Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 900: Wu Zu out of trouble

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900 Chapter 900

"Jiang Li, you can do it, even if you do." The incarnation of the immortal tower's owner, the middle-aged man, seems to have no fear at all, and there is no fear: "In fact, you can absorb all the power of attack and turn it into chaos. I already knew that you When refining the blood world, the other side's power came to attack you, but you dispelled all the power, and finally made the other side's power also have to retreat, but if you attack me now, that's the same, I can absorb your Strength, to refine the patriarch of the martial arts. "

"Master of the Immortal Tower, you are very confident." Jiang Li looked around to see through the new universe. The tomb has been captured by him, but it seems that the deep tomb contains a force that cannot be refined at all. It ’s heavy, making him temporarily useless. "Your strength is already under me. The will of the three-dimensional universe may not protect you. You have seen it in many battles, and regained control of the immortal world. My father's chess piece, killing the other side to surpass the existence of the emperor, and against me, there is never any good end. "

Minjiang Li did not act lightly, but was seeing what was left over from the last three-dimensional universe's providence, making the immortal tower owner not afraid at all.

"You're scared." The immortal tower owner saw Jiang Li hesitated, and immediately laughed: "Let's go, let's go, let's be peaceful and wait for the calamity to come, or you start the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, and then fight for the edge It is true that the three-dimensional universe's providence is not comparable to you. "

"Is that so? I'll take back the jade dish, which originally belonged to the immortal world. You stole it. Now, after such a long time, the thing belongs to the original owner." Jiang Li decided to start with the jade dish.

His divine thoughts communicated with the immortal world in an instant, and reached the heavenly throne of creation.

The Throne of Fortune changed its owner.

Is the well-known Son of Fairy 珞.

Beside Feng Feng, stood the emperor.

He is the former hidden fairy emperor. Now he belongs to heaven and presides over the whole situation. Among them, there is a female emperor named "Phantom Flying Star".

He also has an elder emperor, who is called the Emperor of One Mind.

There is also a middle-aged great emperor, called the Great Emperor.

He also has a young boy called the "Changchun immortal" emperor.

These four emperors are masters of seclusion, knowing that the son of the fairyland is Dingdingjiangshan, and immediately came to get the high position, assisting the son of the fairyland to become a powerful assistant and the four chief managers.


Howling wind rose from the throne of good fortune, opened Zhou Tianjing, and saw the situation of the immortal tower in the three-dimensional universe.

The ghost of Minjiang Li also appeared in the fairyland.

"All of you, the Lord of the Earth has arrived in the immortal tower star domain, to use supreme magical powers to suppress the immortal tower master to recapture the sun of the jade disc for us. Now we immediately focus on the heart, pray for nature, and call the jade disc. Are all sacrifices ready? Remember, you cannot hold a chaotic sacrifices, but a sacrificial sacrifices to the heaven of the heavenly origin, which greatly increases the attraction of the heavenly court to the forged jade dish, which can create conditions for return. "Howling wind ordered.

"Yes! 冇"

The Phantom Emperor, the Emperor of Wanfa, and the Great Emperor of the World, all made a sound.

"This time, as long as the forged jade dish returns, the immortal world is ZTE." Changchun is not a great emperor, but speaks very well: "Although Prince Dameng is not orthodox, he has also done some good things, such as integrating the ancestral gate. Eliminating dissidents, killing the messengers of the world, and rebuilding the heavens, we now accept his resources.

"Some of the ancestors who surrendered to the Prince of Dreams are now truly surrendering to the new heaven?" Wu Feng asked: "Phantom Meteor Emperor, the thing that gathers people's hearts is to do it, and talk to those ancestors. What do you think of their attitude? "

"The attitude is very good, because you are the son of Immortal Realm, absolutely orthodox, Prince Damen still rebels deeply in his heart, and does not take the immortal realm as his own. When necessary, he can devour all the Cangs and become himself. No one is a fool and knows the big dream. The prince's mind can now be described as one mind and one row. "Phantom Meteor said:" I will go down now, arrange tasks, and learn everything from the human world system. Although we have cohesion in the fairy world, we are worried about the blood of the human world. Compared, it is simply too clumsy. "

"The master of the world, Jiang Li, has begun preaching. The infinite real meaning, the soul's self-confidence, and the idea of ​​absolute order have spread. The human world is fused with the blood world, and now it is comparable to the fairy world. Although the origin is not as imposing as the fairy world, it is also Every day, after the Yuanshi Tianwang treasure was born, it was a matter of course to surpass the fairyland. "Wu Fengdao said:" The fairyland heavenly intentions are also gradually acknowledging this fact. Under the words of the Lord of the earth, we are preparing to start a world-wide expansion with the earth. Fusion, turned into the world of red dust, sweeping across all realms, taking everything as red dust, taking heaven and earth as human beings, the vast and turbid world, and the heavens and the heavens mixed. "

"We know, this is the big goal. The final plan, all our things, is to combine the two realms to establish the Red Dust Heaven Realm." The four great emperors nodded.

"That being the case, start calling. Summon the good fortune jade plate." Xun Feng issued an order.

Her identity is truly orthodox, and she has won the hearts of others. She is also an emperor and has the help of the human world. With a rich foundation, her prestige is strong and even surpasses that of the soul.

