Ye Mo took out a small book

Again an extra stroke to the top.

Space Pirates!

Got it,

Another existence that cannot be provoked for the time being.

Ye Mo originally owned the simulator

I am glad that I have obtained a lot of resource capacity

But reality poured Ye Mo a basin of cold water.

His current strength is not enough,

I want to be the boss with this strength

That’s thinking too much!

This is just the tip of the iceberg in the universe!

There are also a lot of scary existences

At this time, Ye Mo didn’t even have the qualifications to understand them!

“The speed of getting stronger is still too slow!”

Ye Mo said to himself.

To sum up, there are three ways for Ye Mo to become stronger, the first is the ability to solidify the option, and after the end of the seventh day, it can solidify eight abilities.

The second is to get exploration resource rewards from the simulator, ‘short-distance space jump technology’, ‘crescent battleship’ and ‘knight armor’ are all attributed to this.

The third is achievement rewards, in the process of exploration, get certain rewards and complete self-reinforcement.

These three reward paths,

In the present view,

It’s still a little slow.

It’s not that the rewards aren’t generous enough

It’s because the opponent is too strong….

Encounter a random space pirate,

Or a branch of space pirates,

Just move out a planet-sized battleship, do you dare to believe it?

Ye Mo felt,

If you look for this speed,

I’m afraid the novice period will end in seven days

He still can’t beat those space pirates….

Just when Ye Mo was melancholy

In the mind,

Suddenly, the voice of the hegemonic world sounded.

“Attention challengers!”

“In order to increase the survival rate of each challenger, wormholes will appear randomly in all corners of the universe!”

“The wormhole is full of opportunities and dangers!”

“Behind the wormhole may be a dark black hole, or it may be a cosmic secret treasure with a rich reward! It could be another world…”

“The chance of a wormhole appearing is small, but he will be the key to putting you apart from the other overlords!”

“Many times, luck is also part of strength!”

“Take advantage of the opportunities you have!”


The sudden announcement of the hegemonic world,

Once again, the chat group became lively.

The hegemonic world until now,

It happened twice.

Once it was when all of them descended on the hegemonic world

Give rules to every challenger.

One is this time

Announce that wormholes appear!

“Wormholes? Cosmic Treasure? What a thing! ”

“I don’t know! The hegemonic world will announce these inexplicable things! ”

“I haven’t even been to outer space! The chance of this wormhole is far away from me! ”

“Come on, didn’t it say that! The wormhole is not only organic, it is likely to be a trap, once you go in, you can’t get out! ”

“I’m not interested, exploring the wormhole is interesting to roll the sheets with the concubines?”

“That is, instead of venturing in the wormhole, it is better to be an honest comatose king!” The risk is too great, who will joke with life! ”

“I think it’s also calculated, even if you want to explore the wormhole, don’t you say the prompt, the chance of appearing is very small, and it is estimated that you will not meet one in this life!”


In the chat group, you said a word, expressing your disdain for the prompt of the hegemonic world.

Ye Mo took a general look

In fact, there are many people who are interested in wormholes

But they all hesitated because of the danger!

Overlord World won’t give you a free lunch

It says that wormholes contain danger

Then there must be danger!

If there are rich cosmic secret treasures in the wormhole, it is better to say

But if you encounter mortal danger….

Who to reason with when the time comes!

Moreover, the prompt also says that the probability of occurrence is small

It’s not something you want to explore!

You have to spend a lot of time, energy and material resources to find!

When the time comes, it will take a hard time to find a wormhole

It turned out that there was nothing inside

It is estimated that the mentality will be broken by then!

This is simply a loss-making transaction!

Others regard wormholes as chicken ribs, boring food

But Ye Mo’s eyes lit up all of a sudden!

Others fear that wormholes are dangerous!

But he Ye Mo is different!

He has simulators,

What is he afraid of!

I just feel that the promotion speed is not fast enough

This time the resources are delivered to the door!

All right,

Ye Mo has a goal!

This time,

Just start with the wormhole!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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