Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 877: Captive

The twelve bronze masked emperors, all of them are leaders in the emperor. This is nothing. Their power is far less than that of Jiangli. But when united, they can form a large array and summon the power of the other side. Then go beyond Great Emperor.

However, compared with the infinite color of the river of blood of the current incarnation of Jiang Li, they are far worse. They are like wild beasts experiencing flash floods. They can only watch the disaster coming and listen to the fate of the sky.

No suspense.

completely annihilated.

This infinite blood-colored river, the mighty power is comparable to ancient chaos. After swallowing up the twelve bronze masked emperors, it did not fail, and swept across Jia again.

This is all power in the human world.


After Jiang Li swallowed up the twelve bronze masked emperors, the strength in his body rose again and again, he put all the power of these twelve emperors into the wish god.

This celestial body was spinning slowly in the body, and it seemed that a peerless fetal fetus would be born, and in the depth of that fetal fetus, the strongest messenger of the world would be born.

Jiang Li knows that the annihilation messenger evolved from the wish of God, it must be very tyrannical, but after killing, he has almost obtained a lot.

Now, he will kill the presence of the surpassing emperor in front of him in one fell swoop, destroying the power of the other side!

Even on the other side, the existence and surpassing of the Great Emperor must be very precious. Killing one less one, especially the existence of the Great Emperor, is probably one of the highest leaders.


He urged the endless river of blue blood, spreading the sky, and once again swept towards Jia, even if Jia escaped, he could not escape the boundless river.

"The other side of God's fist, destroy chaos, transcendence!"

Jia stood still and his eyes bloomed with the strongest brilliance. Under that brilliance, unparalleled boxing skills were revealed, a straight sword with a sharp edge cut across the river.

Long river sunset.

Kendo is sky-high.

However, Jiang Li urged the infinite river to go around again, winding around like a snake.

Feng Man suddenly became dim. The long river penetrated, and the Feng Man became a green color, stained with blue blood. The vastness of the human world deeply affected his originally pure and immaculate heart.

Hum ...

Jiang Li abruptly punched out of the long river and struck his head.

Jia Changxiao repeatedly waved the iron fist and smashed at Jiang Li's avatar.

The two were fighting together in the sky.

In the depths of the human world, earth-shaking changes also occurred at this time. Groups of humans gathered together with firmness on their faces and piousness and wisdom in their eyes. They shouted in unison: "It was the people on the other side who came to attack , Our world is the strongest, even if the other side is under the repression of the world, it will be completely wiped out! "

Hum ...

Human beings are under pressure, releasing all their potential.

"The strength of the other side, bless me!"

Suddenly, Jia was roaring again, and Yuanshen turned into a bright light, which appeared above his head. In the bright light, the shadow of the ninety-nineth floor ship appeared, and that floor ship was the other bank.

The forces on the other side were oppressed again, and this time the oppression was even greater than the last time.


The infinite blood of Jiang Li's infinitely long river actually faded, showing that the power of the human world is still insufficient.

"Human world, this time rebelling against my rule will undoubtedly die!" Jia's voice resembled Hong Zhongda Lu, resounding through the heavens and the earth, his majesty and **** in the sky, relying on one person to suppress the whole world.

Deep in the other side, in the building ship, there are nine or nine magical awns connected together, converging above him, and turning into a huge universe.


The universe seems to be a **** flower that blooms slowly. Among the **** flowers is the universe, and the universe is the **** flower. This **** flower rotates with each other, separates chaos, transcends the mundane, and breaks the constraints of all realms.

This is the lore of the lore, and the invincible peerlessness of the other side blooms.

The other side of the **** flower appeared, evolved the universe, suppressed the human world, and the surrounding starry sky began to collapse, and the human world was completely isolated.

"That being the case, don't blame me." Jiang Li felt the unparalleled pressure, knowing that he would not kill the show this time to kill him, I'm afraid there would be no chance.

His eyes shot out to destroy all will.

"The fall of all realms, the esteem of the human world, the rise of a universe must be accompanied by blood and fire. The world is so big, and sin is in me, not in the world, millions of bloodlines, all open!" His will passed to the world In the world.


Among the human world, there are a million strong people, and the curse of the Heavenly Father is turned on, showing the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King and the body of all realms.

Their body is simply composed of small particles of Wanjie.

Once awakened, everyone is madly absorbing the energy of Wanjie, and the origin of Wangjie cannot be stopped.

It's crackling ... Kacha Kacha ... You can see vaguely, some small universes begin to collapse and disintegrate.

The absorptive power at the moment when millions of people in the human world opened the curse is simply amazing.


