Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 999: Infinite means

Chapter 999 Infinite Means

"Infinity Lord, you broke into my empire!"

Although Yuan Shixinming was severely injured by Jiang Xinyue, his skill was not lost, and he knew Jiang Li, knew that he was the enemy, and now he was working against it.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Li smiled. "I'm here to help you. You used to call the wind and rain in the empire. Have you ever suffered such humiliation? I just saw all of you being treated by Jiang Xinyue. How pathetic?"

"What the **** do you want to do?" Yuan Shi's heart was like an enemy.

"Do you want to get Jiang Xinyue?" Jiang Lidao said, "Take someone who humiliates you under your feet?" Now that Yuan Shixin Ming is being humiliated, he will have the opportunity to break his defense and ambush the chess pieces. Of course, Jiang Li couldn't help this person to get Jiang Xinyue, and this person was just his plaything. He used this man's humiliation just now to deal with the three kings of the Yuan Dynasty, Jiang Xinyue, and Jiang Nalan.

Jiang Li's layout is intertwined and there will be no loopholes.

"You are not a person who has humiliated me." Yuan Shi Xinming knew what Jiang Li had come to him for, and immediately thought: "This person came to me, and definitely wanted to lend my hand to Jiang Xinyue, and even returned It ’s so easy to plot my father and want to treat me as a chess piece, but I do n’t refuse him, I ’ll catch the good, and the cheap is the king ’s bastard. When I have finished taking advantage of him, I wo n’t do anything for him, or even He has a complete conspiracy, and it is a great pleasure to devour his infinity. "

He was not a fuel-saving lamp, and he immediately brewed in his mind hundreds of insidious and malicious schemes, and he wanted to kill Jiang Li to death.

However, he still refused in his mouth.

"Of course I am not a person who humiliates you. There is no intersection between us." Jiang Lidao said, "I am to prevent Jiang Xinyue and Jiang Nalan from calculating me, and of course your father. In fact, your father is to you, There is no family relationship between father and son. As long as he has the opportunity, he will definitely sacrifice you as a sacrifice. It ’s better to follow me. Infinite will not persecute anyone. Now you see that once my enemies joined Infinite. In China, you still have a good life, accelerated practice, infinite truth, you must know a lot. "

"What benefit do you give me?" Yuan Shixinming began to ask for something.

"I help you get revenge, but you still have the benefit? You say the other way around, it should be what benefit you give me." Jiang Li has long realized that this person is going to act viciously on himself by means of the infinite law. Mind, this is normal, if the other side believes in silly, then it is really hopeless.

What Jiang Li wants is the opponent's vicious thoughts, so that he can count the plan and use this to count Jiang Xinyue and Jiang Nalan,

"I know that you want to use me to calculate Jiang Xinyue. I will certainly not willingly help you. I will be called by you as a chess piece, but as long as it is good, everything is easy to say. If it is not good, please return." Yuan Shixin Ming also pretended to be tough.

"Well, it's very simple. I can help you to peel off this dress on your body. How about it?" Jiang Li pointed to the colorful smoke Yunxia clothing on Yuan Shi Xinming: "If you want to ask for benefits, I turn around and leave To tell you the truth, you can wear this outfit and you can be killed by Jiang Xinyue anytime, anywhere. Now you control your life in her hands. If you think about it, what will you do, even if you kneel. You have to do it when you lick her boots. Actually, at this time, you should ask me, because you can unlock the clothes. "

"This ..." Yuan Shi was clearly hesitant.

He is also at a disadvantage now, and the situation is stronger than others. He can naturally perceive his cultivation as a horror of this dress on his body.

He thought of many ways to procure the magic, but he couldn't strip it off, knowing that Jiang Xinyue's strength was far above himself. No one wants to be controlled by others, and it is imperative that the clothes be stripped off.

"My father can definitely peel off this dress. Jiang Xinyue is an outsider after all. I am the son of Emperor Yuan Shitian. I don't believe it. Jiang Xinyue dare to disobey my father's order!" He was still stubborn.

"Your father? Your father is now out of chaos. He is stealing the power of great existence with Jiang Xinyue. The clothes that Jiang Xinyue lays on you are the power of that great existence." Pressing and destroying Yuan Shixin Ming ’s confidence: “Yuan Shixin Ming, I tell you the truth, now your father also depends on the temperament of Jiang Xinyue to confuse that great existence, gain strength from it, and finally surpass. Now Jiang Xinyue is millions of times more important than you. It can be said that with one sentence, Jiang Xinyue can kill you clean and give her as a sacrifice. Do n’t think you are his son. How important is that, in his current state, when he thinks about it, he can give birth to tens of trillions of sons from the void, what are you? "

Jiang Li's words were like a knife and a needle, deeply piercing Yuan Shi's heart.

