.

I own an ancient well, and it is common to repair it for ascension.

And now, in the depths of Gujing, the messengers of the world are being suppressed and suppressed, and the true light is gained. Prince Dream practiced more quickly. It may be due to some coincidence that there is no immortal scripture. He has also won blessings from a long time and has achieved great achievements.

Minjiang has been unable to be promoted for a long time. The external reason is secondary. The main reason is that he only cultivates the avenue and creates a foundation that his predecessors did not create. Therefore, it is so difficult. Others are simpler and easier than him.

Of course, as long as his practice is successful, he will overwhelm many masters with the same life in the world.

Prince Damen caught it, the mighty powers deterred the heavens, and the strongest voice broke out in his mouth, turning it into a will, so that everyone knows: "Lord of the earth, I know your cultivation is not beyond Great Emperor, is still the realm of Great Emperor. Do n’t think that I do n’t know. Your current practice is only the master and daughter who have captured the cosmic brain star domain. With the Promise brain, you become the Promise Lord. Compared to me Come, there is still a realm, you, the human world is not as strong as you think, but it has great potential. Once the human world develops, the world will collapse, and the human world is now a fragrant, as long as you enter it, Grab anyone who possesses the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King and the soul of the heavens of the universe, and will get part of the treasure of the Yuanshi Heavenly King. "

His big hand continues to grab it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, his voice continues to pass.

"Dear everyone, I will tell you the secrets of Yuanshi Tianwang ’s treasures. The treasures of Yuanshi Tianwang are endless, because in the depths of the celestial sphere, the power of chaos and antiquity is being absorbed. Those antiquity are constantly brewing and become countless. Congenital spirit treasure, a magic weapon that is only found in various chaos. It is not a simple treasure, but a factory that makes chaotic magic soldiers. However, it is impossible for people without opportunities to get the treasure. As long as Yuanshi Tianwang As soon as the treasure is opened, the treasures that fly out will fall on the bodies of those purely bloodied people in the human world. At that time, you will find nothing. The only way is to arrest those humans. Just grab one and seal it. At that time, the magic weapon will fly to you automatically, and the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang is also the most important reliance on surmounting the chaos. Everyone, the human realm is a tumor and must be destroyed! "

His will not only spread to the light world, but even began to spread to every corner.

Deep in Wan Wanjie, some sleeping power in space and time heard his words and began to wake up.

At this moment, he does have such a strength, because he is beyond the existence of the emperor, and he has mastered the heaven, the master of the immortal world, the supremacy, the first of all realms, and the general situation has become. Information is naturally prepared.

If he tells lies, it must hurt his luck.

"This person ..." Jiang Li was almost full of anger, but he was deeply hidden, and the murder had already begun. (To be continued)

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