Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 1524 Exchange

As soon as the blood energy was released, everyone's cultivation was somewhat loosened.

Suddenly, countless people's eyes lit up, and they looked at this blood-red flower with some enthusiasm.

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is the tenth-level fairy grass, the Blood Sun Flower!"

The fairy grass that exceeded the ninth level was uniformly called the tenth-level fairy grass.

As for the specific level, no one has subdivided it.

Anything that can be called the tenth level, whether it is fairy grass or other things, is a priceless treasure.

Even Yu Aofeng and Qin Shaoying were a little excited.

They also want this kind of treasure!

"Master Lin, tell me, what do you want?" Someone has already asked impatiently.

And Yun Chen, after seeing this Blood Sun Flower, has also made up his mind to exchange this Blood Sun Flower no matter what.

This thing can be used to refine blood qi pills, which are fifth-grade immortal pills. Unfortunately, apart from replenishing blood qi, it has no other functions. Therefore, many people who get the blood sun flower will not think of refining it into pills, but swallow it directly.

The blood sun flower contains extremely powerful blood qi energy. It blooms and bears fruit in a thousand years. It can absorb the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth to grow automatically. Once taken, it can directly improve the cultivators below the level of immortal king.

Even those above the immortal king can improve a small realm.

Therefore, this thing is useful for everyone.

"I don't want immortal crystals, I just want treasures. I believe everyone knows the function of the blood sun flower. This thing is also very useful to me. If it weren't for getting that treasure, I wouldn't be willing to take out the blood sun flower." The middle-aged beautiful woman said lightly.

Everyone didn't interrupt, and they all wanted to know what the other party wanted, which was worth her taking out the blood sun flower directly in exchange.

"I need a wood heart, and I need a wood heart from the Moyun vine!" The beautiful middle-aged woman glanced at everyone, not paying attention to their enthusiastic eyes, and still spoke calmly.

However, after saying this, a subtle worry flashed in her eyes.

Wood heart!

And I need a wood heart from the Moyun vine.

The value of this thing is not lower than that of the blood sun flower, and once this wood heart is raised and becomes a Moyun vine, it will be of great help to the cultivator.

It's a pity that this kind of thing may not be available in the entire Lower Heaven Realm.

Hearing this, Yun Chen was overjoyed.

Others don't have a wood heart, but he uses it!

When he was in the Shentong Pavilion, he once killed a Moyun vine and got a wood heart from the Moyun vine.

This blood sun flower is simply tailor-made for him!

You know, now he is only in the Xuanxian realm. Once he has the Blood Sun Flower, he will enter the Daluo Immortal realm in the shortest time. Once he reaches the Daluo Immortal realm, he will be qualified to challenge those extremely powerful Immortal Kings.

Don’t think that he is not afraid of Qin Shaoying and Yu Aofeng before. In fact, if they really fight, he is definitely not their opponent.

It’s just that it’s not so easy for these two people to kill him.

No one finished speaking for a long time. Seeing this, Lin Xiuyun couldn’t help but sigh in her heart and was about to put away the Blood Sun Flower.

Just when she wanted to put away the Blood Sun Flower, Yun Chen suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly a peach heart-shaped thing like a light ball floated in the palm of Yun Chen’s hand. At the same time, Yun Chen’s voice came: "Master Lin, take a look, is this what you need?"

"Mu Xin!"

Seeing this thing, everyone’s eyes focused on the light ball.

The light ball emitted a powerful energy fluctuation, and they could all see that this thing was indeed the wood heart born from the Moyun vine. The wood hearts born from other demon plants did not have such a powerful energy.

"It is indeed the wood heart of the Moyun vine!"

Even people like Qin Shaoying could not help but stand up at this moment, let alone others?

Yu Aofeng and others stood up early, looking at the wood heart in Yun Chen's hand with some burning eyes.

If they were given this wood heart to raise, they would be sure to grow it into a super demon vine with unparalleled combat power. At that time, they might be able to rely on a Moyun vine to dominate the fairy world.

"It is indeed what I need!" Lin Xiuyun was even more excited, and looked at Yun Chen with some trepidation and asked: "Fellow Daoist Yun, are you willing to exchange your wood heart for the blood sun flower?"

"Of course, if you don't want to exchange, what should I do with it?" Yun Chen said lightly.

"Okay, deal!" Although Lin Xiuyun said the deal, she did not send the blood sun flower to Yun Chen, obviously worried that Yun Chen would steal her things.

Yun Chen did not suffer any loss in the confrontation with Qin Shaoying and others before, which shows that the opponent is very powerful.

Yun Chen did not care about it. With a wave of his hand, the wooden heart floated in front of Lin Xiuyun.

Seeing this, Lin Xiuyun raised her hand and grabbed the wooden heart in her hand. Then, without waiting for everyone to speak, she had already collected the wooden heart. At the same time, the blood sun flower also floated towards Yun Chen, was grabbed by Yun Chen, and then swallowed directly into his mouth.

He can swallow this thing first, and then go back to slowly refine the energy to raise his cultivation to the Daluo Immortal realm.

Both of them got what they wanted. Both Yun Chen and Lin Xiuyun were very satisfied, but it made the faces of others not very good.

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