Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 967: Plot abyss

Chapter 967 Conspiracy

Jiang Nalan appeared. He wanted to get rid of the shackles of his body, use the power of the Tao to kill the Yuan, and at the same time use the power of the Yuan to devour the Yuan gods of the Tao, so that he would benefit greatly from it. Ordering a plan is dangerous and dangerous, but only by doing so can he succeed, making his cultivation a step further, and also allowing him to conceal the river and seize the infinite river.

Of course, these conspiracies and tricks are all seen by Jiang Li.

No effect.

After Jiang Li practiced 108 rules of "no plan", he truly dominated the world. Any conspiracy and tricks did nothing to him.

This rule dismantles conspiracies, east-west conspiracies, and calculations of heaven and earth, all under control.

"Your body does have the power of Tao." Prince Feng secretly was shocked. He looked at him in front of him, as if a ghost and **** appeared, Jiang Nalan who was not in any time and space, knew that he understood the true meaning of Tao. A master affixed a part of the Yuan Shen to him.

However, Prince Feng felt that the man was pathetic and pitiful. If he was not good, he lost himself and became a slave to others.

"If I can devour this person and devour the power of the Word, it will be able to achieve my purpose immediately. These people are not good. Even if they swallow Yuan, they must not have me. Fortunately, I can sit Take advantage of the fishermen. "Prince Feng's face changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

These people have their own babies, and they are calculating.

"However, even if you have the power of Tao, you can't shake Yuan's power. Yuan has been cultivated for a long time. Although he ranks third among the top ten and is under the bite, how much is that? What happened a few years ago? Now his cultivation is probably not under way. "Prince Feng said," It's just a few of us, a dead end. "

"Of course, Yuan Shitian Wang secretly shot, and you can draw countless people, disintegrate the court, and then collapse in one hit." Yuan Shixin said clearly: "Our people are enough now."

"That being the case, I still draw the masters in the court and build up a force. You go to battle with Yuan first, in case of failure, there is room for manoeuvre." Prince Feng silent for a while.

"Yeah, if you knock side by side, we are attacking head-on. It is not good for you to reveal your identity now." Jiang Xinyue said, "In case we are unsuccessful, you still have room to maneuver."

"But what about the Lord of Infinite?" Prince Feng remembered: "Since Jiang Li entered the world of the core of chaos, it must have noticed us. What if he suddenly appears to take advantage when we battle with Yuan? do?"

"What I want is this effect. At that time, we will kill Yuan with Yuan truce." Jiang Xinyue said, "You know, he is now the enemy of all souls. As long as anyone is aware of his value, He is not a man, but an ancient treasure, whoever obtains him can be invincible, and is no longer subject to the constraints of chaos. Therefore, he does not dare to appear, and as soon as he appears, he will become the target of criticism. Kill him, he is now a bird of shock and he never dares to show his head. "

"Then we stop the war now? Go back to fight back?" Prince Feng secretly calculated and had an idea in his heart, but asked here.

"No, keep these generals fighting here, attracting people's attention." Yuan Shi said clearly: "We quietly lurk back to carry out a series of plans."

"Okay, let's go."

Uh ...

These people flew away.

Only more than a dozen generals, including Master Rong, were left here to continue their campaign to fight and kill. Here, just now, these people did not hear it, which is a top-secret news.

Yuan Shixinming, Feng Fengzi, Jiang Xinyue left, the situation eased.

Jiang Li smiled.


His body flew to Master Rong.

The woman, Master Rong, was taken aback, then stared sharply: "General Li, what do you want to do? Do you want to die? Generals, quickly suppress him."

However, many generals around were struggling to fight, and she didn't hear what she was saying. It seemed that she had been isolated from the world and entered another depth of space, and between the puppets, that general was also fighting in the distance.

"I'm not General Li." Jiang Li Haha smiled: "You are now trapped in my trap. This is the infinite avenue that I am playing. Infinite time and space, completely enveloping you in it, even if you have monstrous means, it is difficult Get out of my control. "

"Infinite Avenue, you are the Lord of Infinite. You are attached to General Li, and your plot is everywhere?" Master Rong suddenly burst out of his eyes, wielded the staff in his hand, and fiercely killed him.

The gemstone on the staff bloomed with a dragon-shaped light, surrounded by groups, and then turned into an abyss.

That dragon-shaped light is the long river, Wanhe Guiyuan.


With a long howl, she showed her strongest power.

There are actually 5 marks of reincarnation on her body, indicating that her strongest strength is 5 reincarnation. This strength is very considerable. If you go to the material world, you can definitely dominate.

