Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 1826 A gust of wind

A pain spread across his skin, making Yun Chen realize that this teleportation was definitely a super long-distance teleportation.

You must know that his physical body is an immortal body. Even if the Xuanxian monk attacks with all his strength, he can't even think of hurting him at all.

It is not that easy for ordinary Daluo Immortal monks to kill him.

But now, he felt as if he had been severely attacked by a strong man at the level of Daluo Jinxian, so Yun Chen concluded that their teleportation this time was definitely a super long-distance teleportation.

An aura of desolation and vicissitudes of life came, making Yun Chen feel like he was in an ancient battlefield.

"Where did everyone else go?"

At this time, Hong Zhengtao spoke, interrupting Yun Chen's thoughts.

No one answered Hong Zhengtao.

After all, there was no one else here except Yun Chen and him.

Naturally, Yun Chen would not answer him.

Hong Zhengtao seemed to know that he had asked a nonsense question, and he kicked Yun Chen in displeasure and snorted: "Boy, I hope our luck is better. It's not that dangerous here. Otherwise, I'm afraid you and I will both die." "

As he spoke, his consciousness had already swept away.

However, when his consciousness swept out, he realized that his consciousness could only sweep out a few hundred meters at most.

This made his heart sink.

The distance of a hundred meters is almost impossible for a Xuanxian-level monk.

If someone nearby sneaks up on him, or if other creatures sneak up on him, he will be in danger.

Not having divine consciousness and having divine consciousness are two completely different situations.

"Huh? Datura flower?"

At this moment, Hong Zhengtao suddenly screamed and immediately dragged Jiang Chen forward.

In front of him, a large field of magnificent flowers appeared.

These mandalas come in different colors, including gold, black, red, white...

And every color is very bright and looks very conspicuous.

The mandala in the fairy world is different from the one in the cultivation world. The mandala here is a very rare fairy grass. Each one can be sold for more than a thousand high-grade spiritual stones. Compared with ordinary Level five and six fairy grasses are much more precious.

Therefore, after Hong Zhengtao saw so many mandala flowers, his heart immediately moved, and even his breathing became a little rapid.

Especially those golden mandala flowers, their value is much higher than ordinary mandala flowers.

Even if there is no other harvest, these datura flowers alone make his trip not in vain.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and quickly stepped forward and started picking.

He picked up the large mandala and threw it into the storage ring very roughly.

Seeing this, Yun Chen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

This bastard, if you do this, the datura flower will lose some of its medicinal properties, and the elixir you refine will lose some of its spirituality.

Although he wanted to curse a few times, he also knew that even if he cursed, it would not help, and might even lead to a severe beating.

At this moment, he suddenly felt tight all over.

A breath of death filled the air.

Yun Chen quickly looked up and saw a gust of wind blowing not far away.

The wind was extremely fast and arrived in front of Hong Zhengtao almost in the blink of an eye.

Then, there is no more.

The wind blew over Hong Zhengtao's body and then roared away.

Because Yun Chen was lying on the ground, only his clothes were touched by the wind.

As soon as the clothes came into contact with the wind, they immediately turned into powder and then disappeared without a trace.

This scene made Yun Chen feel a little numb.

What shocked him even more was Hong Zhengtao.

At this time, Hong Zhengtao only had two soles left.

The remaining parts have been taken away by the wind.

The rope that bound Yun Chen also broke.

This rope was a magic weapon. Now that Hong Zhengtao died and his soul disappeared, the rope that originally bound Yun Chen loosened instantly.

Although he lost his restraints, Yun Chen was not happy at all.

If he had been standing before, when the wind blew, he might not even have time to react, and he would end up like Hong Zhengtao.

You know, Hong Zhengtao is also a great monk at the peak of Xuanxian!

Such a monk didn't even have time to react in front of that wind, which shows how terrifying that wind is.

Yun Chen struggled to stand up and glanced at the remaining mandalas.

He did not move, and then began to sit cross-legged on the ground and began to heal his injuries.

This place is so dangerous, if he doesn't recover his cultivation as soon as possible, he might not even know how he died.

In order to prevent the previous accident from happening, even during the healing process, he did not dare to concentrate on it. Instead, he opened his eyes and kept scanning his surroundings, for fear that the strange wind from before would appear again.

Fortunately, an hour passed and Yun Chen still didn't see the wind.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and he worked harder to heal his wounds.

Just when he felt that he could mobilize a trace of immortal energy in his body, a muffled sound suddenly came from the front.

Along with this muffled sound, the ground seemed to tremble.

Yun Chen quickly raised his eyes and saw a huge figure walking in his direction.

That huge figure cast a large shadow, enveloping everything around him.

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