Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 943: No reincarnation

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-Volume 3-Chapter # 943 Does not enter the samsara-LNMTL

943 Chapter 943: Reincarnation

The pattern of Wanjie Realm has completely changed, the three-dimensional universe has disappeared, the treasures of Yuanshi Tianwang have appeared, and powerful creatures are gestating.

At this moment, the situation is complex and unprecedented.

Minjiang Li even felt that the number of messengers of the world had increased, and there was a devastating atmosphere in the heavens, and there were many unknown existences, very powerful and dormant in the depths.

Originally, Hongchen Tianjie has dominated the world, and can gradually devour the other shore, fate, dragon world, martial world, and justice world.

But now it is completely different. Numerous powerful worlds have been born, and the physical world is no longer what it was. Many of the big universes now produced are actually larger than the original immortal world. The time in them has accelerated, and a powerful existence has bred. Even the King of Destruction appears in it.

Hongchen Tianjie is not the first.

Moreover, it is as if the children who are walking in the dangerous jungle without defenses are always attacked by beasts, which is extremely dangerous.

"Yes, this time spraying the baby, that's trivial. The truly valuable treasures have not been sprayed out. I feel that the last 4 volumes of the immortal scriptures are still in the depths of the treasure. , But you do n’t have to go, and I ’m not going to take the King of Asceticism, the King of Yoga, and go alone, to see the depths of the core of chaos, what are the secrets, your task is very simple now, It is to develop, grow, and constantly annex various universes, or to develop the entire world of red dust into the first place in the universe. "

Jiang Li knows that although the current situation has changed greatly, it is an opportunity. The material world has expanded and there are more resources. It can better absorb the Red Dust heavens and allow more masters to be born. The infinite road can expand to the limit and more. Capital and chaos contend.

"We will do a good job now, and now we can stop the invasion of the messenger of extinction, and Hongmeng Jindan evolved into infinite Jindan, and cooperate with the infinite river, which can basically prevent all existence." Dream paper kite said.

Now, the authority of Dream Paper Kite is the biggest among the three giants.

Because, she is in charge of the world, and she divides her work with Feng Feng. The human world itself is dominant.

"My practice is not enough." Jiang Li looked at the distance. "Infinite Avenue has not reached the extreme at all. No, it should be said that infinite Avenue does not have the ultimate. Now I have cultivated 101 rules. In fact, there are 102,103. , And even forever, the Infinite Avenue is always improving, breaking through the limits one by one, 101 is not the end. "

"It's true." Feng Feng said: "However, I think the king of your yoga and the king of asceticism are very dangerous. They are not refined by you at all, but manipulated by you and deceived by you. They Sooner or later, you will wake up. In case you wake up, you will kill the Red Dust world, and you can't resist it. You should take them away. "

"After taking away, I'm afraid it won't work. The strength here will not suppress the current changes in Wanjie." Hong Heiyu was worried.

"I am now in the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, in order to find the method of refining the ascetic king and the king of yoga. I know that this method is difficult to find, but it must be done. These marks, I ca n’t discard them. I can only suppress them temporarily and let them be used by me. I think that chaos is just as distressed as me, because chaos can't destroy the marks of the strongest. It can only suppress them all the time, even for fear that they live Appear, and thus fight against yourself, ride a tiger, and dilemma! "Jiang Li sighed," I now know the helplessness of chaos. "

It is true that Jiang Li has now been imprinted by the King of Asceticism, the King of Yoga, and neither is giving up, nor is giving up.

If you give up, these two marks are likely to be attached to others, and then they will become the enemy of the human world.

But if you do n’t give up and stay here, you can do a lot of things, but they are also time bombs. I do n’t know when I ca n’t suppress them, I will wake up, and I will explode suddenly.

I do n’t want to throw, neither do I do n’t.

So, we must find a way to refine these marks.

Moreover, the same mark appeared in Jiang Li ’s body, which was cultivated by himself. If he wants to go further, he must also break the mark and break his own constraints. Therefore, it is necessary to crush the strongest.

"Can you suppress it now?" Meng Zhiyu asked.

"For the time being, I can suppress it, because I am afraid that something terrible will fly out of the depths of the Yuanshi treasure." Jiang Lidao said: "I cannot be sure about this. If I take it with me at any time, I can always inject it with my supreme spirit. In their bodies, if I leave, it's not good. "

"Then you take it away, although it has lost two of the top fighting powers, but it doesn't matter." Dream Paper Kitty said: "The change of all realms is our battlefield, we can get the deepest level of discipline, always in yours. It's not a good thing under asylum. "

"Yes, I agree with this point." Hong Hei prison watched the changes of Wanjie. To be precise, it is no longer Wanjie, it is a strange material world.

