“Great, it appeared, big brother is so powerful, I found it at once.” Seeing this, Zhong Ling’s eyes turned, cheered and grabbed Zhao Yi’s arm, and whispered: “Big brother, since you know everything, you shouldn’t cheat Ling’er, you are a fraudulent gamble, fraudulent gambling is not a win, is it good that our previous agreement is voided.” ”

“Huh!” Hearing this, Zhao Yi smiled and shook his head and said: “Ghost girl, you come less, the so-called willing to accept defeat, brother, I didn’t let you make this bet, and then said ten bets and nine cheats, this money girl should understand, if you don’t believe it, you go and ask her.” ”

“Hmph! Big brother, you are a big badass, too shameless and shameless. Seeing that he had not succeeded, Zhong Ling suddenly pouted, puffed out his cheeks, his face was full of displeasure, and cursed loudly.

“Hmph! Little girl, Zhao Yi is right, ten gambling and nine cheating, you can only make jokes in vain. Seeing Zhong Ling like this, Qian Xue immediately said sarcasm, she just couldn’t get used to it, Zhong Ling and Zhao Yi were intimate.

Although Qian Xue is Zhao Yi’s prisoner and Zhao Yi’s maid, she will not admit it, she is the fourth young lady of the Qian family, and she is arrogant, how can she admit this.

And Qian Xue is still a delicate master, although Zhao Yi has no special relationship with her, but let Zhao Yi take advantage of so much, Qian Xue has already regarded Zhao Yi as a private property, how can he let Zhong Ling get involved.

Of course! Qian Xue will look up to Zhao Yi so much, there are other reasons, such as that piece of jade pei, Zhao Yi’s mysterious identity, Qian Xue seems to understand a little.

“Okay, let’s go in, go in and find the cheats, I can’t wait!” Seeing that Qian Xue and Zhong Ling were arguing again, Zhao Yi hurriedly stopped it.

He was the first to bend down and walk into the cave, Zhong Ling and Qian Xue saw this, and they had to suppress their desire to quarrel~ and followed, walking more than ten steps, and there was no light in the cave.

“Little girl, money girl, you be careful, as soon as there is movement, immediately lie down, I don’t know if there is a mechanism here, hey! I already knew that I brought a torch in. “Zhao Yi stretched out his hands, every step out first tried the virtual reality, after all, this is the real world, but it is not the novel that Zhao Yi read in his previous life, what mechanism is normal, in short, be careful.

“Knowing big brother, be careful yourself.” Zhong Ling heard the concern in Zhao Yi’s words, and a sweetness suddenly rose in his heart, like eating honey, after Zhao Yi attacked the little butt, she and Zhao Yi were also much closer.

As for Qian Xue hearing the sweetness in Zhong Ling’s tone, her heart was suddenly unhappy, and she didn’t say anything, just silently followed behind.

Zhao Yi tried all the way but felt that his feet were flat, as if walking on a stone road, expecting that the road in the cave must be artificially repaired, and it must be a passageway.

“Be careful, the terrain seems to be getting lower and lower.” Walking all the way, Zhao Yi only felt that the road kept tilting downward, obviously going lower and lower, and couldn’t help but remind him.

“Hmm! This is…” Suddenly, Zhao Yi’s right hand touched a cold round object, and when he touched it, the round object made a sound, the sound was clear, and he reached out and touched it again, it turned out to be a door knocker.

“Where there is a knocker, there will be a gate.” Thinking about it, Zhao Yi groped with both hands, and immediately touched more than ten bowl-sized door nails, and his heart suddenly loosened, and he pushed hard.

The door was opened, but there was still nothing in sight, only a musty pungent smell, which made Zhao Yi can’t help but hold his breath.

“Wow! It’s so unforgettable, it’s almost breathless, how long has no one lived here. At the same time, Zhong Ling’s complaining voice came.

Hearing Zhong Ling’s complaint, Qian Xue said disdainfully: “Only if no one lives, we can come to find the secret code, otherwise we won’t become a thief!” ”

“There seems to be no one in this cave for a long time, which is why there is so much musty smell.” Zhao Yi continued to move forward, and suddenly with a bang, his forehead hit something: “Lean!” There is also a door, really weak, did not hit the mechanism, but hit the gate, what a bad luck. ”

“Big brother, are you okay!”

“Cut! Carelessness is difficult to take on a big job. ”

“It’s okay!” For Zhong Ling’s relationship Zhao Yi was full of joy, he didn’t care about Qian Xue’s sarcasm, just now fortunately he walked very slowly, this collision was not very painful, stretched out, it turned out that there was a door in front of him.

“Squeak!” Zhao Yi’s hand was hard, and he slowly pushed the door open, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes couldn’t help but narrow, carefully probing the situation behind the door.

I saw that the place I was in was a round stone room, the light shining from the left, but it was hazy and not like the skylight.

“Finally arrived, and it is really like what is described in the novel.” Seeing this, Zhao Yi’s heart relaxed, and said with a smile: “Okay, little girl, Qian girl, come in!” There shouldn’t be any danger here, but be careful not to mess around. ”

Saying that, Zhao Yi walked to the bright place and suddenly saw a large shrimp swimming outside the window.

“Hmm! It’s really the bottom of the lake, and the people who built it here really put a lot of effort into it! Seeing this, Zhao Yi was surprised in his heart, and after walking up a few steps, he saw a carp with a pattern passing by the window.

“Huh! I see. Zhao Yi looked at the window carefully, and suddenly realized that it was originally a large crystal set in the stone wall, about the size of a copper basin, and light penetrated through the crystal.

Zhao Yi’s eyes were close to the crystal, and he saw that the turquoise water could not stop moving, and the fish and shrimp aquatic tribe swam back and forth, as far as the eye could see, there was no end.

Looking at the crystal in front of him, Zhao Yi sighed again: “This big crystal is really an extremely rare treasure!” This has to be obtained in this world I don’t know how much money I can buy. ”

“It’s so powerful, this is the bottom of Sword Lake, and the people who live here must think that the seniors are superior, it’s really amazing.” Seeing this ingenious situation, Zhong Ling was amazed, and then his heart moved, and he said with a smile: “Since this place lives a senior master, then his martial arts must be very powerful, let’s hurry up and find the secret code!” After practicing the martial arts of this senior, Ling’er can jump off the cliff dashingly like a big brother, unscathed, (*^__^*) Hee hee is so good…….”

“The seniors who live here are really powerful.” Hearing this, Qian Xue also agreed, and then said arrogantly: “Hey! Zhao Yi, do you know that senior lives here? ”

Hearing this, Zhao Yi said with a smile: “You know, this place used to live in Xiao~ Yao Faction, the contemporary head of Wuyazi, and her wife, Li Qiushui, the current Empress Dowager of Western Xia. ”

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