Chapter 100: Increased Difficulty, from Hell to Desperate….

“But the next situation is not something you can control.”

“You noticed that the galaxy suddenly darkened! The light is blocked! ”

“It turns out that those aliens of the Demon Spirit Race used the Demon Spirit Tower to create a special cover to cover the stars of the Beginning and End Galaxy. Blocks the star’s light from shining outward. ”

“There is no yellow light from the stars! The strength of the Star King Army cannot be restored! The energy in the body, use a little less! ”

“You have a bad heart, the four major forces already know the weakness of the Krypton bloodline!”

“Except for a certain existence called kryptonite, it is the fear of not being exposed to sunlight.”

“The yellow stellar light is the source of power for the Krypton bloodline, if the yellow star 783 light is isolated, the Krypton bloodline will have no way to replenish energy, and when the energy is exhausted, it is not much stronger than ordinary!”

“You don’t know how the four major forces know about your various alien strongholds, and you don’t know how the four major forces found the weakness of the Krypton bloodline.”

“The rest of the battle can only be described in one miserable word!”

“How beautiful it was before, how sad it is this time…”

“You fought hard and died under the siege of various forces!”

“When you were temporary, you noticed that not only the huge number of mechanical soldiers of the mechanical race, but also the armies of other forces, many alien fleets that have never been seen!”

“The counts of these fleets are counted in billions!”

“It’s just that in this battle, only the mechanical race is enough! In their opinion, the mechanical race is full firepower, and it is enough to deal with you.”

“The other alien races involved in the encirclement laughed at your self-sufficiency, and thought you were invincible with a little strength! You still want to go against the sky?! ”

“In front of the top strength of this universe! You have no chance! ”

“You feel your smallness again!”

“You’re dead!”

“End of simulation!”

“This simulation lasts twenty-six months!”


Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Twenty-six months later, from the blue star to the occupation of eleven galaxies.

This simulation is the most brilliant result he has ever achieved! Success!

But Ye Mo also noticed that even so, he was ultimately defeated!

I originally thought that this simulation, with the blessing of Kryptonian bloodline, could get the four major forces,

To see the higher beings below.

As a result, I didn’t expect that even the mechanical race, one of the four major forces, had not singled out….. Ye Mo understood that at the beginning, the battle was brilliant, but the mechanical race did not take him seriously at all, and did not gather forces to deal with him!

Only Ye Mo himself felt that he was amazing…. When both sides came out with their true strength, Ye Mo felt that in the universe,

The old powerful alien race is terrible… Being able to stand for millions of years, the heritage and killer skills are not something Ye Mo can imagine. Here’s the problem,

It is enough to deal with a mechanical race, is there any hope for dealing with a large group of ruling forces?

You must know that the mechanical race is just one of the ruling forces… Ah this…..

Ye Mo was dumbfounded, and in his heart he cursed the hegemonic world as despicable and shameless! This is not a covert increase in difficulty.

From hell difficulty to desperate difficulty? Ye Mo opened the chat channel and looked at it.

Today is the fourth day of the newbie protection period, and the challengers in the chat channel are still happily discussing how refreshing it is to be an emperor, how much delicious they eat, and how many concubines they have taken…

Ye Mo hehe twice, it’s good to be ignorant!

They think that the newbie protection period is the beginning, but for most people, the newbie protection period is their end!

At that time, the difficulty of the universe hegemony will make them cry!.

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