Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 898: 100 million wake up

The messenger of Jiuyang extinction screamed twice, but was divided up by Wan Qianqiu and Xuanyuan, and they were all inhaled into the body. Each of them shared half of the vitality, breathed and swallowed, and the changes were infinite. Chiaki breathed a little, and the power of the river of destiny focused on his body, causing the body of the immortal lamp to shake violently.

On the other side of Xuanyuan was a mantra, and the shadow of the other side of the ninety-nine-story ship appeared behind it.

"Now the other bank is hosted by three masters, 谛, 湮, and Luo. Everyone has at least three or more reincarnations, making you unable to return to the other bank. Although the ownership of the other bank is yours, you have the right to use and control it. In the hands of these three old antiques, if you want to be the true master of the other side, you still need to cultivate and have the best chance. "Maid Road.

"How about that?" Xuanyuan's ferocious gods on the other side: "Now, I am on my own, and I am going to gradually surpass the emperor. As long as I devour the messenger of the world, I can feel the origin of time stored in it, and summon it, it can also be absorbed. Become overlord. "

"Alas, alas, Luo Sanzun's old antiques, ambitious, seems to want to command the heavens, with all one mind, condensing the true meaning, and countering the ancient chaos, we are also in their calculations." Wan Qianqiu said: "Fate tell me, this The three are also enemies. "

"Yes, the three are the biggest enemies, but now the Lord of the Earth has become a climate that is difficult to destroy. This time, I tried to suppress him, but it was unsuccessful. Instead, he has become an infinite body. As long as he is prepared, You can turn Infinite Avenue into 101 rules. At that time, the realm is ascended, and even the ancient wells in the body are used to summon endless ancient qi. From the ancient qi, extract the origin of long rivers of time without directly concentrating all the immortality. The scriptures are up. "The maid was calculating the changes in Jiang Li's practice.

Indeed, chaos can create everything. As long as you have exquisite means and strong power, you have enough chaos to recreate the jade dish from which it is not impossible.

It is even possible to shape another bank.

The river of time is also generated after the chaotic big bang.

Therefore, Jiang Li can completely condense the origin of the long river from the depth of chaos.

His current strength is not enough, but after condensing the 101 rules of Infinite Avenue, it is completely OK.

At that time, no one knows how far he will dominate.

"He is collecting the blood world." Wan Qianqiu looked and saw that the infinite river of human world enveloped the blood world and began to penetrate, and the blood world did not stop, nor did the jade burn, but began very happy. Fusion, evolved into all kinds of **** fog.

In the blood world, the demon heads were panicked, but under the strong envelopment of the human world, the only end of those devil heads was their extinction.

Demon heads, blood demon, the world does not need, you must seize and sacrifice to the source, so that the human world can maintain peace and clarity, at the same time for the blood world Providence, those devil are also tumors, now Wrapping it in the human world and killing those demon heads is also equivalent to performing a large surgery for it, not to mention the tumor, but also to make it glow with a new luster.

Sure enough, the original decadent blood world, with the devil's head constantly being refined and sacrificed, the poison and resentment was removed, and a bright red light actually appeared.

Originally seen in the void, the drop of blood in the blood world was decaying and smelly, almost similar to the underworld, but now it is shining, fragrant, and transforming from an evil world into a just world.

The blood world has actually become a pure source world.

That pure blood can make all the masters in the heavens salivate, but this drop of blood will be integrated into the world.

If it was Taikoo Power who was forced to collect the blood world, then the will of the blood world would fight back, even if the world was destroyed, the world would be destroyed.

The whole blood world will fight back. At that time, even the three esteems on the other side could not bear it, but Jiang Li is now the son of the blood world. Adhering to the will of the blood world, the blood world will be disordered anyway. What is even more mysterious is that although the messenger of the world swallowed the son of the blood world, Jiang Li beheaded and killed the messenger of the world, to some extent, Jiang Li was the true son of the blood world.

Maybe, this is where everything has a fixed number.

The heavens shook.

Are watching the changes in the human world and the blood world.

Because this is something that never happened, one big universe swallowed the other, and it swallowed so smoothly. l

The promotion of the universe to the human world is a major event in itself, and all masters know that this is a great existence comparable to the immortal world, and can become the leader of the heavens in the future.

The blood world is an old-fashioned universe with strong roots. Although it is chaotic and degraded, it still remains inexhaustible, and it is almost the first evil world under the devil world.

These magnificent universes are actually swallowed and refined by human world. What kind of realm will the origin of human world expand to?


