Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 136: A Bad Temper

The master of the big castle was killed, the master of the third castle was killed, and a large number of people from Tianlang Fort were killed.

The Sirius Fort that Mo Chenxiang wanted to destroy was directly destroyed because of the arrival of a young man.

Not only was this result something Mo Chenxiang had not expected, it was also something that no one had expected.

"Now I am taking revenge, but this Eighteenth Fort of Tianyun is a huge cancer in the Tianyun Mountains. If this huge cancer is not eliminated, the people living in this area will never be able to live like What a person!"

"So, I ask my benefactor to work with me to destroy or conquer the Eighteen Forts of Destiny!"

Hearing this, Yun Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He also wants to destroy the Eighteenth Fort of Destiny, but he doesn't have so much time to waste here now. He has more important things to do.

As for subduing?

Haha, a group of lawless and murderous people, how could he subdue these people?

Seeing that Yun Chen was silent, Mo Chenxiang seemed to know what Yun Chen was thinking, and said: "My lord, the Eighteen Forts of Destiny are not monolithic. There are frictions and grievances between the forts. I know that, with kindness, With the public's strength, it is easy to destroy one or two forts, but it is difficult to destroy all the eighteen forts of destiny, even if a true powerhouse comes. However, we can take advantage of the contradiction between them. , let them kill each other and be suspicious of each other. One day, the Eighteenth Fort of Destiny will no longer exist!"

"As for subduing, to be honest, I don't recommend it. Most of these people are desperadoes. They have always been lawless and murderous. It can be said that they are the cruel people gathered in Daxia. Even if they are really subdued, , and you can’t get them to do things for you willingly!”

Yun Chen nodded slightly: "I'm not interested in destroying the Eighteen Forts of Destiny, but if you have the ability and need my help, I can help you!"

Hearing this, although Mo Chenxiang was a little disappointed, she still cupped her fists and thanked him.

Next, the people from Chenjia Village left, and Yun Chen searched the Tianlang Fort before finding Mo Chenxiang and asking him if he had a map to Tianyan City.

"I don't have a map, but I have been to Tianyan City. If my benefactor doesn't mind, I can personally take my benefactor to Tianyan City."

It was obvious that Mo Chenxiang was really grateful to Yun Chen.

If it weren't for Yun Chen, she didn't know how long she would have to wait for revenge.

The people from Tianlang Fort killed the people from her Mojiazhai to a pulp. The reason why she had been practicing so hard over the years was to destroy Tianlang Fort.

It's a pity that although her strength is good and she has barely reached the Half-Soul Realm, she can't compare with the Great Castle Master. This is why she has never chosen to take action.

Now that Sirius Fort has been directly destroyed, the reason why she did not leave was to do something to help the ordinary people in the Tianyun Mountains.

She never wants the tragedy that happened to her to happen to others.

"Then I'll trouble Miss Mo!" Yun Chen was overjoyed when he heard this.

The map is dead after all, so where can someone personally lead the way?

After the three of them cleaned up, they took away several unicorns from the Sirius Castle.

Unicorns are extremely fast and are the best mounts for traveling.

Riding on the unicorn, not long after, the three of them appeared on a mountain road that looked very wide.

As soon as the three of them reached the mountain road, they were stopped.

What stopped them was a group of men wearing blue robes.

"People from Yanjiapu!"

Seeing these people, Mo Chenxiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Yun Chen also looked at these people.

Judging from the looks of these people, they probably don't know that Sirius Castle has been destroyed. Otherwise, they would not stop here and go to Sirius Castle to make a fortune.

"The second master of Sirius Castle?"

Among this group of people, someone recognized Mo Chenxiang's identity.

This man was clearly a cultivator in the Tianwu Realm. Judging from his appearance, he should have a high status in Yanjiabao, and he could be regarded as the leader of the group of people behind him.

"What's wrong with you guys stopping here?" Mo Chenxiang asked.

Yun Chen and Yun Xiaoya didn't speak. Because he was worried that Yun Xiaoya's appearance would cause some trouble, Yun Chen still let Yun Xiaoya wear a veil, while he himself showed his true colors.

The Tianque Sword was also carried behind him, suppressing the aura in his body and becoming ordinary, no different from an ordinary person.

"We are looking for the murderer! The murderer of my young lady." The man narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Master Mo, I heard that something happened to your Sirius Castle, but now you are standing here, could it be that something happened to the Sirius Castle? , has something to do with you?”

In fact, they had already received news of the incident at Sirius Castle.

The distance between each of the Eighteen Forts of Destiny and the other one is not very far.

They got the news and were about to rush to Sirius Castle, but they didn't expect that they would meet Yun Chen and others here, so they subconsciously stopped them.

"What, Manager Luo, is it not your turn to worry about whether the destruction of Sirius Castle has something to do with me? Get out of my way, I still have things to do. If you continue to block the way, don't blame me for being rude to you. !" Mo Chenxiang shouted coldly.

"Hahaha, Lord Mo has such a bad temper. I want to see how you can be so rude to the people of Yanjiabao today!"

A burst of laughter came, making Mo Chenxiang's face freeze.

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