Chapter 122: The Situation of a Hundred Dead and Lifeless, The Horror of the Mechanical Race [Part II].


Ye Mo gasped! Are mechs so difficult?

He used the ability of the God Emperor to descend the mortal, but he still couldn’t get the mechanical race!

Even the body of the mechanical emperor was defeated without touching it…. This result is a bit difficult to accept.

Ye Mo bit his lip, no way, this is the battle of the universe!

The overlord of the universe is not something that anyone can do casually! In this simulation, Ye Mo thought that all the situations were handled very well, but the final result was not satisfactory.

It’s not that Ye Mo didn’t do well, 13 but Ye Mo’s strength at this time, it’s still too much worse! The strength of the mechanical family is also far beyond the previous estimate! Ye Mo was not convinced,

One more simulation.

“In the twenty-third month, the army of the Mechanical Race launched an attack on your station!”

“Under the influence of the mechanical emperor, all the warships have changed and become mechanical races, and all the electronic devices on the planet have also been transformed into mechanical races by the strange power of the mechanical emperor!”

“In an instant, the mechanical race flooded all corners of your territory!”

“Your planet is at stake!”

“But what the mechanical clan doesn’t know is that while they want to take your territory, you are also waiting for this opportunity!”

“This time, you did not lead any Star King Army, and directly used the power of the Teleportation Technique to reach the Mechanical Emperor! ”

“Capture the thief first, you have to take advantage of this opportunity to defeat the Mechanical Emperor!”

“As long as you kill the Mechanical Emperor, all this will be over!”

Ye Mo clenched his fists and secretly said a good word! You can’t fight a team battle, you can’t fight it alone! He has many blessings of strength,

Heavenly God Xia Fan has been promoted to God Emperor Xia Fan! The strength is even more incomparable!

This should have been done a long time ago, straight to the yellow dragon!

See how the Mechanical Emperor still dodges!

“The God Emperor gave all the blessings, and you launched a fierce attack towards the Mechanical Emperor’s body!”

“Under the gods”


“Star Warframe”

“Star Sword”

“Super Mindfulness”

“Thunder and lightning power”

“Dragon-elephant power, teleportation”

“Shadow Doppelganger”

With the blessing of “Krypton Bloodline”, your strength has reached an unprecedented height! ”

“Even if it is as strong as a mechanical emperor, it can’t stop your attack!”

“The Xingyun sword in your hand is chopping, you try to kill with one blow! Under your slash, the Mechanical Emperor was cut in two! ”


Ye Mo couldn’t help but clap his hands and shout. Let the mechanical emperor hit hard, this is already the best situation in these simulations!

All that’s left is to chase after the victory and kill the Mechanical Emperor!

If the Mechanical Emperor is a little more knowledgeable and surrenders directly, it is not impossible!

“The heavy blow of the mechanical emperor stunned all the mechanical races in the universe!”

“I’m afraid that even the Mechanical Emperor did not expect that you would abandon the defense of your planet and directly choose the method of directly smashing the yellow dragon!”

“Most importantly, it also hit him hard!”

“This is the first time in millions of years that the Mechanical Emperor has been injured!”

“The Mechanical Emperor is furious, he feels that the mechanical personality has been insulted! He will tear you apart with his own hands! ”

“I saw that the space carrier that was divided into two sections was reassembled and changed, becoming a huge machine ring monster with thousands of tentacles and an octopus Mo Yan!”

“It’s still an exaggeration of size! That huge tentacle, with a casual wave, 817 can beat a planet into powder! ”

“You couldn’t dodge, hit this tentacle, and was directly nailed into the mantle of a planet, and fractured several places up and down!”

“If it weren’t for the amazing defense, this time, you would be dead!”

“You have assessed it, at this time, you are a few chips weaker than the Mechanical Emperor in terms of strength!”

“What makes you even more speechless is that the Mechanical Emperor can continue to strengthen his own strength by fusing other mechanical races!”

“Countless mechanical races have been sucked into the body by the mechanical emperor!”

“The ability of the Mechanical Emperor continues to compete!”

“Double, double, triple…”

“Ten times!”

“Immediately, the Mechanical Emperor struck with all his strength, and the Origin and End Galaxy was destroyed by one blow!”

“You’re dead!”

“End of simulation!”

“Twenty-three months of this simulation!”

“I Gan!”

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