After several days of preparation, Nie Shiqian led 15,000 soldiers from Nanzheng to kill Liucheng.

Nie Shiqian wanted to bring more people, but Wang Jing refused. Wang Jing felt that these forces were enough to defeat the Wanshan army.

The news was soon learned by the Wanshan army, and Yang Xin summoned his subordinates to discuss the battle.

Zhang Bao said: "Our army has 40,000 people, and the strength far exceeds Nie Shiqian, what is there to be afraid of."

"You can't stick to Liucheng, but if the two armies go head-to-head and the officers and soldiers are more elite, our army may not be able to win." Lu Bailiang said.

"Brother Bai Liang has some good ideas. Yang Xin asked.

"Nie Shiqian doesn't know the art of war, and he hasn't fought in battle. Can........... Lu Boliang slowly said the plan in his heart.

When Nie Shiqian led his troops twenty miles away from Liucheng, there was a report from his command that the Wanshan army appeared in front.

Nie Shiqian was overjoyed, he was originally worried that the Wanshan Army would stick to Liucheng. Now, the Wanshan Army has taken the initiative to attack, and he can destroy it in one battle.

The Southern Zheng Qi army slaughtered the Wanshan army with great momentum. Nie Shiqian didn't know how much the total strength of the Wanshan Army was, and when he saw that there were 10,000 soldiers in front of him, he thought it was the main force of the Wanshan Army. Without hesitation, he personally led the army to rush and kill. The two armies clashed for less than half an hour, and the Wanshan army gradually lost its strength and began to rout. Nie Shiqian planned to lead his troops to chase and kill, but his subordinates persuaded: "There are mountains all around, once the enemy sets up an ambush, our army will be in danger."

Nie Shiqian disagreed, "Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of the thief army are here, so what ambush is there." Don't talk nonsense, follow me to hunt down the thieves. "

The Southern Zheng Qi army covered all the way behind the Wanshan army, and the Wanshan army suffered heavy casualties. Nie Shiqian became more and more proud, causing the whole army to speed up the pursuit.

Chasing to a mountain road, the soldiers came to report, a large number of enemy troops appeared in front, about 10,000 people, Nie Shiqian's heart was shocked. After a while, another soldier came to report, and a large number of enemy troops also appeared in the rear.

Nie Shi Qiandong felt that the situation was not good, and his subordinates suggested occupying the high ground on both sides. Unexpectedly, on the high ground on both sides, countless boulders, rolling logs, arrows, etc. suddenly fell. The Qi army was at a low level, and there was no way to fight back at all, so they could only be beaten passively, and soon there were casualties.

The Qi army concentrated its forces and attacked the high ground on the right, but it was never able to attack. At this time, the Wanshan Army in front and rear also began to attack the Qi Army.

For this battle, Yang Xin mobilized more than 30,000 soldiers to surround the Qi army.

Nie Shiqian was terrified in his heart, and desperately led his troops to break through. He first tried to occupy the high ground on both sides, and after failing, he broke through to the rear, but it was still a failure.

Over the years, due to Wang Jing's greed for money, the salaries of the Han sergeants and soldiers were much less than before, and the soldiers' fighting spirit had also declined, and most of them were unwilling to fight to the death.

Liu Tianming and Zhang Bao each led their troops to besiege and kill the Qi army.

Seeing that there was no hope of victory, the Qi soldiers chose to surrender one after another.

Nie Shiqian wanted to kill himself, but after some psychological struggle, he never mustered up the courage. Forced to lay down his weapons and surrender to the Wanshan Army.

The Wanshan army lost 5,000 soldiers and more than 8,000 prisoners, and half of Nanzheng's troops were lost.

After this battle, the situation between the two sides was exchanged for offense and defense, and the Qi army in Hanzhong could no longer suppress the Wanshan army.

After Yang Xin's victory, the strength of the Wanshan army increased dramatically by absorbing and surrendering pawns. In order to better control the military power, Yang Xin promoted his two younger brothers, Yang Li and Yang Jian, both of whom were in charge of the army.

Zhang Bao, Liu Tianming and others were very excited, and they were glad that they followed Yang Xin at the beginning. Even if the entire Hanzhong has not yet been pacified, they have seen that prosperity and wealth are beckoning to them.

Next, should he directly attack the capital Nanzheng, or should he attack each county seat separately? Yang Xin couldn't make up his mind for a while.

After discussing with Lu Boliang, Yang Xin decided to divide his troops to capture the cities in Hanzhong first. After that, the general attack on Nanzheng.

For a time, all parts of Hanzhong were full of wolf smoke.

Guangyan and Chang County, these two cities were quickly captured by the Wanshan army because of their small cities.

In less than ten days, only Luxian and the capital Nanzheng remained in Hanzhong, and they had not yet fallen.

As early as when Liucheng fell, Yang Mingsheng had a premonition that something big would happen in Hanzhong. So he began to recruit soldiers and build fortifications. Gather all the money, grain, and young people outside Luxian County into the city. In addition, he was an honest official and won the love of the people, and the people in the city actively participated in the defense of the city.

In order to boost morale, Yang Mingsheng always stood on the city wall regardless of the danger. The 7,000 Wanshan army attacked the city day and night, and tried all kinds of methods, but they were never able to conquer Luxian.

