Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 896: Unyielding 1 punch

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Chapter 896: Unyielding Fist

Minjiang Li hated the maid of the first emperor.

Yes, there is nothing wrong, that is hate.

Although he was basically polite to women, the maid in front of him was completely different. He first appeared suddenly and snatched away the messenger from Jiuyang. He also insulted him all the time, saying that Jiang Li was created by the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and he was a humble existence. At the same time, it is still high, as if the servants of a large family are teaching slaves.


Qijiang Li broke out with the strongest kill.

决心 He is determined to suppress this woman.

女 The girl ’s hole cards are all revealed. Even if you use the power of thousands of Qiuqi to summon the long river of fate, you can resolve it. What are you afraid of?

Isn't this woman able to summon the Yuanshi Heavenly King?

Minjiang Li absorbed the power of the fate of the long river and melted in the blood. At this moment, his power is not the same as the fighting just now.

With a single blow, I brought the fate of rotation to capture the magical power of Qian Kun.

The maid's body shook, and a fierce flame came out from behind, blocking the killing, and then a few jumps, getting closer and closer, facing Jiang Li within a range that was almost suitable: "Jiang Li, it seems you are not dead Heart, I just let you go. You dare to chase it down.

"Have you let me go." Jiang Li smiled coldly. "It doesn't seem like you thought you hurt me, afraid that my human world would urge you to fight back against you, but I don't know. My bloodline is so strange that it can melt. The power of the long river of destiny has caused you to miscalculate. Maybe your appearance is a chess piece of the King of Heaven. You want to control me completely, but now I know you can't control it at all. You control many people, among them The son of destiny, the son of the other bank. In this way, even if the Yuanshi Heavenly King can't take me away, he can take the child of destiny, or the son of the other bank, or completely merge the two together and seize the house together. "

"It seems that you are undead, you do not repent, there is no cure, you are ill." The maid shook her head. "Since then, you are not qualified to hold the key to the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, and Yuanshi Tianren will give you up, the key, and bring it here. ! "

He didn't know what the maid had done.

Suddenly, a small amount of attractive force was transmitted from her body, and that power actually drew the key to the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang.

This treasure key is inside Jiang Lishen 冇, and it is really wrapped in flesh and blood, trying to refine it.

However, now he is urged by invisible divine power to fly out, not his.

"Well, I counted this trick long ago." Jiang Li was not surprised at all, his body shook, and the infinite river came again, suppressing the treasure key: "Actually, this treasure key was formed by the five emperors' magic weapons. Not only the five emperors, but even the five emperors are also the calculations of the first emperor. The spiritual emperor is the clone of the first emperor. The first emperor wanted to master the immortal world. Unfortunately, the immortal heaven knows this. The number of robberies fell, and the plan of the King of Heaven began to fail. So he sent another big dream prince, but was destroyed by the wind. Now, the reincarnation of the five emperors is also in my hands. The five emperors ’magic weapons are in their hands. The magic weapon of the five emperors and the luck of the reincarnation of the five emperors are also mine. The messenger of the world is definitely the product of chaos and the game of Yuanshi Tianwang. "

Suddenly, Jiang Jiangli pumped out his absolute power, deep in the human world, secretly chanting the infinite curse, and his luck was combined with Jiang Li.

Suddenly that luck, including chaotic will, landed on Jiang Li's body, and immediately suppressed the key of restlessness. Jiang Li was progressing again, a **** fist.

Infinite Divine Fist broke out, blasted through time and space, and fell on the maid's body.

The servant girl rubbed the magic lamp, and the magic lamp burst into flames to cover herself.

Unparalleled flame, turned into a light of protection, no matter how fierce the Jiang Li's fist is, it can completely resist.

Minjiang was squirming from his body, trembling, with unpredictable and changeable fronts, and his entire person became a Zen machine, a prophecy, and a change in the past, present, and future III.

Enlightened person.


His breath, luck, all hit out.

"I have lived forever and never have reincarnation. In this life, I am vigorous." Jiang Li vowed, which is in the infinite fist, unlimited vow.

He gave up all the reincarnation, in exchange for the potential of thousands of generations, gathered in one, is a punch.

With his cultivation of this level, even if he died, he completely disappeared, but he could still have some chances, and at the appropriate time, he would be fully resurrected, just like Yuanshi Tianwang and Heavenly Father.

Because, even if he dies and is completely destroyed, in the depth of history and destiny, he can still retain the immortal prestige. This prestige is the opportunity, the opportunity, and the harmony, and at the appropriate time, he will be born again.

This is the deepest potential.

However, Jiang Li now urges the infinite **** fist, gives unlimited vows, abandons this opportunity, not the rebirth of reincarnation, in exchange for the immense fierceness of this life, as long as this life dies, he is completely destroyed and there is no opportunity to return again.

The chance of reincarnation thousands of centuries focused on this punch.

多 How big is his determination and how strong is his perseverance? How strong is his killing?