The moment the order was issued, the infinite and even the most secret place in the fairyland heard the Providence.

This is impossible for the soul emperor to do.

But 珞 wind can do it, because she is speaking on behalf of the heavenly will of heaven, and can naturally spread to every place in fairy land.

The immortal world, even if it is beyond the existence of the emperor, it is difficult to pass the will to every corner in an instant.

Only God can do it.

Many caves have received the will of Tianzong from the heaven, knowing what she is going to do, and immediately began to pray. The hearts of the people were condensed, and the heavens and the earth changed.


心 The hearts of the entire immortal world have gathered into strength and turned into long rivers, but they are just hypocritical rivers and cannot be pinned on the void. They are the same as "false wisdom rivers".

This is the long river of Xiandao.

What is Xianxian Road? It is quiet, indifferent, free and carefree attitude to life, no robberies, no suffering, only clear wind and white clouds, fairy cranes and white deer, sea and sky, green water and blue sky.

In the world, the pursuit of immortality is such a mentality.

汇 The thoughts of all those who pursue the immortal path come together, and it will turn into a "fairy river."

It's a pity that even the Emperor of the Mind did not bring this kind of river together, and entrusted the success of the void, not that he did not have this ability, but that he did not want to entrust, and did not want to expand the immortal world.

Now, the long river of immortals converges, descends into the three-dimensional universe, and reaches the immortal tower star field.

I want to bring back the forged jade dish.

"The change of heaven, the glory of the sun and the moon, the change of yin and yang, the sect of the five elements." Jiang Li felt the change of the immortal world, and issued an infinite divine curse in his body, integrated into the depth of the immortal river, and the infinite river suddenly expanded again.

Xunxiandao and the long river are also a force. Those immortals of the immortal world practice the infinite avenue, which is connected with the atmosphere of the infinite river, and the infinite river was originally tolerant of everything and unlimited will.

"Summon the jade dish, and return it to its owner!"

The sound in the long river of Xianxian Road appeared here and washed into the new universe.

Suddenly, when the owner of the Immortal Tower changed his face, he saw that in the deep core of the new universe, half of the forged jade dish was trembling, and he wanted to fly out at any time.

This is not the power of Jiang Li, but the will of all beings in the fairy realm. All beings in the fairy realm are praying and returning to the creation of the jade dish. This force of prayer is organized by people into the infinite river, and then expands and attracts the creation of the jade dish.

This is Jiang Li's throwing stone asking for directions. If the three-dimensional heavenly intention blocks, then it will confront the heavenly heavenly intention.

Although it is said that the three-dimensional universe heavenly will be stronger than the heavenly heavenly will, but it will not be so easy to defeat it. The heavenly heavenly intention will be stationed with the wind, the river will adjust the order, the fairyland will be clear, and the luck will rise day by day. grow.

In addition, the providence of the three-dimensional universe is restricted by the celestial sphere of the universe, which is not so comfortable.

"Master of the Immortal Tower, now I don't do it, but the beings of the immortal world automatically summon the forged jade dish, what about you?" Jiang Li stood still, did not release any vitality, let alone any intention to do it, and looked at The created jade plate in the new universe floats.

"Huh! You think too much about the three-dimensional universe. The jade dish of immortality is also very useful for the three-dimensional universe. When you first created the jade disc separately and entered the three-dimensional universe, it was its calculation itself. Destroy King Yuanshi and pull the will of all realms. "The immortal tower master did not move.

Sure enough, the agitated forged jade dish was suddenly input by heterogeneous energy, and the raging fire was burnt on it. The flame was pure white. All the mighty power was squeezed out, and it vibrated a little. All the immortal rivers together with the infinite river All shattered.

Minjiang Li saw the strong three-dimensional universe's natural pressure.

"Not yet rolled away!" Said the immortal tower master: "The three-dimensional universe is irritated with the will of God. If you are not obedient, then you will be destroyed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't blame me for not reminding you that it now tolerates you It's because you still have value. "

"The ancestor of martial arts, I have felt your breath, come out, let's join hands and fight for the three-dimensional universe heavenly will!" Jiang Li ignored the immortal tower master for a moment, his eyes jī 冇 shot out the gods, It penetrated the new universe and came into contact with the forged jade dish.

"it is good!"

The dull voice passed from the deepest part of the suppression of the new universe: "Jiang Li, my humanity, finally came out of you as a mighty power, waited a long time, and finally waited until today, this little thing, the Immortal Tower, how? Maybe the suppression can hold me back? "

The dull voice, rumbling, passed between heaven and earth.

"Three-dimensional universe, he is suppressing me, Jiang Li, we will fight together! Budo Changhe, pinning on the void!" Suddenly, in the depths of the new universe, a tall figure came out, he was burly and hegemonic The world is a punch.

The whole new universe was broken apart.

The ancestors of Martial arts emerged from difficulties.


{The WeChat public account has been updated to the Green Gang, Hongmen, and Dragon Snake 2 with a total of 120,000 characters. It is fat and can be eaten. Open WeChat and search for the four words Dream Dream Machine, and you can immediately see me . Seeing daily updates, even if it is not updated, I have talked on it. }

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