Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1129 Chu Yan Breaks Through

Seeing Qing Yi stop, many princes breathed a sigh of relief, but some smart people fell into deep thought. What was that storm just now? And what about that feeling of doomsday coming?

There seems to be a terrifying power within Qing Yi's body, but the Emperor has never told anyone, not even the princes like them.

"Great Emperor, what was that just now?" The powerful Immortal from the Purple Sun Palace stared at Qing Yi. The power was so weird.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Emperor Qingfeng glanced at the Immortal Lord and said coldly.

The Immortal Lord trembled violently, as if falling into an ice cave. The Immortal Emperor's threat was too terrifying. Even if it was just a word, he couldn't bear it, so he shut up immediately. Although he was curious, his life was more important.

"Farewell!" The powerful Immortal Master nodded, and was about to turn around, but the next moment, another imperial light swept through him, like a mountain with green peaks, suppressing the entire imperial palace.

"I will inform Immortal Emperor Tianhua about this matter. Before that, none of you can leave!" Emperor Qingfeng's voice spread throughout the sky, and he said in an extremely cold voice. The body of the powerful Immortal Lord trembled slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but In the end, without saying much, he left the Hou Mansion with Zi Sheng Yang.

Looking at the retreating figure, many of the remaining people showed angry expressions, while some others breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to start a fairy war, that was no joke.

"It's all gone." Emperor Qingfeng sighed and looked at Prince Changyun: "Take care of her!"

"Don't worry, Emperor." Prince Changyun said in a deep voice, taking the initiative to pick up Liu Qingcheng. Then he raised his hand and sealed the Changyun Prince's Mansion, not allowing anyone to enter.

"Qingyi, come with me!" Emperor Qingfeng shouted in a low voice. Qingyi's eyes were extremely cold, but he still lowered his head, turned around and left with Emperor Qingfeng, returning to the imperial palace.

In the imperial palace, Emperor Qingfeng stood with his hands behind his back, his back facing a spiritual tablet, and a trace of longing flashed in his eyes.

"Are you blaming me?" After a long time, Emperor Qingfeng sighed, but Qingyi did not respond.

"I know that you want me to take action and kill him, but what should you do at that time?" Emperor Qingfeng turned around and showed a kind and distressed smile: "It's not enough, the time is not yet ripe, and I still can't let you go. Ah...you are just an immortal now. What will you do if I am no longer here...I can't completely entrust you to him now."

Qing Yi lowered her head, a hint of depression flashed in her cold beautiful eyes. How could she not know about her father?

Why was the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty established back then? Wasn't it the result of war? Emperor Qingfeng, when was he ever afraid of a battle?

If he were alone, he would probably kill Zi Shengyang if he took the risk today.

It's a pity that he is not. Now he has to be responsible for the hundreds of millions of people in the Immortal Dynasty, as well as Qing Yi. Every move he makes will affect too many people, so he cannot be as impulsive as he thought back then.

"I know……"

"You don't know!" Emperor Qingfeng interrupted with a serious voice: "You don't understand at all. Now, although there are some smart people in the Immortal Realm making guesses, they dare not act rashly because they are not sure, and Qingfeng Immortal Chao, with me in charge, they dare not bear the wrath of an Immortal Emperor. However, when it is confirmed that the Immortal Realm will never allow your existence, by then, it is very likely that some extraordinary Immortal Emperors will appear and kill you. At that time, there was nothing I could do.”

"Qingyi, I don't want anything to happen to you, so I originally hoped that you could live an ordinary life. Unfortunately, when you met him, you were destined to not be ordinary in this life. But since he chose you, you have to endure this disaster. Now He is not enough..."

"He is different from you. Although I don't want to admit it, I am...not as good as his parents. Like you, he is a person who is in danger. In the fairyland, he also has countless enemies, but you know why he is still alive. "?"

"Because of the Dragon Alliance?" Qing Yi said crisply.

Emperor Qingfeng shook his head: "It's related, but it's very weak. The reason why no one has killed him is because, for some immortal emperors, he is still too weak now. He is so weak that as long as they are willing, they can hit him with a palm. It is for this reason that some Immortal Emperors disdain him."

"But one day, when he becomes a real threat, his fate, like yours, will be the wind that disturbs this fairyland, but you are different. At that time, someone will stand up behind him. Back then, if Qin Ruo No one knows how strong the foreshadowing and power the dream left in the Immortal Realm was. At that time, he had someone to protect him, but what about you? If something happens to you, what do you want from me?" Emperor Qingfeng sighed.

Qing Yi lowered his head slightly and fell silent.

