Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 885: 3 reappear

Even though Jiang Nalan and Prince Dameng had invincible abilities, at this time, they could not play out, and they were all killed by Jiang Li's restraint.

They entrusted Wanbao Changhe in the void, and it has become a complete success. They want to bring the human world into their pockets and collect the vacuum hometown. They have the upper hand. The universe also killed this big universe into the fairyland.

At this instant, he gained the power of the great shore.

He also used his means to use the wind to shake people's hearts and use the identity of Heavenly Father of Jiang Nalan, which caused the hatred of the heavenly will and turned to support him.

Repeated means, it really defeated the two together.

Even if there are thousands of means, they are not Jiang Li's opponents at all. Jiang Li did not defeat them from the strength, but completely defeated them intellectually.


Jiang Li concentrated all his forces and came to attack.

The heavens and the earth are rotating, the immortal world and the human world are deeply integrated, and between the vitality of the two, there are signs of collapse or rebirth everywhere.

The bad place collapsed and was reborn again.

The good thing is to continue strengthening.

This is the means of Jiang Li. The immortal world and the human world make up for each other, and the vitality exchanges with each other, forming a kind of yin and yang balance.

Heaven has heaven, earth has earth.

Heaven is healthy and self-improving.

The tunnel is thick and moral.

The immortal realm is heaven, and the human realm is earth.

Heaven and earth blend, evolve, and infinite truth is in it.

Heaven is the rule, the source of the Tao, and earth, the habitat of the soul.

There is no loophole in fairyland and the world.

"Are we going to die? I'm not willing!" Prince Dream only felt that he had lost contact with Wanbao Changhe. He had detached himself from the Throne of Good Fortune, and could not sit still in this position. He thought that The practice of his own Lord of the Immortal Realm is constantly being deprived.

Jiang Nalan was roaring again and again, but in his seriousness, he only saw that the heavens and earth were expanding indefinitely, and all realms had disappeared, or in other words, he could not sense the realms.

All realms have become heaven and earth. From then on, there is only one day, one place.

Every day will disappear, and the universe is unified.

At this scale, even if he has any great magical power, it will not help.

"I want to go against the sky and reverse my destiny. I don't believe that you Jiangli will be my nemesis!" Jiang Nalan once again inspired the potential of Heavenly Father. He turned into Heavenly Father and began to practice his own cultivation.


Jiang Li didn't give him this opportunity at all, but he waved his hands again, and the sky was falling apart. "Jiang Nalan, I'm not your nemesis. Your nemesis is the world, all beings of heaven. The place where luck is gathered. God gave up. So, even if you get more things, you will be ashamed. "


Jiang Nalan ignored Jiang Li ’s statement: "Cang Sheng abandoned me, and I would destroy Cang Sheng. No matter how powerful things are in my eyes, even the hair is not considered! Jiang Li, you cannot kill me . "

"is it?"

Jiang Li's body broke away from the depths of the infinite river. It is transparent, and its cultivation has increased again. At the moment when the world has turned into a big universe, his cultivation has at least doubled, because in the depths of the vacuum hometown, there is actually Although the origin of time is not enough to make him a master of the same life in the world, it also means that he has swallowed a master like "Ga".

Originally, if he wanted to be promoted to heaven and earth, he needed to devour at least ten masters like "Jia". This is still a conservative estimate. If other changes occur, he may need more.

Now his strength is no longer comparable to that of Jiang Nalan and Prince Dream.

Jiang Li transformed all the energy of the whole body into infinite blood, and turned himself into the realm of the world. In his body's 12,960 drops of blood, the universe moved extremely fast, among which there were many creatures. Not illusory, but real beings.

In other words, if Jiang Li dies, he will evolve into the realm.

Of course, this also requires his strength to be strengthened again.

Hum ...

Jiang Li shot repeatedly.


One punch hit Jiang Nalan's body, Jiang Nalan's torso split open, and he had no ability to fight back at all.

"Give me your bones!"

Jiang Li grabbed it again, and cut his palm into Jiang Nalan's chest fiercely, grabbing his ribs, and seemed to grab the whole skeleton alive from his body.

The skeleton is not his, but the Father ’s. If this skeleton is obtained, it may prevent Heaven ’s Father from making a comeback. Jiang Li knows that there must be the Father ’s God in the depths of Yuanshi ’s treasure. The book is most likely the Heavenly Father Yuan Shen, sealed by Yuan Shi Tian Wang, and when he opens the treasure, he will come out.

Obtaining Heavenly Father's bones at the moment, refining in the body, infinite evolution is the most important.

"No!" Jiang Nalan watched as his body was being pulled out inch by inch, and his face finally showed a horrified look.

At this time, the wind of wind also came, and her body became huge. In the immortal world, she was invincible. Especially after she was promoted to emperor, she became more intense.

In fairyland, her will is the will of heaven, and her cultivation is the origin of fairyland.

