Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 972: He Yuan battle

It's time for the real confrontation with Yuan.

Minjiang Li completely controlled all the creatures of the Dayuan Empire, and the strength was greatly improved. He practiced 112 rules without abyss. This method restrained the abyss and suppressed the numerous changes of the Dayuan Empire, making the changes of the entire empire unknown to outsiders.

However, it is very difficult to completely control Yuan, because Yuan does not care about the Dayuan Empire, but it depends on his supernatural power, even if the empire falls into the hands of others, he can take it back at any time. This is for Self-confidence.

It is a pity that Jiang Li broke this confidence.

In the center of the imperial city, there is an altar, deep in the altar, there is a dark space, a black hole, and I don't know where to go, it is so deep that God has a terrifying psychology.

Qiujiang Li didn't feel the slightest. He already knew the details of the abyss, how could he be afraid?

Fear comes from the unknown.

He knows everything and is naturally not afraid.


He stepped deep into the altar, into the dark cave abyss, and settled down. After a while, he settled to the bottom. On top of the map, the strongest stars were imprinted in the map, sparkling like the sky. Starry.

"So many of the strongest are branded, my God!"

Minjiang was surprised.

虽然 Although he knows that Yuan has mastered the strongest brand, there are hundreds of them at the moment, which was unexpected. In his calculations, Yuan has at most only dozens, even more than ten strongest brands.

But fortunately, the more imprints, the harder it is to manage.

Those imprints are themselves the strongest in each reincarnation, engulfing the universe, including Wanfang, suppressing Liuhe, tearing gossip, and taking steps, they will never surrender to anyone, although some masters in the main world are even better than them Strong, more powerful, but the will is still not tempered by reincarnation, but they will not be put in their eyes. Where can they convince them?

So at the moment, Yuan is getting a map. I want to use the map to suppress these imprints and make the imprints for his own use. At the same time, he will display the supernatural powers, absorb the essence of imprints and martial arts, and complete the abyss. Sooner or later there will be appalling practices.

"This person is really ambitious. If he is allowed to communicate with the strongest of these strongest, he really convinces them, fearing that disaster will come, but it doesn't matter. If the strongest can be convinced, it is not the strongest at all. The brand of these strongest people is so strong that even chaos cannot be refined. It is not strength but will that rely on them. The reason why they can be recognized by the eight strong ones is because of infinity. "Jiang Li sneaked in quietly, watching It changes, looking for various changes in the matrix.

The map in front of me has become the universe.

The brand of the strongest person turned into stars, and the endless space was derived. Even if the master came in, he couldn't find the true position of Yuan. This is a huge formation that can cover the four wilds and swallow the wild.

It is a pity that Jiang Li found the place of Yuan in an instant. It is in the corner of the formation method, an inconspicuous place, but it is the safest, and this place is constantly running. This position is the same as Infinite Avenue. It keeps changing, never stops, and there will be no fixed martial arts.

The so-called is water does not rot.

The body of Ba Na Yuan was locked by Jiang Li. He was a middle-aged man in black clothes, very majestic, and his body was entangled with black gas, such as black dragons digging inside and outside.

Wu Yuan's body is composed of countless spaces.

Infinite eyes appeared in the depths of Minjiang Li's eyebrows. Watching the infinite changes, he immediately knew that Yuan's body could not surrender the strongest marks.

"King of the Nine Songs, why don't you cooperate with me? Together, we can create the abyss of the abyss, and we can make chaos into my abyss."

He Yuan sounded, as if speaking to the strongest.

He ignored the imprint and turned a deaf ear.

"Hum!" He asked several times without any effect, and could not help but get angry: "Do you think I can't help you?"

Minjiang Li watched Yuan running magical powers here, sending out a blazing flame, burning these strongest marks, he was still watching the changes, and did not immediately start.

"Abyss and black fire." Yuan Changxiao repeatedly, black flames roaring in the array, making these imprints sizzling: "You stubborn people, shameless to the face, you are just chaos. It ’s just a test product, do you really think you are immortal? Although I ca n’t completely wipe out and refine you now, I have mastered the King of Kings map with three pieces to spur my own abyss. Black fire can torture you. Your will will also endure eternal pain under my black fire. This is sad for you. You are immortal, but it also means that you have to suffer more. Much pain. "

However, the marks of the strongest still ignore him.