"Next, I will re-seal the power in your body. Next, don't be impulsive." Emperor Qingfeng sighed softly, and the imperial light was released, turning into endless chains, wrapping around Qingyi, but he clearly felt that this time The seal is far less powerful than it once was, and can only act as a suppressor.

As Qing Yi grows up, the doomsday disaster seems to become stronger.

"It's not over yet..." Emperor Qingfeng narrowed his eyes. Although the storm has been temporarily settled today, he knows that this matter may not be resolved so easily. The little guy has not yet come out of seclusion.


After a period of time, Qingfeng Xianchao fell into a strange atmosphere.

Everyone in the Immortal City saw the gleaming imperial light, making everyone curious about what happened in the imperial palace. However, the matter about Liu Qingcheng has been completely blocked, and even the princes and figures have kept silent. They have no way of knowing.

But one thing, the world can be sure that something big must have happened in the Imperial Palace.

In the following period, people continued to visit the Imperial Palace, including the Eternal Life Palace.

However, Emperor Qingfeng was not seen. Now he has passed the news to Tianhua Palace. Everything will be done next, just waiting for Emperor Tianhua to come here.

These days, Zi Shengyang was worried. Now he was completely confined in Qingfeng Palace, which made him very unhappy. Besides, he was also uneasy.

He was not sure what impulsive things Emperor Tianhua would do after coming here. He did not want to die here. For this reason, he asked the strong to pass the news back to Ziyang Palace.


In Changyun Marquis Mansion, although Liu Qingcheng's ice was dissolved and her life was saved, the injury of burning blood was too serious and it would take a long time to recover.

During this period, Changyun Marquis Mansion was heavily guarded, and the Changyun prince personally healed Liu Qingcheng every day.

Finally on this day, a holy light bloomed in Changyun Marquis Mansion, like an auspicious beast rushing into the sky and circling in the sky.

Then a force spread wildly, causing everyone in the imperial palace to look up and be shocked.

In the Changyun Marquis's mansion, the Changyun Prince and Princess Changge looked up and saw the radiance that covered the sky and the sun. They both showed a bitterness. They naturally knew what that radiance was.

There was only one person who was in seclusion in the Changyun Marquis's mansion.

Now, he has broken through.

More than three years, less than four years, it is almost impossible to break through the seventh level of the immortal position. For the immortal realm, it is simply a miracle, breaking the eternal common sense.

Logically speaking, the two should be excited, but at this moment, their hearts are extremely heavy and they can't be happy at all.

"Father, it's him..." Princess Changge said nervously.

"I know!" The Changyun Prince sighed.

"It's finally here."

After Chu Yan knows everything, he will probably go crazy.

At that time, he is likely to kill Zi Shengyang at all costs.

It is said that when Chu Yan was in the stars of the lower world, he did this kind of thing. He did not hesitate to be an enemy of the world and killed a genius for Qingyi.

However, this time, it is more serious than the stars in the lower world.

Zi Shengyang comes from that place, the descendant of the Holy Emperor. In this era without the Immortal King, there are only a few people in the Immortal Realm who can be as famous as him.

What will he bear if he kills Zi Shengyang?

How can there be a place for him in this Immortal Realm?

During this time, Prince Changyun even hoped that he could not break through so quickly, and wait for the Immortal Emperor Tianhua to come here to solve everything. Zi Shengyang left, and he broke through. Even if he hated and remembered this hatred, at least he would have time to grow.

However, his talent was too demonic.

Time would not wait for him.

Chu Yan broke through, and this news almost swept the Immortal Dynasty like a storm, and the hearts of many princes and princes became nervous.

Of course, they had different ideas from Prince Changyun. In their opinion, even if Chu Yan came out of retreat, he might not be able to kill Zi Shengyang.

After all, the two had fought before, and Chu Yan was completely defeated and abused by Zi Shengyang.

Even if he advances to a higher level, what can he do?

Zi Shengyang had also heard about this, but he didn't care. In his opinion, there were only two people in the Immortal Dynasty who could kill him, one was the Qingfeng Emperor, and the other was the Tianhua Immortal Emperor who was about to arrive. No one else could threaten him.

As for Chu Yan, he didn't take him seriously at all, and even said that he was disdainful.

In the first battle, he told Chu Yan that he was a god to Chu Yan, and if it weren't for the Changyun Prince, Chu Yan would have to kneel down and worship him.

Now for the past few months, he has been confined to the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and there are guards around him, as if he is really a sinner, which has made him unhappy for a long time. Anyway, things have come to this point. If Chu Yan dares to come to him, he doesn't mind killing one more person.

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