Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 979: 7 masters

Chapter 979 Seven Masters

Hearing many people's conversations and discussions, Jiang Li already knew the whole situation of the devouring empire now, and he really intervened. As a Taoist figure, naturally, he can find every opportunity to see the needle and expand his power.

This is also what Jiang Li expected.

However, it is strange that some of the top ten masters actually listened to the words and started to unite.

According to the truth, although the "Tao" is tyrannical, it does not have the ability to dominate the main world. The main world hides dragons and crouching tigers. The most powerful force is actually not the Tao, but the shrine of star-studded messengers.

Angels of extinction go with their lives, as long as chaos is present, they are absolutely strong.

Among the messengers of the world, the king of world destruction has a strong ability, and there are rumors about the mysterious son of chaos.

Now Jiang Li doesn't know where the chaos is.

This son is most likely to be attached to the body of a large transporter, born directly in a way that no one can imagine, exterminate everything, and have to prevent it.

"Of the top ten masters, Yuan was surrendered by me, and now it spreads across the country, spreading infinitely, eating and killing me, devouring and digesting, and the other eight masters. If they come together, unite their empires and obey The command of Tao is very horrible. I am afraid that luck can reverse everything. "Jiang Li began to calculate. He did not have any impression of the top ten masters, nor did he know what other masters looked like and how powerful they were. "I know everything clearly.

"Yuan" and "Bite" are indigenous, second and third masters. I do n’t know how many years of the male dominance. Most of the situation in the main world is familiar, not to mention the top ten masters with the same name as themselves.

All their memories and insights are poured into the infinite river, which is a secret, only Jiang Li knows.

Because of this, Jiang Li knew almost all the remaining eight masters except Tao.

The other seven masters have four must, five realms, six interpretations, seven cuts, eight princes, nine regrets, ten seals. I am afraid it is possible to gather here to discuss major events.

Jiang Li wanted to see what kind of tricks these people would discuss.

Everyone of the seven masters has no way to learn, even some unknown secrets, he knows that they are inseparable from each other, so you can think of ways to deal with them, either to suppress them or to attract them.

Those who are willing to learn infinitely become their own, and those who are unwilling to learn and want to fight against themselves are killed.

He lurked quietly and observed in secret.

He changed his identity, changed slightly, and aimed at the owner of a local royal auction house.

This man is the secret confidant of the bite. Basically nobody knows and is directly responsible for biting. Now that Jiang Li has accepted the will to eat, naturally, he can evolve his breath, so that the owner of this auction house obeys his orders and even temporarily uses his body to directly replace his identity.

This boss holds the name "Jumbo Pavilion", which is itself called treasure treasure.

Jiang Li quickly lost his house, and then sent the spirit of this boss into the infinite river. Then, he came to the material world, condensed energy and reborn in the infinite world of infinite Jindan, and began to practice infinite.

"Bao Shenzang, you are now a man of the infinite empire. You have perished and finally belonged to infinity. Now Jiang Li replaced your identity and made you reborn and reborn in the infinite golden pandan. You have some merit, and you are appointed. For the 'Minister Jianbao', manage the treasures in the infinite world. "

Now, Hongchen Heaven Realm has evolved the infinite Heaven Realm, communicated with the Dayuan Empire, and even established a stable channel, and various talents emerged endlessly.

This treasure **** treasure also completely understood something, he closed his eyes and pondered, and soon entered the role.

At this time, Jiang Li replaced his identity and took charge of the "Jumbo Pavilion" that devoured the empire.

The "Jumbo Pavilion" is huge and has a lot of treasures, mainly hosting auctions, collecting various materials and magical treasures for the royal family, and some secret artifacts in the ancient ruins.

Devouring the Empire is a business center. Just like the "Fidelity World", indigenous peoples and masters everywhere will come to trade many things.

In contrast, although the Obuchi Empire also has a trading market, because there is no strict legal system, people who buy and sell are always in danger, and no one is willing to bring truly precious treasures.

When Jiang Li replaced the "Treasure God's Treasure", he was observing a magic weapon and doing research in his own secret room, which was an ancient artifact collected for the royal family.

This ancient artifact is a scrap, silver-gray, with a dense mysterious pattern on it. No one knows the origin. It is not something that can be refined.


There were sounds of footsteps.

A woman appeared and walked straight into the back room. She was charming, capable, and wearing tight leather clothes, which was somewhat similar to the modern aesthetic style of the earth.

