Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 693: Being tricked

"Are you okay?" Yun Chen quickly helped Yun Xi up, and at the same time took out a pill and gave it to Yun Xi to take.

Yun Xi stared at Yun Chen blankly, and after a while, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she threw herself into Yun Chen's arms and sobbed.

Even though she is now in her thirties, she is still a girl!

God knows how much suffering and grievances she has suffered since arriving in Tianzhou.

Not long after arriving in Tianzhou, she separated from Xia Ziyi and others.

Whether it is Xia Ziyi or Yun Shanshan, they are very close to Yun Chen, but she is different. Her family has always targeted Yun Chen, so she is uncomfortable staying with Xia Ziyi and others.

After leaving Xia Ziyi and others, she realized how difficult it is to survive in Tianzhou.

In addition, she is still a girl, so it is even more difficult to survive.

If it weren't for her good luck, I'm afraid she would have died many times.

In Tianzhou, she is truly alone.

Yun Xi threw herself into Yun Chen's arms and sobbed, which made Yun Chen stunned and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Is this still the strong and domineering Yun Xi in his eyes?

The Yun Xi who was so arrogant in Tianyan City?

Just when Yun Chen was a little at a loss, Yun Xi had come back to his senses and left Yun Chen's arms.

"Um, Yun Chen, you should leave here quickly!"

She wiped her eyes and spoke to Yun Chen.

Obviously, she didn't want to implicate Yun Chen

"Hahaha, leave, without the permission of this princess, you let one of them leave?"

A very arrogant voice came, and then several figures fell from the sky and directly surrounded Yun Chen and the other person in the middle.

The person who spoke was a girl in gorgeous clothes.

The girl looked young, probably only about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a proud look on her face, looking at Yun Chen and the other person as if she was looking at ants on the ground, with a strong sense of contempt.

"It's Princess Feixue of the Ming Palace!"

"She's here too."

"What's wrong with that woman? How did she offend Princess Feixue?"

Many people around were talking about it and revealed the identity of the girl.

In the Great Qin Empire, there are two princes and fifteen marquises.

One of the two princes is the famous Ming Wang Qin Wangshui of the Great Qin Empire.

Qin Wangshui is the uncle of the Emperor of the Great Qin Empire and one of the top masters in the entire East Continent.

Hearing Qin Feixue's words, Yun Xi's face changed drastically and she hurriedly said: "Princess Feixue, this matter has nothing to do with him. Princess Feixue can kill or chop him up, it's all up to you, but please don't implicate others."

While speaking, she bowed slightly to Qin Feixue, obviously wanting Qin Feixue not to argue with Yun Chen and let Yun Chen go this time.

Yun Xi knew Yun Chen's identity.

But she knew more clearly what the Great Qin Empire's attitude was towards Yun Chen's family.

"Yun Xi, what's going on? How did you offend this woman?" Yun Chen had never heard of the Ming Palace.

Even if he had heard of it, he wouldn't take it too seriously.

After all, he is now one of the few people standing at the top of the pyramid of the East Continent's cultivation world.

Hearing this, Yun Xi couldn't help but glance at Qin Feixue.

Qin Feixue didn't mean to stop her, obviously waiting for her to tell the reason.

"It's like this, I heard there was a genius discussion meeting here, so I came here with my friends to broaden our horizons!"

"After arriving here, I found that we had no way to get to the top of the mountain, because to get to the top of the mountain, you either have a great origin, a great background, or you are a figure on the list of evildoers!"

"My friend and I came here from a long way, but in the end we didn't even see the faces of those so-called geniuses, so we were naturally unwilling."

"At this time, a cultivator came to tell us that we only need to pay 300,000 spirit stones, and he can take us to the top of the mountain, but we are his servants!"

"However, we don't have 300,000 spirit stones on us."

"Just when I was disappointed, the cultivator told me that as long as I was willing to mortgage my storage ring to him, he could also take us to the top of the mountain. Let's go to the top of the mountain!"

"I gave him the storage ring with the intention of meeting some people, and then he took me to the top of the mountain."

"However, when I got to the top of the mountain, I realized that we were not qualified to enter the range of the formation shielding."

"I can't even see those geniuses, so what's the point of going up the mountain?"

"I immediately said goodbye and asked the cultivator to return the storage ring to me."

"But the cultivator denied it. He said he didn't know what I was talking about and asked us to get out of here!"

"I was so excited that my voice got louder, and then this woman appeared. She said I disturbed their genius discussion, so she asked someone to blast me off the top of the mountain!"

"You know what happened next."

At this point, Yun Xi stopped.

Yun Chen was also suddenly aware of what he said.

It seems that the person who hacked Yun Xi's storage ring should be Qin Feixue's people, otherwise, this woman should not be nosy.

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