Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 227 News about Jiuyou Tianchi

Among the mirror images, all the ten thousand mirror image entrances were destroyed, leaving only a wild one. Chu Yan was still practicing in the mirror image. Finally, on this day, his eyes were bright, and a second divine dragon appeared on his forehead. Light is a tai chi mirror that combines yin and yang.

The world in the mirror seems to contain Yin and Yang, the way of heaven and earth.

The old man in the mirror image has been watching quietly: "Has the second life soul finally condensed? Although it is still a sixth-grade life soul, it is almost perfect compared to the first life soul, without any flaws."

Chu Yan also opened his eyes and nodded with a smile: "Thanks to the guidance of senior, but senior, although my second life soul is also fused with the mirror life soul, there are still many things that I can't figure out, and I can't open the mirror image."

"It's not surprising. Although the mirror world is a false world, a place in the mirror, it can still change the real world here. How big a world is, there are still many places that you need to explore slowly." The old man in the mirror said with a smile: " Now that you have my mantle, your second life soul has cultivated the mirror image according to my choice. Now you kneel down and kowtow to me three times, worship me as your teacher, and then leave. Of course, you call me teacher. If you meet a more powerful person in the outer world, my identity as master will not have any restrictions on you. "

Chu Yan was slightly moved. Indeed, he never knew who Old Mirror Image was, but since the Battle of Shengtai Monument two years ago, Old Mirror Image had rescued him countless times and guided him. He should be his master in this life.

"Master, please bow to me as a disciple!" Chu Yan said seriously, and the old mirror image laughed loudly: "God will not destroy me. After thousands of years, my mirror image actually accepted a disciple. It's worth it! It's worth it. !”

"Boy, I have nothing to give you as a disciple. I will leave this mirror image to you. Be careful, this mirror image covers the entire world. How big the world is, how big it is. In times of crisis, Keep it to save your life. There is a person who wants to see you. I will let him in. After you talk, you can leave." After saying this, the old man in the mirror disappeared out of thin air, leaving Chu Yan alone.

Not long after, a figure in white walked over. Chu Yan looked at the figure and was not too surprised.

"The wilderness is in danger, but you still have the heart to practice here." Lin Daoyan said calmly. Chu Yan frowned. He still didn't know anything about the outside world. Lin Daoyan continued: "You should know Chi Junlin. He worshiped him ten years ago. Entering the Southern Divine Palace, now Yi Jin has returned, and now the Red Moon Valley is closed again, trying to seize the throne of the mortal world. It won’t be long before I want them, and they will come to the wilderness.”

"Crimson Moon Valley!" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. He did not expect that the one who finally rebelled against Manhuang would be a being that he had ignored.

But after a moment, Chu Yan regained his composure and looked at Lin Daoyan coldly: "That day, did you deliberately provoke me and use my hands to kill Gusu City?"

"Yeah." Lin Daoyan did not refute. He was the one who introduced Liu Qingcheng to Gusu City that day. It can be said that he was the one who facilitated this marriage. Then he told Chu Yan that there was a marriage at the end of the year. Sensational battle.

"Now, you want to use my hand to destroy Chiyue Valley?"

"Chu Hanfeng is not in the world, and you don't have the ability now. I'm just here to tell you, don't die too early!" Lin Daoyan laughed, then turned and left. As Lin Daoyan said, after today, the world will There is no more Lin Daoyan. He is gone. No one knows where he went, and no one has seen him again. The next time Chu Yan meets him, it will be at the top of the world, among the real geniuses.

As Lin Daoyan said, the mortal world will not be their battlefield, their battle will be in the sky.


The war in the world became more and more intense. On this day, the Red Lord came to the wilderness. The next moment, countless strong men rushed out, led by Yao Lao, and several emperor-level warriors. Renyu, the first emperor of the wilderness, Emperor Ren looked at Chi Junlin coldly.

"I am here today just to give you a warning. At the end of the year, the Wilderness will be disbanded. Otherwise, I will kill all the Wilderness chickens and dogs!"

The old demon looked at Chi Junlin coldly: "Do you really think that you, Chi Junlin, can threaten me in the wilderness?"

"If Chu Hanfeng were here, maybe I couldn't do it, but it's a pity that he's not here today!" Chi Junlin sneered, then turned and left. Before leaving, he took a look at the wild stone tablet, which was a symbol of the wildness, and raised it Hand, blast out a palm.

"Bang!" The stone tablet that had stood for thousands of years collapsed suddenly, and everyone's eyes were red.