Even in this main world, it is a high weight.

However, he met Jiang Li, who has reached the top of the universe and has dominated the universe.

He caught it.

The light of the Wanhe Guiyuan was brought into the palm of Jiang Li, and the staff in her hand disintegrated and melted, becoming the purest vitality.

Jiang Li's body flickered, reaching her in front of her, her **** stretched out and nodded on her body, and then Master Rong couldn't move. She looked at Jiang Li in horror: "What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I'm helping you, teaching you the infinite avenue." Jiang Li bounced deep into the heart of his eyebrows, all injected into Master Rong's eyebrows.

Suddenly, she communicated on Infinite Avenue.

"This is infinite ..." Master Rong was completely and thoroughly transformed the world view, and a sad and happy look appeared on his face.

"Yes, this is infinity, and it is the right way of heaven. It is the strongest martial arts. There is nothing to surpass this way. There is no future in following Yuan. Only following me and following infinity can break chaos and reach what you want. The realm to be reached. "Jiang Li completely transformed this female thought.

After dozens of breaths, the woman's eyes softened and she seemed to be successfully transformed.

"From now on, you also practice the Infinite Avenue." Jiang Li's eyebrows sent out the ancient thoughts: "It is your responsibility to create an infinite river. You issue an order to gather all the generals. I want to brainwash them. ! "

"Yes!" Master Rong shivered and issued an order.

Suddenly, all the generals gathered.

"Mr. Rong, what happened?" General Meng asked first.

"You, all belong to infinity, I am the Lord of Infinity!" Jiang Li's body appeared again in the depth of this huge space, and in an instant, the will of the landslide and tsunami penetrated the body of each general.

Those generals knelt down and worshiped toward Infinite Avenue. What they worshiped was not Jiang Li, but Infinite.

But until now, Jiang Li is infinite, and infinite is Jiang Li.

Hum ...

At first these generals' thoughts were somewhat unacceptable, but then, they were completely moved by the Infinite Avenue, and they were soaring, and they directly integrated their spirit into the infinite river. It is the infinite river created by Jiang Li now.

"All of you, let's incorporate all your soldiers into my long river, and they will start to practice the Infinite Avenue!" Jiang Li ordered.

Suddenly, all the soldiers gathered, and the will of Infinite Avenue penetrated time and space.

Hum ...

The infinite river of Jiangli skyrocketed again, even affecting the infinite river outside.

The two rivers began to merge in will.

This thing went on and on, and it began to spread here and there.


Rune and structure reappeared in Jiang Li's body, and the wisdom of sentient beings gathered in the back of his mind, condensing out some of the frameworks of the 109 rules.

109 rules, no roots.

There is nothing wrong, that is, the law of no root, and the root is the root and the root. Infinite Avenue originally had no roots. Without roots, it was thought that there was no limit. From beginning to end, it was infinitely derived.

As soon as the framework of this law came out, Jiang Li's cultivation was upgraded to a higher level. As long as he had accumulated power, he could thoroughly practice this law, and there would be another cycle of power.

Now his own cultivation has nine reincarnations, which is very impressive, but compared with the top ten masters, there is still some gap, but the mystery of Infinite Avenue can be infinitely promoted, those masters have reached the bottleneck, even if they practice countless Over the years, it was useless.

He is different. There is no bottleneck at all, and energy can be poured into it at will. This potential is very scary.

Human power cannot exceed chaos. Even from ancient times to the past, countless big figures cannot compare to one thousandth of chaos at all, because he has a bottleneck, just like a creature born in a planet, basically impossible to bulk. More than this planet.

But Jiang Li and Infinity are such a freak ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Okay, all the generals, soldiers and horses are almost under my control. Do n’t go back and continue fighting here. Remember, you are fighting now, not killing people. Instead, you spread the infinite avenue and reach any empire. You have accepted the infinite avenue, and your strength has increased at least several times. There are no empires that can resist your spread. "Jiang Li ordered.


All soldiers, horses, generals, including Master Ficus flew out towards those empires.

Jiang Li saw that the Infinite Avenue seemed to spread out, and the speed of spread was unimaginable.

These generals and horses are arrogant and boundless. Once they have obtained the Infinite Avenue, their strength increases faster, their moves are exquisite, their strength is tyrannical, and they even have the ability to refine chaos. It is even more critical that the more they spread the Infinite Avenue, the stronger their strength. The stronger.

Jiang Li is even more able to manipulate their lives.

"After completing this matter, my strength has gone further. The next step is to completely solve the hidden danger of Jiang Nalan, as well as the Yuanshi Heavenly King and Tao."

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