Yang Xin was helpless and ordered Yang Li to continue to besiege Lu County. The rest of the soldiers and horses will be temporarily rested. At the same time, we urgently built all kinds of siege equipment to prepare for the next battle of Nanzheng.

At this time, Wang Jing was anxious and at a loss.

When the news of Nie Shiqian's defeat came, Wang Jing's heart was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and he stood in a daze for a long time, and kept muttering: "How can this be, how can it be ..........defeated" Wang Jing was

the first time, not thinking about dealing with the situation, but thinking about blocking the news. He didn't dare to imagine what His Majesty would do with Nie Shiqian's defeat if the news of Nie Shiqian's defeat reached Jinling. Although the third prince is his nephew, he is ruthless and the most emperor's family, will he really protect himself? Wang Jing is not sure.

Yang Mingsheng was unable to leave the city because Lu County was under siege, so he sent someone to send a letter to Wang Jing. It is suggested that either the city should be defended to the death, or all the remaining forces in Hanzhong should be gathered, a good general should be selected, and the enemy would fight to the death.

Wang Jing hesitated for a few days, didn't do anything, and wasted precious time in vain.


Due to the short time since its establishment and the complex composition of non-commissioned soldiers, there is a lack of supervision over the behavior of soldiers. Even if Yang Xin repeatedly stressed that innocent people must not be killed indiscriminately and civilians must not be looted. There are still a large number of non-commissioned soldiers, who are blatantly violating military discipline.

The frequent wars in various places and the various bad behaviors of the soldiers and soldiers of Wanshan have led to a large number of displaced people.

Deng Xin suggested that soldiers be recruited on a large scale among the displaced people to strengthen the strength of the Zhaowu army, and Li Zhao quickly agreed. Using the previous MLM-style recruitment method again, no matter who it is, as long as they bring people to join the Zhaowu Army, they will be given money and food immediately.

However, because of Li Zhao's harsh reform of the Zhaowu Army. Newly recruited soldiers, no matter who they are, must first join the reserve army, and only after passing the assessment can they become the main soldiers of the Zhaowu Army.

The Wanshan army conquered the city in Hanzhong and grew stronger day by day. This also stimulated many generals of the Zhaowu Army. Many people are unwilling to stay in the cottage anymore, and have frequently asked to see Li Zhao recently, hoping that the Zhaowu army will send troops to compete with Yang Xin for hegemony in Hanzhong.

Li Zhao hesitated a little and summoned the generals to discuss the matter.

Deng Xin clearly opposed the dispatch of troops, saying: "The current situation in Hanzhong is that the Wanshan army is strong for the time being, and the Qi army is weak. But Nan Zheng was still in the hands of the Qi army. Nanzheng is the largest city in Hanzhong, with a tall and sturdy city and a large population. There are at least more than 10,000 soldiers in the city, plus the youth and strength in the city, which is enough to hold out for a while.

"What you mean is that the snipe and the clam compete with each other, and the fisherman wins. Taking advantage of the fierce battle between Yang Xin and Wang Jing in Nanzheng, they looked for an opportunity to send troops. Li Zhao said.

"Yes. Deng Xin said: "On the other hand, Emperor Qi has not yet fainted, and he has not yet sat idly by and watched the situation deteriorate. When it was determined that the situation in Hanzhong was critical, the State of Qi would definitely send troops to reinforce Hanzhong. Whoever is attacking Nanzheng will become the target of the Qi army. I guess that Qi Guoruo rescued Hanzhong. The leading generals will definitely not be fools like Nie Shiqian. When tens of thousands of elite Qi troops arrived in Hanzhong, the battle in Hanzhong would be even more tragic.

"That's right, that's it. Li Zhao said in a deep voice.

"In the next suggestion, when Yang Xin attacked Nanzheng, he could send troops to annex Qinniuling, Puqianling, Wanggangling and other cottages. In particular, Yang Xin's Qinniuling can accommodate no less than 8,000 soldiers.

"That's a good idea. "The Zhaowu Army has recently recruited a large number of soldiers, and Li Zhaozheng is worried that there is no place to settle them.

At this moment, a newly promoted general stood up and said: "Hanzhong is about to be in turmoil, this is a great opportunity for my Wei State, and the last general suggests that we quickly send someone to contact the imperial court." "

The person who spoke was a soldier of the Yongwang Mansion before.

It was not the first time he had heard such words, Li Zhao's face was gloomy, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became delicate.

After a while, Li Zhao said lightly: "I have my own plans for this matter.

Zhao Xincai's expression was complicated, and he secretly glanced at Li Zhao, but he didn't dare to speak after all.

Shen Ning saluted and said: "Please rest assured, the Zhaowu Army swears allegiance to the commander to the death, and will definitely capture Hanzhong for the commander."

Li Zhao had a smile on his face, looked at Shen Ning deeply, and said secretly: This is a person who understands, but there are some things, just in case, you need to prepare in advance.

In order to further strengthen his control over military power, he has always had an idea in his heart, but he can't discuss it with Wang Zichen and others, so he needs to find an inconsequential person to help him with his staff.

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