"Dad, the people from the royal family are here to urge you. I hope you will send this magic weapon as soon as possible. They have sent messengers to wait outside." The woman said, she is actually the daughter of the treasure god. It is no wonder that she can enter this secret room Treasury: "What kind of artifact is this, you have been studying for so long? Is there any amazing magical power on it?"

Jiang Li quickly searched for the memory of "Bao Shenzang".

Suddenly, I was surprised. It turned out that this thing was a magic weapon used by the Son of Chaos, which recorded the supreme secret of the Son of Chaos.

There are reincarnations in the material world outside, and each time there will be a child of chaos, destroying the world again and again. Although the main world does not have reincarnation, it will also usher in a storm of blood and blood, sweeping up and destroying the storm. Many masters will also be among the robberies Fall.

The Son of Chaos has appeared in the main world many times. Each time it appears, it is more powerful than the previous one. Although he was defeated every time and did not destroy the main world, some of his weapons are left behind. Those weapon fragments are the most Precious treasures, once obtained, many secrets can be studied from them.

The fragment in front of him has the secret of the Son of Chaos.

However, Jiang Li didn't see the mystery from it.

He also does not inject into Infinite Avenue, lest changes occur, and he will outweigh the gains.

"I didn't study anything, it's a pity." He said in the treasure God's possession: "In this case, then go to the messenger." Take this thing in your pocket and bring it out, and walk outside the dense hall. The space room is the living room.

In the living room stood two people, with tiger-backed backs, such as Lux, who wore robes. This was not the costume of the Imperial court, but the clothing of the Empire of Tao.

Sure enough, the empire of Tao actually penetrated into the imperial court and began to accept the core power of devouring the empire.

"Bao Shenzang, what we want has already arrived in your hands, why are you still procrastinating? Do you want to die?" Said the man.

"The messenger is angry, angry, I am selfish and want to research something out for myself." Jiang Li quickly pleased, he handed over the magic piece of the chaotic son, at the same time, there are two spheres, which are given to two Messenger's gift.

"Oh, this is the sky wave **** ball. It is the kind of inexplicable sky wave shock that was born in the chaos. You gave it to us? Sure enough, we will be human, very good, very good. We will say good things for you. "The two messengers said, after speaking, after they took them, they disappeared.

"Father, why do you have a treasure like Tianbo God Ball?" The daughter followed, and she was called Bao Mier.

"I've had an adventure recently for my father." Jiang Lidao said: "The people of this empire seem to have great ambitions. They really want to take over the empire, and those above the court will be willing to bow down."

"Father, now we have no choice but to trust and please, otherwise there will be no place for burial." Bao Mier also sighed, "Houye who recently came to the Empire of Tao, wants to marry me as a child Alas, let me be his furnace, what should I do? "

"It's very simple. Relying on a stronger existence than the Tao Empire." Jiang Lidao.

"Where is an empire stronger than Tao's empire? Tao is the first master." Bao Mier asked quickly.

"Of course, there is an infinite world." Jiang Lidao said, "I have received the favor of the Infinite Lord for my father and obtained countless adventures. The wave ball just now is a supreme baby condensed by the infinite magic power by adjusting the chaos gas. .Now I will teach you the magic of infinite road. "


A will passed to the woman's heart, she sat down with her knees crossed, her body rippling with a strange luster, and after a few breaths the body's breath was like a tide like a dragon.

Her strength has increased at least dozens of times.

"Teach this to someone who you absolutely trust, and for each person you teach, you can get more cultivation. With UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the snowball is getting bigger and bigger." Jiang Li wants to establish here. His own system naturally spread the infinite road, such as the sparks of flames, blooming everywhere, but he was not prepared to teach on a large scale, so as not to frighten the snake.

"It's such an amazing feat." Bao Mier's eyes brightened, her cultivation has increased greatly, and she has learned a lot of things. Naturally, she has the incomparable spirit of fearlessness.

"You go, I still have to manage a lot of things to prepare for the next big change in the world. I estimate that the imperial court that is devouring the empire will bring about a great change." Jiang Li wants to start many methods left behind And reserve, to reverse the situation at the moment, in a word, absolutely cannot make the Imperial Alliance of Tao succeed, nor can he let this devour the Empire to accept.


At this time, the entire imperial city space transmitted a fierce vitality fluctuation.

Jiang Li opened the infinite eyes and saw seven big shadows.

Here are the seven masters.

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