Qianbaishi gave up reincarnation in exchange for this punch.

Wherever the fist fists, even the chaos retreats, the heavens sink, and the void dodges.

A man can win the day.

I'm not wrong, this is the punch that man can win.

Where the oath is, the ghost and **** submit.


I exploded everywhere, and there was flame everywhere.

I did not extinguish the magic lamp, but was turned on by Jiang Li's fist, and the flame would go out at any time.

Qiujiang Li was another punch, covering eight wastelands, nine poles collapsed, the fist was launched, and invincible.

Buzz ... The flame was actually killed, leaving a trail of smoke.

Qiujiang took a sip from Zhangkou, all the flames were sucked into the body, transformed into each other, and became his own energy. He seemed to be ingesting the first kind of fire.

"Do not extinguish the magic lamp, bring it to me! This treasure belongs to the human world!"

Minjiang Li grabbed his hands again and wanted to incorporate the immortal magic lamp into his body.


The maid also spit out blood and dyed time and space, and her eyes were frightened: "You ... you are so cruel and ruthless, in order to kill me, give up your chance of thousands of reincarnation, and force your potential in the punch, you must know such Come, you will encounter great calamities in the future, and you will perish, and you will never be reborn again. "

"Life is alive, but please be vigorous and happy. Why do you ask for reincarnation?" Jiang Li's body spread out and turned into a long river again, surrounding the maid. This woman must be suppressed and taken away from her body. The secrets of Yuanshi Tianwang, to further understand the deepest things in Yuanshi Tianwang's treasure.


The maidservant Fengmu opened her eyes. In her heart, there was a cloud of smoke, and then she suddenly looked into the depths of nothingness. She stared into the three-dimensional universe, and finally locked on the heavenly sphere.

"Earth of All Realms, that eternal contract, Yuanshi Heavenly King, the human you created, now betrayed you, I came to you in accordance with your will, to capture the sons of chaos, to destroy reincarnation, but now, your chess piece will jump out Chessboard, please show up now, put it back on the board, or give up this **** ... "The maiden's word appeared in the prayer.


一 As soon as this prayer was spoken, the celestial sphere in the depths of the three-dimensional universe suddenly seemed to shake, and then disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, Wanjie Celestial Ball broke from the three-dimensional universe and reached Jiang Li's body.

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓 ...

Qiujiang never expected that the eternal celestial celestial sphere would actually fly out of the three-dimensional universe and come to the top of his head.

A great shadow appeared on the celestial sphere of Wanjie. The shoulder of this shadow was against Wanjie, and the top was tearing the void, pointing to chaos.

This is King of Heaven.

Manjie celestial sphere smashed down.

"Okay!" Since Jiang Li gave up the reincarnation of thousands of generations, he didn't care about any terror. He didn't have the slightest terror in his heart, but instead promoted his cultivation.

Under the crushing of the heavens of the universe, his infinite road has been promoted to the strongest extreme.

I seem to be breaking through.

He condensed 101 rules and reached the realm of transcending the road of destiny. Once he united successfully, it was tantamount to overtaking destiny, and the infinite river would essentially exceed destiny.

"Heavenly King, you said that the Infinite Avenue is yours, but you have just instilled me in the meditation. In fact, this is not possible, because if you create the Infinite Avenue, you will surpass fate, Now the long river of destiny hangs high in the sky, and the infinite river has deeply imprinted my divine thought, my soul. "Jiang Li was another punch.

His back was erect and straight, there was no curve, he just didn't bend down, and even if he was crushed to pieces, he would never bend his knees.

Iron bone 铮铮.

This punch is an indomitable punch that breaks the fate of fate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The punch of breaking superstition.

For a long time.

The prestige of the King of the Yuan Dynasty is simply that the world is invincible, and no one can match it. Even if he left behind something and got one, it would be enough to cross the heavens. He has become a myth and an inviolable truth.

But now, Jiang Li is about to break this taboo.

He is himself, not the Yuanshi Tianwang chess piece, nor anyone's chess piece, let alone chaotic plaything.

His soul is absolutely free.

This fist is a fist in pursuit of self-reliance. It does not represent itself, but the world has an unyielding and free spirit.

The fist broke through all realms.

Hit his fist, and collide with the crushed Realm of Heaven.

Wanjie celestial sphere flickered, and returned to the original place again. It was the original position of the earth, and it did not seem to have moved. However, Jiang Li's body disintegrated and disappeared completely, as if it had fallen to ashes, and his body was destroyed.

But the maid was sweating so much, there was a lot of blood on her body, and blood appeared like a gush of blood, and a horrible look appeared on her face: "How could she not die?"

In her feelings, Jiang Li has not died yet.

{Dragon and Snake 2 on the WeChat public account has reached 120,000 characters, chapter 73. It is definitely fat. If you do not add this public account, you can immediately add it. Or you can directly search for the dream machine and you can see it. } (To be continued)

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