“The global cosmic hegemony has officially begun!”

“Each challenger will initially receive a planet!”

“Run your planet well, it will be the key to your domination of the universe!”

“But beware, this is not a game, it is life!”

“You can choose your lifestyle, whether to indulge in pleasure or to be excited!”

“You can obtain everything you once dared not imagine, god-like strength, power, money, immortality, thousands of descendants, create a cosmic empire… In this world, you can get it all! ”

“You can also dominate the top of the universe and become the only master in the universe!”

“As long as you have the corresponding strength!”

“There are all kinds of mysteries that you need to explore on your own!”

“Come on!”

“Become the supreme overlord in the universe!”

“Good luck to you!”

“Finally, please pay attention to the overlords: 1. The world is full of crises, if you die, you are really dead!”

“2. This world is full of secrets! There are many treasures such as this secret realm, alien technology, alien forces, and high-level world inheritance! If you find it, don’t miss it! ”

“3. The first seven days are the protection period for newbies, and within seven days, the overlords will not have any danger!”

“4. For a better experience for the hegemons, open the regional chat function, and the overlords can communicate freely!”

“5. Pay attention to all kinds of unusual things in life, that can be important clues to something important! Acting carefully may be able to wipe out the crisis in the cradle and save your life! ”

“6. Beware of powerful alien civilizations before you develop, they are deadly!”

Ye Mo, “…”

Look at the towering tower

Sit on the Iron Throne,

Looking at the kneeling black pressure below.

I heard a voice in my ear again

Ye Mo finally understood what was going on.

He crossed,

He also inexplicably entered a macroscopic world called the overlord of the universe.

Fortunately, Ye Mo, as a traverser, not only has the wisdom and wisdom of the readers, but also has the same excellent mental endurance as everyone here.

Just for a while, Ye Mo adapted to his new identity.

Look at the oppressive crowd below

Ye Mo couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly

Is this an addiction to being the emperor of the world?

The mind turned

An information box appeared in front of Ye Mo’s eyes.

This is the common chat area that only takes a thought to tune it up.

Very convenient.

At this time, the chat area has become a pot of porridge.

“What’s going on? I crossed? ”

“It’s not just you who crossed, we all crossed!”

“I lean! Cosmic overlord, really fake?! ”

“Oh my God! I never thought that in my lifetime, I would be able to become the master of one ball! Doesn’t this mean that you can do whatever you want, and marry as many wives as you want! ”

“Right! Wealth! I want the most beautiful woman! ”

“Whahahaha, no one can stop me?”

“Don’t you want to go back to the real world?”

“Back to the real world? To be an ordinary person, is it possible to be a hegemon? ”

“Didn’t that voice say, as long as we are willing to work hard, dominating the universe is not a dream!”

“One day, this universe will change its surname!”


To Ye Mo’s expectation, in the comment area, there was a singing and dancing.

Almost everyone is blinded by the good things in front of them.

When an ordinary small citizen, is there a hegemon incense above ten thousand people?

Naturally not.

At least, this lust for power that awaits and drinks from his subordinates is a temptation that most people can’t stand to bear.

Unfortunately, Ye Mo is not an ordinary person.

Starting a planet?

Become a cosmic overlord?

Hearing this kind of good thing, Ye Mo was not blinded.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, with his twenty years of experience in being baptized by online novels

I’m afraid this hegemon is not so good.

At first, the strange sound was drawing a pie for them

It also said all kinds of benefits, alien technology, supernatural energy, immortality….

Who wouldn’t draw a pie?

Ye Mo wouldn’t take all these words seriously, he paid attention to the next prompt!

The first of the prompts,

The world is full of crises, and if you die, you really die!

Ye Mo felt that this was not alarmist.

Around this was definitely a danger that he hadn’t noticed for the time being.

What to do next can only be to cross the river by feeling the stones.

“Okay, this morning’s meeting will end here, I’m going back to rest!”

His subordinates shouted in unison, “Congratulations to the Star King!” ”

Ye Mo just stood up

Hearing the two words of Star King, he almost stumbled and fell.

Star King?

Is this what his men call him?

Ye Mo Star King… It’s also a good time.

Go back to your dwelling

Ye Mo’s first and foremost thing is to understand the world.

I don’t know anything about the world.

Soon, his subordinates sorted out the information to him and played it through the huge screen of fifty square meters in Ye Mo’s bedroom.

It took Ye Mo a full two hours to understand the world a little.

Can’t help but exclaim

“That’s too awesome!”

The planet where Ye Mo is located, named Blue Star, is the same name as the planet he was on before, but it is a reduced version of the previous planet, and even the overall size is not even comparable to the size of the moon.

He is now the Star King of Blue Star

That strange voice was right

He does rule the entire Blue Star!

At this time, the total population of Blue Star reached 100 million

In other words, these 100 million people are his Ye Mo’s people, listening to his Ye Mo’s instructions.

In this way, it is quite cool to become an emperor of 100 million people.

However, as Ye Mo expected, this game is not simple.

At this time, Blue Star is already in crisis!

Although there was a world before Ye Mo, a hundred years of technology

The technology of space navigation has also matured

It’s a pity that a suitable colonized planet has been found for a long time.

At this time, the resources on the blue star have long been exhausted.

Water is only enough for 30 per cent of the population, and the other 70 per cent of the population is short of water or has to drink polluted sources.

Global pollution is serious to an extreme

Except for a few small pieces of pure land,

People living elsewhere must wear gas masks when they go out, and tens of thousands of people die every day from respiratory diseases.

What made Ye Mo even more concerned was the last message presented by his subordinates.

The local uprising is getting worse!

After digging deeper, Ye Mo knew

Many people on this planet are already dissatisfied with him

The reason was also that Ye Mo was quite speechless

According to the results of the investigation, the reason is because the Blue Star resource has decayed to a certain extent

Many people can’t eat enough, and he, as the star king, still sings every night and night, big fish and meat

The upper 10% of the people enjoy 80% of the resources of the entire Blue Star

It doesn’t matter if the people below live or die!

Tens of thousands of people starve to death every day

It also built a lot of construction, on the only pure land of Blue Star (that is, unpolluted land).

It cost a lot of money to build the Star Picking Tower

Causing the people to have a poor life

And that’s not all

These two years light concubines,

Ye Mo added eighteen….

Ye Mo, “…”

“I’m a comatose monarch!”

And pick the Star Tower!

I’m not a king!

Ye Mo rubbed his temples

Big head!

If you go according to this situation,

Once the seven-day newbie protection period has expired,

He will be pushed off the stage by the angry people!

When the time comes, it doesn’t matter if you are killed, you will also bear the infamy of a comatose monarch!

Let’s be honest,

Ye Mo was a little panicked now.

The first time I was a faint… No, the first time I was a star king, I didn’t know what to do.

He knew that this position was not so easy to do.

If you take a wrong step, it will be a disaster!

Just when Ye Mo had a headache

A voice sounded in his head

“Ding! Detected that the host becomes the Star King! ”

“Cosmic Overlord Simulator is officially launched!”

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