At this moment, a big hand came out of the sky, not from the material world, but from the depths of the void outside the material world. This big hand directly caught the blood world and seemed to want to bring the whole blood world. Both are ingested and cannot be obtained by the human world.

"The other side is powerful!"

When Jiang Li saw it, it was the power from the other side. It might even be one of the puppets, puppets, and Luo. The big hand came fiercely, even if it was repaired as the soaring Jiang Li, it could not be resisted.

However, Jiang Li has known for a long time that he has refined the blood world and merged into the world. This kind of movement is too vast, and he will definitely be robbed.

"Good time!" He had long been prepared. "Human world, promoted again, 50 million humans, open the curse!"

Bang bang bang ...

In the human world, the sounds of one after another are heard, it is the other human beings on the earth, and they have opened the curse and changed into the body of all realms, the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King.

No, they are not the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, but the infinite blood after passing through the infinite avenue.

This infinite bloodline not only possesses the abilities of Yuanshi Heavenly King, but also the various abilities of Heavenly Father, Son of Destiny, and Son of the Other Shore, which is unique to Jiang Li.

In human world, everyone's potential is unlimited.

Originally, more than 20 million people in the human world opened the curse, and now Jiang Li has opened more than 20 million curses. In this way, 50 million people have achieved the hegemony.

The breath is magnificent.

After the human world was promoted to the universe, it merged with the vacuum hometown, and inhaled all kinds of energy. It had enough reserves, and 50 million people were promoted, and that can support it. Not to mention, it is absolutely necessary to arrange the altar, absorb the ancient chaos, and support the human world. That's a steady stream of inputs.

In addition, Jiang Li's power absorbed in each battle will be transformed into ancient atmosphere and integrated into the world. He fought with the emperor, the emperor struck, the starry sky collapsed, and the energy was even more amazing, which became the driving force.

Now, this big hand grabs, all realms tremble, and the big universe cannot escape the torn end.

However, Jiang Li released the potential of the human world, the power has increased greatly, and he has also turned into a big hand, which is the infinite human hand.

When this hand went out, it collided lightningly with the big hand, but it did not send out any fluctuations. The big hand's attack power from the other side was all absorbed by Jiang Li.

In the depths of the human world, another altar appeared.

This altar is high, deep into the ancient well, and inside the ancient well, the chaos ancient air is constantly ejected, almost turned into the sea of ​​ancient air, the sea of ​​chaos.

This is the conflict between Jiang Li and the power of the other side.

How ferocious is the power of the other side, in one hit, it can almost evolve into a medium universe, and fight against Jiang Li, how much nourishment can that energy be absorbed?

"Come on, come on." Jiang Li's eyes were deep and he saw that there was a powerful bombardment on the other side, but he was fearless. Anyway, once the persecution is tight, I will open all the seals of the human realm, devour all realms, and then sweep the heavens, and the other side will tremble under the power of the human world! "


The big hand bombarded again and the power expanded.

"Open the curse again, 50 million!" Jiang Li took his heart sideways, because the blood world was collected in front of him, and he was determined to win it. If the other side got the blood world, the human world would gain nothing.

Another 50 million humans on the earth eliminated the curse, rose up, absorbed infinite power, and transformed it into combat power. With their backs on the earth, Jiang Li, the blood-stained heart above the infinite river, was almost invincible against the other hand.

Every time the power of the big hand's killing is transformed into the chaotic ancient atmosphere, it can be turned into the ocean in the human world. Originally, this could completely explode the human world.

However, the human world is now fully awakened by 100 million blood people, everyone is very hungry, to absorb all energy, now with the absorption of such things as chaos, how can they let go?

Therefore, no matter how big the hand is bombarded, it is tantamount to helping the 100-million-blooded people exercise their bodies and perfuse them.

If the power of the other side continues to bombard, it will be a sage that is completely unfavorable to oneself and beneficial to others.

It seems that the other side's power knows this too. The big hands disappeared silently. They did have scruples. The stronger the attack, the more the Jiang Li killed the net and opened all curses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All humans on the earth have become powerful, and even the other shore cannot resist.

Therefore, they cannot be persecuted too much. If it were not for such a big killer in the human world, Jiang Li might have been conspired to death.

Of course, now that 100 million people in the human world are awake, they are also very cruel, and the gap of absorbed energy is getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, after integrating with the blood world, they can still support it for a period of time. It's nothing.

"The number of robberies has passed, and everyone is here, welcoming the blood.

Jiang Li made a roaring sound. The tens of millions of earth humans he promoted have all passed his tests. They are not ambitionists and speculative generations, but they are loyal and loyal to the world. He is the same person.

The whole blood world, in his operation, came

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