"Well then, I will take away the King of Asceticism and Yoga, so that I can cope with the sudden changes in the depths of Yuanshi Tianwang's treasure. After all, there is a possibility that there are 129,000 kings." Jiang Li body moved Suddenly the King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga suddenly turned into two strengths, one was off-white, and the other was light red, all wrapped around his body, as if Yunxia.

He flew up, stepped out, and came to the black and white cave of the Yuanshi treasure.

At this moment, the black-and-white cave has become a new center of materiality.

Is also the highest point of the physical world, and also the most central point.

Jiang Li stood here, and it seems that he can see the full picture of the physical world, and even feel the small taste of the mountains at a glance, but in the depth of the black and white cave, the strongest force field is faintly conveyed, and no one's Blasphemy, anyone who wants to get close to it will be shattered by the force field.

This force is the force of a vortex.

Circulated in black and white, reverse chaos yin and yang.

Minjiang Li is slightly close to the edge of this black and white cave, but only feels that time and space are moving at an extremely high speed, which can smash the master of the emperor level, and even be injured beyond the existence of the emperor.

黑白 This black and white cave is not large, it is only the size of the original solar system, but its power is much greater than any universe.

Minjiang has not yet entered the interior of the cave and is hovering on the edge, which is equivalent to the outside of the previous solar system.

Suddenly, he stepped into the force field of this cave.

Suddenly, the force field began strangling on his body, buzzing ......... There was an infinite amount of fire light coming out of his body, and I do n’t know how much better than the friction and collision between the planets. Times.

股 This force field can almost kill everything.

"It's really strong." Jiang Li's body vibrated, generating the opposite force field, and the rotating force field that started to neutralize here all had a difficult taste.

However, the force field here is far from hurting him, and can only cause him some minor distress.

He has become the brand of the strongest.

This thing itself is immortal, immortal, immortal, and not eroded by years.

的 The force field here can actually cause trouble for him. Those who walked beyond the existence of the emperor are afraid of it, even if it is not good, without the magic protection at the level of immortal lamp, it is likely to die.

全身 He was dignified, step by step, and suddenly punched out.


The light flickered, and the infinite fist broke open a passage here. He shuttled, walked, and went deep into the black and white cave.

I do n’t know how long it has been, the world is always this black and white color.

"Well, the force field here is a melting pot of everything, and I don't know how Wan Qianqiu and others came in? By the way, when the vitality was sprayed just now, it seemed that the strength would weaken and it could enter. Jiang Li knew that after a little calculation, when he suppressed the Red Dust world, swept through all kinds of vitality, and trained Hongmeng Jindan into unlimited Jindan, Wan Qianqiu, Jiang Nalan and others took this opportunity to enter the depths of the treasure. The force field is not strong and can be passed.

Now that he misses the opportunity, he can only open up a way.


Minjiang Li shouted again, and the King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga appeared.

The continuous bombardment of Sunda ’s boxing techniques almost burst out of the strongest power, with each end having endless power, and finally smashed this force field at the last moment.

down to earth.

Go deep into the treasure.

Wanjie celestial sphere has disappeared, and this treasure replaced by him is a bit faint in the centrifugation. After all, the earth is the world in which he lives and is born. Now it is gone, and it will disappear forever.

Although his cultivation can also create a celestial sphere of the world, but things are human beings, and the earth at this time is not the earth of the year. What's the point?

Even if he has supreme magical power, he can come back in reverse time, his mentality is not the same as that year.

The thing that disappears is the disappearance, and will never come back.

Infinite ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just keep moving forward, never ending, and never retreating.

"Is this the Yuanshi Tianwang's treasure? Or am I in chaos now?" Jiang Li down-to-earth and found that he actually came to something like the physical world.

Before him, a huge world appeared.

The world expands indefinitely. On top of the world, it is chaos.

It was chaos under his feet.

This has reached the hollow place inside the chaos.

Is the core of chaos.

He stomped on the ground, and the chaos on the ground was indestructible. The chaos turned into the strongest rock, protected by endless divine power, and connected to the origin of chaos.

Minjiang Li didn't want to move too much, which caused any changes.

举 He looked around. It was a series of mountains and rivers, as well as a forest. It didn't look like a treasure. Of course, besides this, there are tall temples and decaying ruins. Someone seems to have built something here.

"At the core of chaos, have there ever been creatures? I feel that there are almost many things that do n’t die in reincarnation here. To be precise, here is the land of pleasure. In other words, as long as you are here, you can survive from the first reincarnation to the 129,000th reincarnation now! "

Suddenly thought of here in Minjiang centrifugation, nervous.

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