Yuan Shi Xinming is actually very deep in his heart. Indeed, the overall situation is the most important. With the character of Yuan Shi Tian Wang, even the sacrifices of all offspring and sons, and even the wife of the harem, are at their expense. After all, strength is the most important.

And Yuan Shixin Ming himself is the same, he also has a son, he also has offspring.

If he sacrifices his offspring for strength, he almost does not hesitate to think.

After all, he is the most important. As long as he doesn't die, there are many offspring, like Jiang Li, who can sacrifice his own existence for the sake of the ethnic group. He ca n’t understand it, feels stupid, feels incurable, and simply violates the main world. World view.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you lift the ban on these colorful clothes, I will help you deal with Jiang Xinyue and Jiang Nalan. But we said in advance that we should not shake my Da Yuan Empire and Da Shi Empire. The foundation. "Yuan Shixin said clearly.

He retreated.

"No problem, I ’m actually not even willing to deal with your father. If they are united to fight chaos with me, I would be happy to unite with others." Jiang Lixu said, "In fact, I do so many things It's just self-protection. "

"Well, having said so much, now you immediately help me to take away the colorful dresses on my body. I can't stand such restraints anymore, yes, Jiang Xinyue is so amazing. If you contact me now, she will not Would you know things through this Xiayi? "Yuan Shi said clearly.

"Of course not, you see me too simple." Jiang Li smiled: "If I have no way to restrain Jiang Xinyue, I will come here to grind with you? Wasting time? But Jiang Xinyue got There is a great existence outside of chaos. The blessing of blessing on you must be lifted silently and confuse her, saying that it is a bit difficult to do without lifting. I have to do a lot of preparation. "

"What do you want?" Yuan Shi said clearly.

"The sacrifice is, of course, the sacrifice, so that I have enough sacrifice power. Through this dress, I can come into contact with that great existence, and even make you get the power of that thing, and finally let it go to restrain Jiang Xinyue. Jiang Li talked eloquently, that calm look, and the appearance of holding everything in his hands, secretly affected Yuanshi's heart and mind.

He has actually practiced martial arts and has unlimited temptation.

That infinite temptation can secretly inspire the light of temptation, so that the enemy has a further understanding of infinity, and finally changes the person's worldview.

"What sacrifice do you want?" Yuan Shixinming was not that easy to be seduced, but Jiang Li's words made him a great influence, and he also wanted the power of colorful eyeballs.

"The blood of chaos, the bones of the beginning, the film of immortality, the eternal tendon, the soul of the Promise, the flesh of the void ..." Jiang Li uttered many supreme treasures in one breath, all of which are extremely extreme in the main world. Rare treasure, not even in the Obuchi Empire. He got the blood of chaos, or was cursed by chaos in the midst of robbers. He wanted to pollute him, but he refined the royal blue with the help of chaos blood. Gourds, thus obtaining great magical powers.

The bones of the early stage are rumored to be bones born out of chaos, which is necessary for the birth of the sons of chaos. The same is true of the immortal film. As for the eternal soul behind, the flesh of the void, is the material that chaos appeared to give birth to the son of chaos.

The flesh, bones, membranes, and tendons are all together to form a complete person, the son of chaos.

In many reincarnations, there have been traces of the Son of Chaos, so many masters have also collected those things, as the highest treasure, refining magic, or improving their skills.

These things are not even in the Obuchi Empire, but Jiang Li can definitely say that they must be in the Yuanshi Empire. Who is the Yuanshi King? Can compete with Dao, one of the leaders of the Great Empire.

"You actually want so many things?" Yuan Shixinming was surprised: "It's true that I have some of these things, but they are a sacrifice for Jiang Xinyue."

"It doesn't matter. Jiang Xinyue's sacrifice is still prepared. I can give you a small sacrifice first." Jiang Li suddenly disappeared: "I'm going to prepare something now, and soon, UU reads www.uukanshu .com If we meet again, we will completely relieve you of the colorful Xia Yi. "Jiang Li disappeared.

"I also need to prepare more. We just agreed." Yuan Shi Xinxin said clearly, he saw Jiang Li disappeared, and quickly returned to the depths of his own temple, there is a statue in it, which is actually Yuan Shi Tian Wang.

He knelt in front of him and prayed, "Great Father, I encountered this, and now I'll report it to you. I don't know if it's feasible?"

He began to report on Jiang Xinyue and Jiang Li.

"Very well, you are doing very well. Keep in touch with the Lord of Infinite. Listen to him and I will assist you to plot him." Yuan Shi Tianwang's idol made a sound.

"Yes!" Yuan Shi lowered his head.

And at this time, in the far distance, Jiang Li made the same voice: "I will assist you to plan him ..."

It turned out that the sound heard by Yuan Shi Xinming was not Yuan Shi Tianwang, but his will. He performed the technique of planting flowers and plants and planted it on Yuan Shi Xin Ming, so that the other party ’s prayer was not Yuan Shi Tianwang, but him.

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