"Prince Dream, all those who got me will return, heaven is mine, and you are also my slave!" Xun Feng's body actually sits on the throne of fortune.

In the depths of the throne, many breaths were subject to her, and even some of the original spirits in the heavenly courts did not act. The original spirits were loyal to Prince Dream, because Prince Dream gave them sacrifice. The immortal world brought order to the yin and yang. Those heroes can no longer do transgression, only to suppress it and become the patron saint of heaven, and listen to the Lord of the immortal wholeheartedly.


Prince Dream was crushed by howling wind and was almost out of breath.

"Great wear and tear!"

In the fairyland situation, Jiang Li is still agitating divine power.

Prince Damen and Jiang Nalan fought back and forth to no avail.

Both were dying.

However, at the end, a large grinding disc appeared in the sky, and they had to be combined to crush the two into powder.


At this time, suddenly a big hand appeared in the depths of the void. All the big hands were gathered by the stars. Years passed, and they were caught in the immortal world. With a single wave, they were about to die, Prince Edward and Jiang Nalan. Take it away.

The speed is fast and the power is so strong that even Fengfeng and Jiangli can't react.

I only saw that this big hand came from the three-dimensional universe.

The strength and breath of this big hand even surpassed the Yuanshi Heavenly King and Heavenly Father, reaching a deeper level of realm that no one can match.

"What the **** is that?" Jiang Li was about to completely kill and kill the two. Suddenly, such a thing happened. He immediately looked into the depths of the three-dimensional universe, and immediately saw an incredible scene.

In the depths of the three-dimensional universe, a young boy appeared faintly, exactly the same as the last time to rescue the Demon King.

"The reincarnation of the three-dimensional Universe God's Will has succeeded."

Between his fingers, Chang Xiao repeatedly said, "Human world, immortal world, break away!"

The entire world of human beings changed each other, then turned into light, and flew out of the immortal realm. In the depths of time and space turbulence, they found a place, suddenly settled down, and successfully promoted the universe.

Jiang Li looked at it and found that among the realms, the human world is the brightest. Even the immortal world, although vast, is not as concentrated and pure as the human world.

Originally, the human world was the most mixed, and it was impossible to be pure, but now it shows the opposite attitude.

"Finally turning the world into the universe!"

Meng Zhiyu feels her own power. She is completely the emperor, and her fighting power surpasses the emperor, and she can already stand by with the emperor.

Because, she inherited the power of vacuum hometown.

Originally, if she absorbed the vacuum hometown, her cultivation would also skyrocket.

However, it is not as good as the vacuum hometown's integration into the human world. The human world can already compete with the three realms of martial arts, magic, and dragon.

The Three Realms are in it.

She is equivalent to becoming one of the creators of the human world. Between breathing, no matter where you are, you can summon the great power of the human world.

Human world communicates everywhere.

She looked at Wanjie, and found that the human world can really stand up against martial arts, magic, and dragons in energy and energy. It is not weak, and the human world is vigorous and breaks everything. It is not comparable to the three realms at all. .

"We finally succeeded and turned into a big universe ..." Everyone was in tears, waiting for a long time and finally waiting until today, the human world can have such great achievements, all relying on Jiangli, of course, everyone's Work hard.

"Domineering! Simply domineering!"

The numbers are pale and seem to feel that the rise of the human world is irresistible. One of them is the princess of the brain of the universe and the other is a special existence among the messengers of the world. When the human world is promoted, they are among them. Feel the same.

At this moment, everyone in the human world undergoes a physical change.

Originally, the average vitality of the human world was dozens.

But now, the average vitality of each person has reached hundreds!

In other words, even a newly born baby is close to the saint, and after a few years of growth, the baby is the saint.

Of course, this is the first round of indigenous people. Everyone has enjoyed the bonus of the promotion of the universe. After the next stabilization, no such thing will happen. There must be ordinary mortals in the human world. Otherwise, how could this happen? Become human?

Of course, the human world is just a rudiment now. The ideal of Jiang Li, the human world is not what it is now.

The human world, at least, must integrate more worlds, and be united with the fairy world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ absorb the ancient chaos and expand again before it can evolve into his ideal.

Ideal country.

But at this moment, Feng Feng was left in the immortal realm. She sat on the throne of the throne of fortune and summoned the immortals. Sure enough, she had more summoning power than Prince Dream.

She retired in the fairy realm, and even many of the great emperors who fled from the fairy realm returned fiercely. They came to heaven to worship, and many of His Majesty's original princes were convinced to follow her.

From this we can see how unpopular Prince Taimeng is.

She wants to stay in the fairy realm and master the power, so that the fairy realm will be unified, and then she will return the forged jade dish, and finally merge with the human realm to become the red world and the ideal country.

The Providence of the Fairyland is also happy to do so.

The heavenly will of the immortal world itself has no self. As long as you know that your world is overbearing and powerful for world development, you will support it.

The immortal realm and the human realm are fused together. It is not who devours who but who becomes a great being.

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