Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 903: Impersonal at the moment

Jiang Li displayed four long rivers and killed three teenagers. He seems to have found the core origin of the three-dimensional universe. As long as he grasps it, he can absorb it. If he can devour the "three", it is even better than devouring the other side. The three deities are much more powerful.

Among the physical world, the three-dimensional universe has the strongest will in heaven. This is generally accepted. A three-dimensional element that supports the worlds and absorbs the fallen gods. Since the three gods on the other side are not their opponents.

If it weren't for Ba Liming's presence today, Jiang Li would definitely not be able to confront this person.

Even if the human world has reached the point where it is now, it is far from being an opponent of the three-dimensional universe.

The total volume of Wanjie is not as big as the three-dimensional universe.

If it wasn't for the Yuanshi Heavenly King united the will of all realms, and turned it into the realm of all realms, and suppressed the origin of the three-dimensional universe, then the current "three" is invincible, and no one can compete among the heavens.


The three teenagers faced the attack, their hands were crossed together, and chaos was unified. All of Jiang Li's attacks turned into fantasy bubbles and dissipated in this void.

However, the fist of the martial arts father, Ba Liming, has already come up.

"Martial arts reach the sky!"

His fist penetrated from the earth to the sky, and communicated the bridge of heaven and earth, so that there was no barrier between heaven and man.

No matter how powerful the chaos of the three young boys is, he can't make his boxing at all scattered. His martial arts, transcendence of life and death, transcendence of reincarnation, use pure martial will to cut the gap between infinity and reach the end of the road. And once again open up a new way.

The road to martial arts is infinite.

"It is indeed the ancestor of martial arts. I can't compare it to the current practice. How can the owner of the Immortal Tower suppress him? It must be the meaning of three dimensions. Now he is out of the trap and it is normal to avenge snow. In this case, I will assist him, regardless of life and death, regardless of success or failure, and fight against each other. "

Jiang Li was shocked by Paliming's martial arts.

Baliming is more free and easy than him, regardless of every punch, every move, regardless of life and death, relatives and friends, heaven and earth, or even heaven and earth.

This is a boxing technique without concern.

Jiang Li is too concerned about it, and it is not as free and easy as Ba Liming.

He cared about the world, cared about friends, cared about his parents, cared about the world, cared about the immortals, and cared for the life.

Paliming is quite different. Even if it is human destruction, he still has to punch himself. Jiang Li is for human beings, and he can abandon his life.

The words of these two people are opposites.

One is abandonment, the other is a big concern.

There are many people concerned about him, and he cannot run at will, so Jiang Li is not as good as Ba Liming, but he has his own way and is not ready to learn Ba Liming.

The power of concern is sometimes motivation.

To give up everything is the Tao, to care about everything is the Tao.

When the love is strong, the love turns thin.

Fist hit, hand broken.

Ba Liming's fist broke the hands of "Three", making it impossible to close the cross, he had to float and then retreat.

"Wufa upright."

Stepping out again, Ba Liming's fist trembled. Instead of going straight, he pulled out a series of arcs and made a perfect cut. That arc is the perfect mystery. Anyone who sees that arc will Can comprehend a set of peerless martial arts.

Ba Liming is the perfect martial art, the model of heaven and earth, the origin of martial arts.

He continued to attack, and actually forced the three teenagers back and prevailed.

Jiang Li looked stunned, but he gradually realized that from the body of Ba Liming, he learned how to urge martial arts. Although the path is different, he can still learn from it.

Parimin's free and easy, his care is.

"Unlimited concern!"

Suddenly, he punched a punch, and actually cooperated with Ba Liming. The completely different Tao, like the combination of Yin and Yang, became Tai Chi.

All sentient beings appear in his boxing skills, and each sentient being is thriving.

However, there are no beings in Ba Liming's boxing. He is not worldly and belongs to the deepest meaning.

Jiang Li ’s boxing methods are pure red dust fists. They are fresh, live, real, and absolutely true. From his boxing methods, you can see father, mother, brother, sister, brother and sister, neighbors, uncles, and supervisors. Friends and family.

Between you, you return to the world and become ordinary people.

This punch came out.

Ba Liming's eyes widened, and he was surprised.

"There are still such fists." What kind of character is he? Knowing the extent to which Jiang Li fisted, he seemed to be back in his youth in this fist, in the courtyard of his own house, playing with the girl next door, his father was working in the field, his mother was cooking, everything It's all so clear, so real, so natural, and now it's just a dream, too illusory.

This punch is already comparable to him.

"It is indeed the master of the earth. You have mastered the earth, and you have won the essence of the earth. Ordinary little things are the greatest." Ba Liming's will penetrated into the boxing skills and merged with Jiang Li's martial arts. At the peak, he entered the "three" youth.

