Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 919: Last 2 steps

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# 919-The Last Two Steps

Xi Hongmeng Jindan is the condensed energy of the Hongmeng battlefield. After chaotic thunder and fire, fire and fire merge with each other and finally become one.

Deep in the battlefield of Hongmeng, the imprint of the infinite era are all in it. The Yuanshi Emperor ended this era, but countless strong men of that era have all merged into the depths of the battlefield. Their spirit, spirit, will, and philosophy are difficult to merge. But after the integration and coordination of the strongest martial arts, from the barren days to ancient times to modern times, the reconciliation of the three eras gathered the ideas of countless powerful people into a large array.

These have at least experienced three epochal changes, and the years can be calculated in trillions.

多少 How much effort did the strongest warriors spend in all these years? But now Jiang Li is cheap, not the battlefield of Hongmeng and Meng, how can Jiang Li fuse the immortal world and the human world into a red world?

Xi Hongmeng Jindan's suppression, calculation, and integration of the emperor of the earth, and even heaven, completely surpassed the function of making jade dishes.

The crafted jade dish can only suppress the immortal world and run the heavens, far from suppressing the red dust world.

Only Hongmeng Jindan can suppress the red dust and the sky, and the sky and the earth are under a Jindan, and there is no longer a gap.

The immense expanse of the fairyland has merged into the prosperity of the human world. Since then, Hongchen is the sky, heaven is the world, and heaven and man are one.

Xi and other Hongmeng battlefields disappeared into Hongmeng Jindan, and five of the strongest military men also disappeared.

Minjiang Li ignored them and returned to the "Red Dust World".

The entire universe, at this moment, is completely the first in the universe. It is more prosperous than when the immortal world was at its heyday, and the universe is deep and mysterious and unmeasurable.

In a short time, the laws of the human world spread all over the fairyland, and the immortal world saw the coming of a huge world without any resistance. For them, this is a matter of time, but they are happy, because the advent of the human world will bring order and protection. .

Sure enough, the newly born Red Heaven Realm has infinitely strengthened order.

The "Hongmeng Jindan" hangs in the sky. This Jindan completely suppresses the order of the Red Dust Heaven Realm, and the original will of the immortal world is integrated into it and integrated with Jin Dan.

Not only that, but heaven and the Throne of Creation have all disappeared and become part of Jin Dan.

Xun Hongmeng Jin Dan is like the scorching sun, illuminating the world without saying, but also monitoring the world at any time, anywhere, and running all kinds of orders, which is the strongest existence of any super light brain system.

The past, the future, everything, all in Hongmeng Jindan's calculations.

Xi Hongmeng Jindan has been the first artifact of ancient times.

And not an innate artifact, but an acquired artifact.

But the day after tomorrow is more than the day before tomorrow.

This is Jiang Jiang's condensed formed body.

"You actually transformed Hongmeng battlefield into Hongmeng Jindan, and completed the great cause of Hongchen Heaven." Dream Paper Kitty looked at the brand-new Hongmeng Jindan, and Hongchen Heaven, with a longing on his face: "But now things are a little bad. Now, the human being is my president, and the fairyland is the master of the fairyland. Once merged, who is the master? This is a big problem. If there are two masters in the sky, it seems abnormal. "

"It's okay right now."

Jiang Lidao: "The human world is a group, and the immortal world is a group. The two groups have evolved into a yin-yang balance under Hongmeng Jindan. For the time being, this can only be the case. On the surface, the two worlds are merged. In fact, the internal digestion is poor. At some point, however, after the Great Fusion, pick the real president. I will be the first President of Heaven. "

Qi Jiangli knows that no matter if he is the president of Mengfeng or the president of Dream Paper Kitty, I am afraid he will not be convinced. Only by himself will he be reconciled.

However, he is also a transition, and will not live on the throne forever.

He is also unwilling to live in the throne, because the name of the emperor cannot be long-lasting, and everyone in the world is the emperor, so that he can resolve the curse and make heaven and man unite.

"The name Emperor Tiandi is too fierce, and it will cause disaster. I don't think it's better to do so." Dream Paper Kite and Feng Feng both appeared in front of Jiang Li.

How Feng felt inappropriate.

"It's okay, although the word Tian contains impeccable evil, but the Yuanshi Heavenly King and Heavenly Father both use this, there must be a reason, because the bigger the pattern, the bigger the cultivation." Jiang Li waved his hand: "Just use this name On the contrary, everyone is returning to their hearts. Now everyone is working to make the two worlds merge, and they have become infinite blood, practicing infinite fist and infinite road. "

"In other words, now that the two realms have merged and turned into the world of red dust, your cultivation has also progressed tremendously. Hongmeng Jindan can also be said to be your incarnation, and your infinite road has reached its extreme." Wu Feng said, "Next, You have to give people the confidence to cultivate, so that thousands of mountains and rivers, and people in the eight wastelands and six confluences, cultivate your infinite avenue. Therefore, your next cultivation must exceed fate, so the infinite river in the depths of the void can also be In one fell swoop, break everything, devour all the rivers, and kill, kill the king, and even the mighty, Wanbao rivers.