"It seems that I want to show the infinite road and come here, so that all the marks are attributed to my body, but, with so many marks, I can not control at all." Jiang Li thought for a while, the strongest brand, Although it is powerful, it is actually a burden. Between imprinting and imprinting, the thinking and truth are opposite. The truth of the previous reincarnation may not work in the next reincarnation. Even chaos is very chaotic. It is difficult to fuse them together.

Wu Yuan wanted to surrender them, too much.

Of course, Jiang Li ’s Infinite Avenue can fuse them, but unfortunately he has not cultivated enough and the rules are not enough. Only by understanding more rules can he manage more branding.

Now there are 136 marks of the strongest here. Jiang Li estimates that he must comprehend the ten rules before he can surrender these marks one by one into the infinity, so that his infinity reaches the highest level.

Of course, the King of Kings map is also the basic magical power to surrender these marks.

However, these are nothing but violent suppression. It is impossible to make these imprints eventually surrender and melt. In fact, the imprints themselves are indestructible will, not real existence. Only truth can make them completely free. In fact, It is also a pain for them now.

The infinite road in the body of Minjiang Li runs quietly and is about to shoot.


The situation changed suddenly.

The entire abyss array seems to be infused with invincible power, which makes the operation of the abyss reach the extreme.

Qijiang actually couldn't survive, and came straight out.

Then, fist was met, Yuan's fist. The appearance of this fist made the heavens and the earth sink into an extremely dark darkness.

"Lord of Infinite, you finally came, I knew you were lurking in, and I knew everything you did in my Obuchi Empire. The reason why I pretended that it was to lead but not to send you here, bite! Come out!"

Wu Yuan's will penetrated directly into Jiang Li's thinking.

Minjiang moved a little from Infinity, and when the light was released, it pierced through the darkness of the abyss, and even the opponent's fists completely became invisible.

But when he resolved the attack, he saw an incredible scene.

I stood beside Yuan Yuan, standing alone, this man is a teenager, the body proportion is even more coordinated than Yuan Yuan, more perfect, that is even better in breath.

The person's face has a soft, all-encompassing mood and taste. His eyes, birth and death are in the blink of an eye, his eyes are closed, the world is in darkness, his eyes are open, everywhere bright.

Alas, in his chest and inside his heart, there seems to be a strong force of devour, which can devour everything and melt the nothingness.

It goes without saying that this person is one of the top ten masters in the main world, second only to the "bite" of the Tao.

Yuan Yuan is third, but his strength is not much different from that of "Bite". The union of the two is invincible. How can the power increase tenfold?

This time, his conspiracy was calculated. The two teamed up to introduce Jiang Li into 彀 , and wanted to catch 鳖 瓮.

The top ten masters in the world, together, two bite, three yuan, four must, five realms, six interpretations, seven cuts, eight princes, nine regrets, ten seals. These people are all invincible. Wei Nengjiang, who has been in the middle of the road, has seen it. Now he is not an opponent at all. Now Yan Heyuan is alone. He has a chance to win, but it is dangerous to unite.

"Hello ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lord of Infinity, I am a bite." The young bite hand caressed his chest and bowed halfway down. It was actually an ancient etiquette, showing a temperament and a brutal and overbearing name completely opposite.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Li." Jiang Li was not surprised, but also returned the etiquette.

"The Lord of Infinite." Yuan said: "How do you feel when you arrive now? Should you take the initiative to give up Infinite Avenue, or let us kill you and strip your Infinite Avenue. When you arrive, what you will suffer The suffering is beyond our imagination. "

"Yuan, you are asking such a wonderful question." Jiang Li smiled: "Infinite Avenue is the strongest way to surpass the existence of chaos. This is a matter of chance, chaos cannot be defeated and destroyed, if you If you can take it, it does n’t belong to me anymore. This is a fixed number. You attack me, but it ’s my robbery number. You just hone me, just like real gold is melted for a while. , But it will only become more and more pure. "

"The Lord of Infinite, your words make sense, but the future is changeable and not destined. The Tao can fall on everyone's body. The so-called infinity means there are many possibilities. The fixed number you say violates the infinite. Rule. You can be the Lord of Infinite, and I can be the Lord of Infinite. Everyone is the Lord of Infinite. "

"Changes and fixed numbers are actually the same. There is no difference, but you have no insight into the true meaning of nothing." Jiang Lidao said: "You can indeed become the Lord of Infinite, as long as you start to cultivate the Infinite Road, under the influence of time. You may be able to take my place one day and practice infinitely. "

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