Three teenagers are backing up, endless void, so that he has enough space to move and avoid its edge.

No matter whether it is Ba Liming's free throw fist or Jiang Li's red dust fist, he can completely resist and suppress it, but when united together, the power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

He had to retreat due to the twists and turns of the two punches.

However, Jiang Li and Ba Liming's boxing techniques shrouded everything, larger than the void, and spread far faster than his retreat.


Boxing turned into a curtain, pulled down and shrouded upside down.

Three teenagers have been completely wrapped.

There was no surprise on his face, but a slight praise: "Yes, yes, I thought I could suppress you easily, but I didn't expect that your martial arts reached such a state, especially you, Jiang Li, your fist There is too much concern. You didn't take you to heart at first, but you turned the concern into infinity and the red dust into heaven. Yes, yes, this potential, I have only seen in one person, that person is the King of Heaven. "

His will was fast, and when the fist arrived, he had already let Ba Liming and Jiang Li know.

Then he actually sat down with his knees crossed.

Around the body, a circle of brilliance appeared and radiated out, and the boxing methods collapsed, and he could not touch his body at all.

"Big Luohua?"

Ba Liming closed his fist and stepped back.

Feeling his breath, Jiang Li quickly converged his skills and moved forward together.

Great Luo Zhihua.

Daluo is about time and space. It is eternal and free.

The three-dimensional universe is the source of Da Luo.

Although he sat cross-legged, the glory of Da Luo in his whole body became more and more intense, shining in the void and becoming the only light. Even in the realm, there was still a power to see the bright light in the void. .

In the void world, there are many long rivers, all condensed by the will of all beings, seemingly true and imaginary, with bright light, but now, it seems that all the long rivers have lost the light, the brightest is Da Luo Guanghua.

Three-dimensional cosmic providence, he finally released his mastery.

The big Luohua condenses, and the intense light can melt all things and save everything.

"If you have any luck, just join me. I have Daluo Zhenji, and Yuanshi Tianwang also wants to get it, but he eventually returns." San's youth said: "You are not as strong as him, it is impossible to compete with me. of."

He stood up again, and the momentum was not the same as before.

Raise your hand, spread your five fingers, each finger is expanding, swipe your head.

Both Jiang Li and Ba Liming felt that the void, the realm, the heavens and the earth, and even the chaos were all disappeared between him, and replaced by his palm.

Control the world.

Da Luo Guanghua, densely layered, the skynet is restored, sparse and not leaky.


Both had a feeling of being suppressed.

"Nothing wrong. When I broke into the immortal tower star field, I was suppressed by this Guanghua. It really was you. You suppressed me for such a long time." Ba Liming saw the light pressing down, his eyes were even sharper .

He suddenly shouted, "Do you think you can still cover my eyes? Can you blind my heart? Can you restrain my body? Can I oppress my god? I want you to disappear."

He was punched again in the air.

"It's useless, I can suppress you once, I can suppress you twice, you are human, human power is limited, chaos generates everything, there is noble grade, I am the most noble, even if I have experienced all kinds of robberies Is still high, so you cannot fight me, how can humans fight against the sky? "

Only momentarily, Ba Liming's fist was defeated.

Da Luo Guanghua continued to suppress it.

"Long River!"

Jiang Li also felt extremely dangerous. As long as he was suppressed, it would be absolutely impossible. Even if he did not die, the human world would lose its own backbone and be disintegrated by various ambitionists.

You know, although the human world is huge now, it has stood at the peak of all realms, but there are many hidden dangers. Many humans inside have not solved the curse, which is an internal worry. Offending the other side, just heaven, various messengers of the world, can be described as external problems.

Internal and external problems come up together.

Without him to suppress, it can be said that it fell apart in an instant.

He must not let himself be sealed.

A little shaking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Changhe appeared, and once again the power of the four Changhe must be concentrated and turned into infinity.

However, Palimin was faster than him.

In an instant, the body was broken down and turned into countless runes. Each rune was a martial art, the shadow was shaking, and there was a chance everywhere.

"Three yuan of divine will, I will become a martial arts river. From then on, martial arts river is me, I is martial arts river, this life must be above your head, martial arts is one, two in life, two in three."

Ba Liming's body is transformed into a martial arts river, and deep in the sky, the real martial arts river is combined, and he has lost the whole person's mark, which is the long river.

At this moment, Palimin is no longer a real person, but a long river.

He merged himself into the long river and took a step away from being inhuman

{Dragon Snake 2 has been updated, Chapter 77 Tiansha Lone Star, and the chief helm of the Green Gang Hongmen came out. You can see if you add me to WeChat. If you are troublesome, you can directly search for the dream machine, and it is me . }

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