Chapter 110: The Terrifying Truth, The Challenger’s Shock!

Ye Mo was like a treasure and told his experience one by one through examples. Instead of mentioning that he had experienced these things, he focused on the effect and horror of these things! The more the challenger looked, the more chilled he became, and the more he looked at it, the more he trembled.

Are these things they going to go through later? Are you sure you didn’t frame us again?

Why do you feel that Ye Mo is telling more mythical stories than mythical stories.

“Really fake? Is everything you say true? Not in the box ours? ”

“Once attacked by aliens, it will be enslaved! Living a life worse than death… No way! ”

“It can’t be! Are aliens so fierce? ”

Seeing 437 seeing everyone’s doubts, Ye Mo smiled and continued to leave a message.

“Do you feel the need for me to lie to you?”

“What’s the benefit of lying to you?”

“As far as my current ability is concerned, I am not sure of surviving in the universe! Not to mention you guys! ”

“The reason why you are living comfortably now is because of the seven-day newbie protection period!”

“As soon as the newbie protection period passes, this hegemonic world will show his minions to you!”

“By the way, I still want to remind you that most of you are invisible to aliens, because none of them will live until then!”

“A warm reminder, pay attention to the internal affairs court, there are two people among the ministers is a high probability event, civil strife is a test for every challenger in the hegemonic world!” If the civil strife is not handled well, let alone have the strength to carry out the cosmic hegemony! ”

“For these challengers who have no strength, the hegemonic world will eliminate them as soon as possible!”

“It is estimated that these people will not live for more than a month!”

“Do it and cherish it!”

Ye Mo’s words were tantamount to a row of bombshells. Directly blow up the challengers stupid!

It was the same as Ye Mo expected.

These challengers did not expect such a situation at all, but they did not expect that this is the truth of the hegemonic world! The law of the jungle, the winner is king!

At this time, the wine and meat songs are just an illusion created for them by the hegemonic world! Pity these challengers who are not aware of the existence of danger at all, and are lost in the gentle country! was Ye Mo said so,

Like a thunderous explosion, many challengers reacted.

“What I said, why don’t I need to look at all kinds of things in the court! His ministers also said that as kings, having fun is what we should do! This kind of dirty work is enough to leave to these courtiers! I really believe it! Now it seems that these bastards are trying to elevate me! ”

“I saw yesterday that a new batch of Janissaries has been brought in! At that time, I was still wondering why I was not notified of such a big thing! I realized that this is to kill me! ”

“I have also long found that the Minister of Home Affairs is not kind to me, and this bastard also lied to me that it was because of my short-sightedness, I didn’t see clearly”

“No, I don’t want to die…”

“Big guy, what should we do?”

“I don’t believe it, it’s all a lie! The courtiers on my side are very obedient, come people, people… I lean, I just overheard that my men were plotting to murder me in four days! ”


Ye Mo saw the reaction of the challengers and nodded in satisfaction.

When I see you flustered, I’m relieved! Let you guys chew the root of your tongue! That being said, Ye Mo also did a good thing.

There are still three days left before the end of the newbie protection period, and if it works well, it will be possible to deal with the matter at hand. At least there will be many people because of Ye Mo’s reminder,

Live through the era of civil unrest.

As for how far they can go after that, it is not for Ye Mo to interfere!.

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