Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 2022: Open Mate Selection

"Yes, how can a stunning beauty like Immortal Emperor Yuehua be exchanged for a night of romance with a mere thousand years of life?"

In the direction of the city gate, many monks spoke.

Hearing these words, Yun Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

A powerful Immortal Emperor actually chooses his mate in public? What is rhythm?

It stands to reason that if the other party has cultivated to the realm of Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that he already has a Taoist couple, so why is there any need to openly choose a mate?

Immortal Emperor!

As a being who has already stood on the top of the fairy world, what kind of things do you want that you can't get?

What's more important is that these people talk so unscrupulously about an Immortal Emperor, aren't they afraid that the Immortal Emperor will get angry?

However, Yun Chen didn't think much about it. He came to Jialing Immortal City to take the teleportation array to the Sea of ​​Death, not to listen to these gossips. What happened to others had nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Yun Chen had already led Yun Cang and his party into Jialing Fairy City.

Logically speaking, a large fairy city like Jialing Fairy City should charge an entrance fee, but unexpectedly, Yun Chen and his party walked into the fairy city, but no one came forward to charge them a fee.

Walking into Jialing Immortal City, Yun Chen found that most of the monks were rushing in a certain direction.

Needless to say, I must go to witness the so-called Yuehua Immortal Emperor's public selection of a mate.

A powerful Immortal Emperor actually publicly chooses his mate, which is exciting just thinking about it. This kind of thing can be said to be rare in thousands of years.

Although Yun Chen was a little curious, he had no time to watch other people choose their mates. He had to rush to the Sea of ​​Death, and then from the Sea of ​​Death to the Netherworld River. How could he have time to waste on such boring things?

"Are we going to the City Lord's Mansion now?" Qin Yuling asked.

She looked at everything around her slightly excitedly.

To be honest, she has been coming to the fairy world for some years, but she has never been to other fairy cities other than Juhai City.

Before Yun Chen had time to answer, a somewhat frivolous voice came from not far away: "There are so many beautiful little ladies."

Hearing this, Yun Chen and his group suddenly looked unhappy, and they all looked at the group in front of them.

The leader was a young man.

The young man's skin was blue and his pupils were red. He was staring at Yun Qing and others beside Yun Chen with excitement.

Behind this young man were a group of monks with the same skin color. The smell of sea water on these monks was very strong, and they were obviously monks who lived in the sea all year round.

"My dear ladies, Wuming is the young master of the Sea Clan. Hai Wenxiang, the Great Emperor of the Sea Clan, is my mother!"

"If you ladies are willing, I would be very happy to practice dual cultivation with you ladies to become a Taoist couple."

Yun Qing and others were stunned when they heard what this guy said so shamelessly.

Where does this guy get his sense of superiority?

You actually want to practice dual cultivation with them?

Who do you think they are?

Qin Yuling's expression turned livid, and she snorted coldly: "You're really shameless."

"It's indeed shameless." Yun Chen's face darkened and he shouted angrily: "Get out of here before I get angry, otherwise, you don't have to leave this place."

"court death!"

Hearing this, an old woman next to Hai Wuming immediately snorted coldly, and a powerful aura suddenly rose up. She was about to attack Yun Chen, but was directly stopped by Hai Wuming.

"Grandma, you must not do anything. Didn't I tell you before? No matter what you do, it must be done voluntarily by both parties." Hai Wuming said: "Everyone in front of you is obviously unwilling to practice dual cultivation with me. We will definitely You can’t force others to make things difficult for you. Okay, let’s go quickly and go to the City Lord’s Mansion. Immortal Emperor Yuehua is selecting a Taoist companion in the City Lord’s Mansion. Hey, maybe as soon as I enter, I can attract the attention of Immortal Yuehua and become the Taoist of Immortal Yuehua. companion."

“I’m a little excited just thinking about it!”

While speaking, Hai Wuming didn't look at Jian Hongyu and the others, but speeded up. Go straight to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Hearing Hai Wuming's words, Yun Chen couldn't help but feel speechless.

This guy is not only shameless, but also extremely narcissistic.

With his dignity, I don't know where he got the confidence that Immortal Emperor Yuehua would take a fancy to him.

"This guy..." Seeing Hai Wuming leave, Qin Yuling said somewhat speechlessly: "How can there be such a weird thing in this world?"

"It's really weird." Even Yun Shu, who had always been very reserved, couldn't help but say it.

"Let's go!"

Yun Chen didn't say anything more and went straight to the city lord's mansion.

Soon, the group arrived at the city lord's mansion.

As soon as they arrived at the city lord's mansion, the extremely noisy sound came over, making it seem extremely noisy.

The door of the city lord's palace was opened, revealing an extremely spacious hall inside. The hall looked very luxurious, and there were countless maids shuttled through it, serving many monks.

As soon as Yun Chen and his party entered, monks immediately came forward to arrange their seats.

Because there was something going on here, Yun Chen couldn't directly ask to see the city lord, so he could only let the maids sit in the seats in the back row.

Among Yun Chen's group, apart from Yun Chen, the one with the highest cultivation level is Yun Qing, who has reached the peak of Xuanxian. Therefore, the maid's seating arrangements are completely based on Yun Qing's cultivation level.

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