Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 961: Conspiracy

Various plots and tricks against Jiang Li emerged endlessly, but he was fully in control and fully aware of it.

This girl Jiang Xinyue does have a deep fate with him. If she uses some secret and unknown means, she can really find out his form, and he has to guard against this.

But he is also prepared. How could he fall into a trap easily? If he does n’t know, he may actually fall into a trap and be counted, but now that he is the party, he can naturally come up with hundreds of tricks to resolve and let The opponent's tricks fail.

"Well, now that you can find the Lord of Infinite, I trust you and help you with all your strength." Prince Feng said, "However, after we seize the Lord of Infinite, how can we share the benefits? This must be done. Make it clear, otherwise you will get a lot of benefits at that time, my bamboo basket will be empty, and I may even be shot by you, isn't it a big loss? "

"What benefits do you say you want?" Jiang Xinyue asked.

"I want half the control, the infinite river." Prince Feng caught the key, the most valuable infinite river. As this river expands, as long as it is a creature, it will be involved in it. At that time, the infinite river will truly change into Transcend chaos and break the existence of reincarnation.

Even the messenger caused by chaos will be affected by the Infinite Avenue, and will instead cultivate this Avenue.

Chaos will slowly transform and become a part of the infinite river. At that time, it will be a new world.

"Your appetite is not small." Jiang Xinyue sneered.

"Besides the infinite river, there is no meaning that can keep me there forever." Prince Feng also sneered: "Only the infinite river is a valuable existence, everything else is a cloud."

"What about the strongest brand and the king of kings map?" Jiang Xinyue asked.

"Although this thing is very strong, it is still worthless compared to Infinite River." Prince Feng said: "All these things can be given to you. I must have half the control of Infinite River. In the future, I will get real Immortality. "

"You don't need anything? That's good." Jiang Xinyue seemed to be waiting for the sentence of Prince Feng: "Then we will reach an agreement and you will get half of the control. Now we will start planning."

"Okay!" Prince Feng did not promise to each other, neither side swear, because they know each other, vows are useless, and now the chaos vows have been invalidated, a mess.

This is an verbal agreement between the two sides. They both know that they can repent at any time. It has no effect, but in the deep world, they are destined to become causality in the future. Prince Feng deeply understands this, so after he wants this agreement, even if The other side repented, and he also had a late move.

Moreover, he knew that the other party would regret it.

Infinite river, everyone wants to hold it directly.

However, at the moment, he is the partner of cooperation, and he only needs the cause and effect of the verbal promise, because he has to rely on the other party to perform magical powers to find out where Jiang Li is.

"Now, I will sacrifice." Jiang Xinyue said, "His Royal Highness Feng, I hope you will give great support and take out your savings to sacrifice all the souls of the Obuchi Empire to me. How can he seize Jiang Li, and even summon him into a lore, in an instant? "

"This is inevitable. I have mastered thirty-six cities, among which I have captured countless prisoners and even messengers of the world. They can be sacrificed, and now I can mobilize all my power." Prince Feng held the abyss order. , You can get a lot of resources deployment, compared to the secret prince, thousands of times better.

Therefore, his sacrifice was almost instantaneous.

"Go, General Li, immediately deploy soldiers and horses, cooperate with me, hold a sacrifice, don't follow the secret prince, if he comes to investigate you, I will kill him, let him know the power." Feng Feng toughened.

"Yes." Jiang Li quickly went out.

Leaving this mansion and returning to his own general.

He just wanted to deploy troops.


In front of him, the strength of General Wei's body appeared in front of him, the body of the "Prince of the Secret", cold and scary, murderous rotation, at any time must be shot to kill him on the spot.

"General Li, let you immediately mention the soldiers and horses, you actually went to the prince's mansion to feast, are you brazenly betraying me?" Said the secret prince.

"The prince was angry, I had no choice but to betray. Instead, I got a lot of secrets from Prince Feng, and Prince Feng held the abyss order and cooperated with the people of the Great Yuan Empire and the Da Shi Empire." Jiang Li quickly explained, Having said the same thing just now, at the same time, he took out the forged jade dish and the God of Apocalypse and offered it to the Prince Secret: "This is a gift from Prince Feng. I have no use. . "

"What?" The prince did not want to create jade sauce and apocalypse, but was shocked: "Damn, **** it, really **** it. How could he get the order of the abyss! Also, the people of the Great Yuan Empire, the Great Duke Empire appeared The Tao also appeared, how did things get so complicated, I want to destroy the conspiracy of these people, General Li! "

"Subordinates are here!"

