Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 1850 Under the Ban


As the last immortal wall exploded, Shen Tianyi's figure stopped.

As soon as she stopped, her face suddenly turned pale, she opened her mouth and spit out a blood arrow, and her breath immediately became unstable.

Seeing this scene, Rakshasa and others' eyes flashed.

Yun Chen actually used the power of immortality?

Naturally, they know very well what the power of immortality represents.

Only monks who have not surpassed the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor can use the power of Immortal Yuan.

However, they didn't quite believe that Yun Chen had not surpassed the Immortal Emperor in cultivation.

After all, the previous scene where Yun Chen slashed away the soul-devouring soul was so obvious and real.

Could it be that this guy was doing this because he was waiting for them to take action so that he could kill them and explore the Dark Temple alone?

For a moment, everyone began to have different thoughts.

As for Yun Chen, he naturally didn't know what everyone was thinking, but when he saw everyone's eyes flickering, he knew that these guys might have some doubts about him.

"Are you okay?" Yun Chen looked at Shen Tianyi and asked without paying attention to Rakshasa and the others.

Shen Tianyi shook his head and said, "Fortunately, I really didn't expect that this floor tile would actually attack people. I should have known better that I shouldn't be so impulsive!"

She also knew at this time that her behavior had brought some invisible dangers to Yun Chen.

However, there is no use regretting at this time. We can only pray that these guys will not test Yun Chen, lest Yun Chen exposes the fact that his cultivation is insufficient.

The good thing is that as long as they finish exploring the Dark Temple, they no longer need to follow Rakshasa and others.

"There is probably something under this floor tile. Let me give it a try." Rakshasa looked at the floor tile that Shen Tianyi attacked before, then looked at Yun Chen and asked, "I'll give it a try. Fellow Taoist Yun should have no objections." Bar?"

Yun Chen smiled lightly and said, "Whatever!"

The restriction was so powerful that he didn't believe that Rakshasa could open it.

Since the Dark Saint King dares to call himself a Saint King and is also one of the overlords of the Holy World, how can the restrictions he leaves behind be simple?

Hearing this, Rakshasa didn't say any more nonsense. He directly raised his fist and punched the floor tiles.

The majestic killing intent filled the air, and as he punched down, the rolling golden law suddenly erupted, making his fist look like it was coated with a layer of gold.

The next second, there was only a "bang" sound, and his fist hit the floor tiles. The floor tiles suddenly released a dazzling white light, which collided with his fist fiercely.

After a while, Rakshasa suddenly retracted his fist, his feet staggered, and the person had already retreated towards the rear.

Fortunately, this time the white light did not pursue Rakshasa.

"What a powerful restriction!" Rakshasa stood still and said with a serious expression.

"Haha, no matter how powerful the restriction is, there is a time when it can be broken. Let me give it a try!" Bai Ling said, and just as he was about to take action, he saw Rakshasa sacrifice a small tower.

Seeing Rakshasa sacrifice the magic weapon, Bai Ling's expression changed slightly and he quickly stepped back.

"You're right. No matter how strong the restriction is, it will be broken sometimes. I don't believe it!" Rakshasa sneered, and immediately threw the small tower in his hand, hitting the floor tile directly.

Before the small tower fell completely, the surrounding void made a clicking sound, as if it could not withstand the power emanating from the small tower.


The small tower fell, a dull explosion was heard, and a large amount of white light scattered around, and then there was only a "click" sound, as if something broke.

Before everyone could recover, the floor tiles exploded and turned into countless fragments, flying all over the sky.

The floor tiles were smashed, revealing a small, crystal clear box.

The box was square and square, with colorful lights glowing inside.

"What is this?"

"With such a powerful forbidden guard, there must be a priceless treasure inside."

"How are things distributed?"

Huang Xiucai and others spoke one after another, their eyes flashing with excitement.

The Rakshasa on the side immediately snorted coldly and said: "I opened the restriction, and this physics should belong to me. If anyone dares to get in trouble with me, Rakshasa, don't blame me for being rude!"

As he spoke, he recalled his little tower and walked towards the box.

Hearing this, Mo Hongyi and others looked a little ugly.

If a few of them join forces, they won't be afraid of Rakshasa at all.

But even if they defeat Rakshasa, it is impossible to kill the opponent. Once the opponent escapes, it will not be a good thing for them.

At this moment, Mo Hongyi and others turned their attention to Yun Chen.

Among the people present, only Yun Chen could make Rakshasa fear him.

Seeing everyone watching, Yun Chen suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Just as he was about to speak, Shi Tian hurriedly said: "No, my boss's friend discovered that thing first. Although you opened the restriction first, if you don't do it, my boss can also open it, so this This thing should be given to me, boss!”

While speaking, Shi Tian put his hands on his hips and looked at Rakshasa arrogantly, as if he didn't take Rakshasa seriously at all.

In fact, if Yun Chen hadn't been there, he might not have dared to even breathe a sigh of relief if he had faced Rakshasa alone.

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