Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 1260 Dowry

The enchanting woman had an extremely plump figure. If someone had never seen her before, they would definitely swallow their saliva when they saw her for the first time.

However, everyone in Daze Village knew what kind of woman this was.

Except for Jiang Yingjun, the men who wanted to hit Di Yuer were all dead.

Beside Di Yuer, there were many strong men from Qingshan Village.

Their eyes fell on He Hongying who had just walked in.

They were very familiar with He Hongying.

One of the top three strong men in Daze Village.

If Jiang Yingjun could marry He Hongying back, it would naturally be a good thing for Qingshan Village.

It was a pity that He Hongying had no intention of marrying Jiang Yingjun at all.

This was not the first time Di Yuer met He Hongying. When she saw He Hongying coming out, she immediately smiled and said, "Sister Hongying, it's been a long time since we last met. You are even more beautiful now! No wonder my husband always misses you."

He Hongying's face turned cold, but she did not answer.

Di Yuer didn't care, but looked at the village chief and said, "Fellow Daoist Mu, this time I came here to bring opportunities to Daze Village!"

"You said!" Mu Jianqing said lightly.

Send opportunities?

Qingshan Village wanted to annex their Daze Village, so how could they send them opportunities?

Di Yuer didn't care about the other party's slightly cold attitude, but waved her hand, and three jade cards were suspended in the air.

Seeing these jade cards, everyone's eyes became a little hot.

This included Yan Ze.

Obviously, these jade cards are treasures.

"These are three quota cards. With these quota cards, Daze Village can have three more people to participate in the upcoming selection of Hanlin Academy!"

"Once someone becomes a disciple of Hanlin Academy, it will be difficult for Daze Village not to rise!"

"I know that Daze Village also has quotas, but with the strength of Daze Village, it is good enough to get two selection jade cards!"

"To be honest, the probability of failure is really too high for two people to participate in the selection!"

"If there are three more quotas, it will also increase Daze Village's hope, right?"

"So, today I am here to send an opportunity to Daze Village. It depends on whether you, Mu Daoyou, have the courage to take this opportunity."

After speaking, Di Yuer stopped and looked at Mu Jianqing quietly.

Mu Jianqing was a little moved.

This selection quota is what he wants!

"What do you want?" Mu Jianqing would not believe that the other party would be so kind if he was given such a huge benefit for no reason.

As expected, Di Yuer continued, "It's very simple. These three jade cards are the betrothal gifts from my husband. My husband said that he has long admired fellow Daoist He Hongying, so he specially sent me to propose to fellow Daoist Mu, hoping that you can let He Hongying marry my husband!"

"Of course, in order to express my husband's sincerity, in addition to the three jade cards before, there are 10,000 middle-grade immortal crystals and a bottle of first-grade immortal pill in this storage ring!"

While speaking, Di Yuer waved her hand, and a storage ring floated in front of her.

This storage ring was not banned, so everyone's mind could see everything inside at a glance.

When they saw that there were indeed 10,000 middle-grade immortal crystals and a bottle of immortal pill inside, Mu Jianqing and others became a little excited.

That's an immortal pill!

It's an elixir that can only be refined by an immortal pill master.

Now Di Yuer actually gave it as soon as she said it would, and it was a bottle at a time. To be honest, this kind of generosity shocked Mu Jianqing and others.

"He Hongying, there is a vitality pill in this bottle of immortal pills. I don't think you want your mother to die because of the lack of vitality pills, right? As long as you agree to marry my husband, your mother can continue to live, and Daze Village can also get countless benefits."

"Haven't you always taken it as your responsibility to protect Daze Village?"

"I don't think you would refuse at this time, right?"

Di Yuer's eyes suddenly turned and fell on He Hongying.

One sentence made He Hongying's face become extremely ugly.

She wanted to save her mother, but it didn't mean that she could sell herself out.

As for marrying Yun Chen, it was just because she didn't want to see an innocent life die because of village rules.

"Hongying!" Mu Jianqing's eyes also looked at He Hongying.

Huge benefits were in front of him, within easy reach, he didn't want to give up!

Even Yan Ze, who had always disliked He Hongying, put on a smiling face at this moment: "Hongying, you should know what these resources mean to my Daze Village. How about this, as long as you are willing to marry Jiang Yingjun, I will make the decision and give one selection quota to your brother, how about it?"

Hanlin Academy is a famous academy in the Great Wilderness Realm. It is said that even the current Lord of the Great Wilderness Divine Court has studied in Hanlin Academy.

Now they have a certain chance to be admitted to Hanlin Academy, how can they give up?

"No!" He Zhonghua spoke up and said firmly: "Who is Jiang Yingjun? Is he worthy of marrying my daughter?"

"That's right, my sister is going to marry my brother-in-law, and she will never marry that big black face. Di Yuer, you'd better give up this idea!" He Zheng also hurriedly echoed on the side.

They have heard of Jiang Yingjun's notoriety.

They know that he is a murderer.

How can such a person be a good match?

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