"Yes, my practice has skyrocketed. Once Hongmeng Jindan has successfully condensed, Hongchen Tianjie has formed the most profitable person." Jiang Li knew clearly about his own cultivation. At that moment, the time in his body was full. The origin has been expanded by seven or eight times, which is equivalent to swallowing up the power of eight heavens and earths. He is almost going to be promoted to surpass the existence of the emperor.

The immortal lamp completely melts inside the body.

Xi Hongmeng and Jin Dan ’s mighty shore forces are constantly brewing in the body, and they will be sprayed out anytime, anywhere, suppressing and melting everyone.

Jindan is condensed, the avenue is stable, the heavenly road is from me, and destiny is distorted.

This is the supreme practice of Jiang Li now. At this moment, he is not afraid to face the three-dimensional universe and heaven.

The general trend is here.

Originally, his cultivation was enough to shake the world. Now he can't swallow the magic lamp, turn the Hongmeng battlefield into a golden dandelion, merge the two realms into a righteous heaven, and take three consecutive steps to embark on the road to supremacy.

Next, he has two steps to go. It is clear and without hesitation.

The next two steps are to evolve the 101 rules of Infinite Avenue to transcend destiny, but this will face the bombardment of a long river of destiny, and it is difficult to escape, but now Jiang Li is fearless. He originally wanted to melt After the military world, I started this step, but did not expect to melt the Hongmeng battlefield directly.

In this way, ten times higher than the income from the integration of the martial arts, can naturally challenge fate.

离 At this moment, Jiang Li, relying on his own strength, may be able to fight a life or death battle with any of the three statues on the other side.

Any of the three deities on the other side is an invincible powerhouse with more than three reincarnations. Several shots were taken, and they did not use all their strength, or even half of their strength.

The strength accumulated in the three reincarnations is not trivial. I'm afraid that between the shots, the sky will fall apart, and even chaos backfires.

Because of three rounds of reincarnation, this is simply a provocation to chaos. Chaos will not allow such people to exist in the world.

This is also Jiang Li ’s own strength. If he uses the origin of Hongmeng Jindan and Hongchen Heaven, it can even prevent the other side from moving forward.

Therefore, he has confidence to fight back against fate.

However, this takes some time to prepare. The first is that Hongchen Heaven has just condensed and is not stable. The second is that it needs some details to improve, and to challenge destiny is something that Yuanshi Heavenly King did not do, and it must not be reckless Husbands must be careful and cautious.

细节 Those details are to condense the energy again, to make the river condense, to be harmonious with each other, to eliminate some factors, and to not allow the messenger to destroy himself.

Once the challenge of fate succeeds, his infinite road becomes a well-deserved king, then the last step can be planned. The plan is simple: open the treasures of Yuanshi Tianwang, and welcome the last change of the end.

Of course, he has other preparations now, that is, to let the flashing emperor capture the Wu world and absorb the energy in the chaotic freak.

In fact, the boy transformed by the strongest martial artist also absorbed the energy from another freak in Chaos, making his cultivation eventually reach the strongest state.

深 In the depth of chaos, it is unknown how many freaks have been brewed.

But the only thing that is certain is that there are definitely more than two deities, and there will be more and more freaks in the future. The freak power of those freaks far surpasses the strong guys who live together.

Although won the Hongmeng Jindan, Jiang Li will never give up the capture of martial realm, dragon realm, demon realm, and righteous realm.

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and the underworld.

His eyes glanced over and looked at the underworld.

At this moment, the underworld is even more chaotic. There is killing, flames, sulfur-like breath, and strong black gas. The underworld of the whole world is brutal, violent, evil, seeping out, polluting all realms, sewage flowing, and heaven and earth changing colors.

怎么 "How?" 珞 Fengdao said, "Before you hit the infinite avenue and surpass fate, you have to surrender to the underworld and the martial arts?"

"The Underworld used to be a peaceful and peaceful place, the destination of the soul, and the Holy Land of Death." With a wave of his palm, Jiang Li actually appeared a tomb, which was captured from the Immortal Tower master: "The strongest artifact in the Underworld is called The coffin of the source of all evil is in the hands of Prince Dameng, but the situation is gradually out of his grasp. Prince Dameng surrenders the son of the underworld, and can originally conquer the underworld, but after I was driven from the position of the master of the heavenly kingdom There is no magical power at all, and if he loses his luck, he can suppress the turmoil of the heavenly will, but then let the messenger of the world take advantage of it and devour the son of the underworld. Now the son of the underworld is The messenger of the world must make the entire underworld expand rapidly, kill, pollute, and collect all negative emotions. Finally, the underworld will finally explode and pollute all realms, so I must go to suppress the turmoil and absorb the negative emotions into the fairy devil's gourd. In the depths, the underworld has become an authentic destination, and there is a land government in Hongchen Heaven. "

The calculation of Minjiang Li is very satisfactory.

Hongchen Heaven Realm must also have a land government. The immortal world is heaven and the earth is a person. The underworld can be given to Hong Hei prison to control. It is a land government.

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