Jiang Li's body erupted again, huge energy burst into the sky, and the blood of the infinite river was everywhere between heaven and earth. That blood contaminated the heavens, penetrated into the depths of the void, and destroyed the shadow on the other side.

"Damn! The potential of the human world is so huge, I don't believe it!" Jia just felt out of breath, and based on his cultivation, he couldn't compete with it. He knew immediately that the situation was critical. , I am afraid that he will drink the hate on the spot for his practice beyond the emperor.

He spit out blood.

Suddenly, the blood turned into bright light again, and in the bright light, the other side appeared again.

This time the other side is more real.

It seems that you can see who is on each floor of the ninety-nine-story ship, where the gods practice, the emperor sits in the middle, and some female emperors dance on it, praising the greatness of the other side.

"five million!"

At this time, Jiang Li knew that if he persisted, it would be difficult for him to defeat Ga. This time, the human world was cut out and the blood seal was opened. Although very powerful, the energy became a problem.

But at this moment, we ca n’t take care of it so much. First, unlock the seals of sentient beings.

Under Jiang Li's will, another five million humans unlocked the curse of the blood of Heavenly Father. These five million people roared together. At least there were small universes among the three or five realms, all of which collapsed, even heavenly will. All are absorbed, and three or five small universes disappear forever in the realm.


Jiang Li growled again.

His infinite river has increased again. Five million humans who have unsealed their seals are terrible. It is even more than five million more gods, no! It is the noblest and more powerful descendant of Yuanshi Tianwang, the strongest race of the soul body of the universe.

No race is more noble than a human being who unseals his seal.

At this time, human beings are the kings of all races.


The other shore, which was originally alive, was instantly shattered, and the vast river wrapped "Ga" in it, making him difficult to move.

"Save me!" At this time, Gaga was not his opponent, and he sent a signal for help.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed, everything was under control, and the endless atmosphere of the other side appeared again in the sky above the human world. A large hand appeared out of thin air, and the large hands were densely patterned, very majestic, reversing everything, and opposing chaos.


The big hand only fished like a fish in the water, and he took Jia out of the infinite river of blood, and at the same time he flicked his finger again, and saw the seals. The oppression seemed to sink the bottom of the earth, and he could no longer stand up.

"Thousands of humans, the seal is opened!"

Jiang Li didn't want to think about it. Since he was in the first day, he didn't mind doing fifteen. More and more seals were opened at once, and deep horizontal suction appeared again in the depth of the opened seal, and even large hands were sucked.

The river once swelled from the infinite river. Although it is still a long way from the river of mighty spirit, the river of kings, and the river of killing, it is its own river that can use all its power.

With a mighty power, Changhe once broke through the big hand and sealed Ga in it again.

The big hand spread out, and anger continued: "Human world, dare to attack my other side, in the future, it will certainly perish!"

But at this time, only ruthless words can be said.

It seems that the other side has not yet fully arrived in the world, and has been limited by some meditation.

The big hand was broken, and Jia fell into the long river, seals, wrapped him completely, and returned to the world.

In another battle between the other side and the human world, a master who surpassed the emperor was sent out. Between the rivals, he had collapsed. The twelve bronze masked emperors were killed and captured "Ga".

Actually sealed the existence of surpassing the Great.

But this does not depend on Jiang Li's own strength. His own strength is slightly inferior to Shanga.

However, the whole world is united in one mind, waving indefinitely, the world is changing, and Jia can only be in prison, and can no longer escape.

This can be described as inevitable.

But Jiang Li was not happy, because now there are more than 16 million humans in the human world who have unsealed their seals. It was only a few hundred thousand, and it was still under control, but 16 million, even sincere Really protect the human world, but their daily throughput changes and the energy they consume is simply not sustainable in the human world.

If the energy of all realms is absorbed, it will cause public outrage.

Now the boss is in trouble.

In addition, 16 million humans, www.wuxiaspot.com, have all become high-level, and their interests are not well distributed. Once resentment is caused, the human world may collapse.

What is more difficult is that Jiang Li cannot use force to suppress, because this will only be counterproductive. He can only use rules to convince people, so that he can maintain the unity of the human world.

"Things are in trouble."

Jiang Li returned to the human world, and the long river dispersed.

And Jia started to move, but he was still sealed, Jiang Li suppressed his Yuanshen with his own Yuanshen, causing the strongest damage to him, and the power in his body continued to flow away.

"Abominable!" Gamanwan didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of Jiang Li. He almost fainted with anger and surpassed the dignity of the emperor's realm.

How could each of these surpassing the presence of the Great Emperor scare the heavens into a captive?

"I want your world to be destroyed, I want you to sink forever, I want you to destroy the race!"

He launched the art of self-destruction!

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