Jiang Li shouted.

"You are still undercover, and cooperate with Prince Feng. As my chess piece, I will contact other princes and hang the Prince Feng. How can he do something big? The Lord of the Infinite, Jiang Li, must get my hands. , Refining him, making Infinite become my existence. Prince Feng's means are fierce. After he gains power, we don't even want to live. "Said the secret prince.

"Yes!" Jiang sneered. He knew that whether it was Prince Feng or Mystery Prince, or other princes of the Obuchi dynasty, they were cruel and fierce. The fight between the princes was equivalent to raising a cricket. for. This is the case between the prince and the prince, not to mention the prince's subordinates. If Jiang Li has no use value, they will kill immediately, without hesitation.

However, now Jiang Li is playing with them, letting them kill each other to gain benefits.

"Go, wait for my notification at any time." Prince Mi suddenly shot, patted lightly on Jiang Li's shoulder.


Jiang Li only felt that there was an extra rune in his body. This rune is very weird, like eyeballs. He is monitoring any changes at all times. As long as there is something that is not good for the secret prince, he can explode at any time and **** people. Dry or blown to death.

"This is a mystery. It is used to monitor every action of Prince Feng. I can control you at any time through mystic symbols and give you instructions on what you want to do, you know?" Said the prince.


Jiang Li sneered again and again, long ago running the Infinite Avenue to devour this secret talisman eye, and then restored the new eyeball, infinite eye, this eyeball circulated to each other through cause and effect fate, and then gave the invisible observation of the body of the empress.

The secret prince thought that Jiang Li's body was observed, but he didn't actually know it. Instead, he was used by Jiang Li to observe what he was doing at any time. When necessary, he could also motivate him, **** him dry, or even subtly transform him into Communicator on Infinite Avenue.


The secret prince left here.

Jiang Li bombarded the dust on his body. "This one has a deep calculation, but without counting that I am the Lord of Infinite, I will be able to subconsciously, first spread infinitely in his thinking, and let his power grow. The stronger it is, it's what I use, and in the end I'm in the infinite river. "

Deep in time and space.

The prince secretly sneered: "Feng prince, you are calculating me, I am also calculating you, I will tell you everything you want to do, let all princes and you be enemies, how about you have an abyss order?"

Later, he lost his thoughts: "Infinite, what is infinite? If I can't get away now, I really want to go out to the land of reincarnation to see what the infinite river is."

Just between his meditations.


Shocked deep in his mind, it seemed that countless mysterious thoughts perfused, and in the depths of his meditation, he seemed to see the long river running through the chaos.

That is the infinite river.

Ordinary people can't feel the infinite river, but Jiang Li can feel him, because he is the creator of the infinite river, even the chaos can't stop his cultivation.

Even if the secret prince is practicing Infinite Avenue, he can't sense the infinite river, but now he feels that it is Jiang Li who imparted his body and physical insights to him, allowing him to see the true mystery of the infinite river, so that he began Cultivate and abandon everything completely.

Infinite Avenue is actually a curse. Anyone who cultivates will be unknowingly lost in it, feeling that everything else is meaningless.

But it is true, because the Infinite Avenue is getting deeper and deeper, and everything else is false and untrue.

"How can I feel this thing? What is this?" The secret prince was shocked as if he had entered an endless treasure house.

He saw the infinite river, among which surging wisdom, countless secrets, and a large number of sentient beings gathered at every moment to inject spirit and thinking into the long river. He saw a completely different philosophy and an unprecedented world view from himself.

His revision is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. At this moment, profound changes have taken place and they are advancing by leaps and bounds.

"This is infinite, infinite river, so great, no wonder everyone wants to get it!" The secret prince swims in the depths of infinite river, unable to extricate himself.

But what he didn't know was that behind his body, Jiang Li's shadow was looming, completely controlling him, and there were infinite possibilities. In other words, Jiang Li could let him live, or let him die. He is in control of his thoughts anytime, anywhere, whatever he wants to do. first

"Infinite Divine Fist!"

Suddenly, the secret prince played various tricks of infinite **** fist, integrated his own ideas, and at least doubled the cultivation.

At this moment, the wisdom of Prince Mystery is also integrated into the infinite river, and the river is tumbling.

Under the influence of Changhe, the power of the puppet inside the infinite Jindan began to dissolve, which is equal to the secret prince helping Jiang Li to cultivate the infinite Jindan.

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