The end of the year is getting closer, and people from all sects are preparing for a feast at the end of the year.

On this day, in the Haotian Valley, there was a light of dark gold rising into the sky, and the hero entered the imperial level. Emperor Haotian came in person and nodded with great satisfaction: "Yes, at the end of the year, the hero will definitely be selected by the external forces. When the time comes, I, Haotian Valley, will also have the support of an extraterrestrial force!”

Glacier River Valley Yaotian also broke through to the emperor level, and the second life soul also condensed the light of dark gold. In the short two months, everyone in the world was surrounding this feast silently.

Of course, everyone also smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke. Chiyue Valley had already announced that at the end of the year, the world would change its owner.

Chu Yan finally left the mortal world. On this day, he stood at the broken stone tablet in the wilderness, his fists clenching loudly.

"The master told me when he left that after he left, Manhuang would no longer interfere in the world. He also expected all this, but he did not expect the return of Chi Junlin. Young Master, we are going to disband Manhuang and let everyone hide. Everywhere in the world, waiting for the opportunity." The old demon appeared at the side and said helplessly.

"Yao Lao, if we start a war now, do we, Barbarian Wilderness, have any chance of winning?" But suddenly, Chu Yan asked, making Yao Lao frown: "Young Master, Barbarian Wilderness has ten thousand years of foundation. If we fight directly, we may not be defeated, but we My mission is to protect you. Even if we are disbanded and we hide in various places in the world, it will be difficult for the powerful outsiders to find us one by one. When you, young master, are crowned emperor in the future, you will give an order and I will be barbaric. still!"

Chu Yan squinted his eyes. He also understood what the demon elder said. There are seven emperors in the wild wilderness, plus the ASEAN Empress, the Wanqing Emperor of the Tiandao Alliance, the Huafeng of the Baicao Alliance, and the imperial realm. They are not weak, but what the wild wilderness is really worried about is, But it was Chu Yan.

"Wait a little longer. Even if we are to be disbanded, at the end of the year, I will let them know that the first feast in the world belongs to the wilderness! If I, Chu Yan, do not die, the wilderness will remain the same. I, Chu Yan, will always be their nightmare! "Chu Yan grinned, with a hint of coldness in his smile. At this moment, everyone was startled. Even if he was defeated, he still wanted to let the world know that the first feast in the world was barbaric?

Yao Lao was also aroused by Chu Yan's words: "We will persist until the end of the year!"

"By the way, Mr. Yao, do you know about Jiuyou Tianchi?" Chu Yan couldn't help but ask, there is something in Jiuyou Tianchi that he must get.

The old demon was startled, and his expression became a little serious: "I know about Jiuyou Tianchi, but it is not easy to enter it. The Jiuyou Bird guarding Jiuyou Tianchi is a very ancient monster in the world. Back then, Master When you come here, you are existing in the mortal world, and there is also an ancient trial place in the mortal world. Master, do you want to go? "

"Well! There is something inside that I need to get!" Chu Yan said sincerely. The old demon hesitated and nodded: "Wait for my news!"

The next day, Yao Lao left early in the morning, and Emperor Ren was with him. No one knew where he went.

Chu Yan continued to practice in the room. Now he has entered the imperial level for the first time. His first life soul is the Sky-Destroying Sword, and his second life soul is the Tai Chi Mirror. However, his grasp of the power of the mirror is still very weak, so it needs to be consolidated and strengthened.

In the room, Chu Yan closed his eyes and put the Tai Chi mirror over him. Not long after, he suddenly felt a change in the world around him. When he saw this scene, he showed a look of joy: "Did it succeed?"

This was the first time that Chu Yan opened the mirror door. When he appeared in the mirror, he could feel the reality. As soon as he thought about it, the mirror was filled with clouds and rain, but at the same time, there was also a roar in the room where he was.

"This is the mirror world. The intention is real, but it is false. It is one level more powerful than the illusion!" Chu Yan has some surprises, but now the scene he created is too simple, and can be seen at a glance. Once a person sees through it, his power is very limited.

But Chu Yan is not in a hurry. He firmly believes that sooner or later, he will be able to create a mirror image as big as the earth with a wave of his hand, just like the old man in the mirror image. When that time comes, he will be king in that world!

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the courtyard, and the fat man came over. When he saw Chu Yan, he was overjoyed: "Boss, I finally saw you!"

"What's wrong?" Chu Yan stood up and looked at the fat man, and then looked at the fat man for a moment. After not seeing him for a few days, the fat man had lost a lot of weight, which made Chu Yan smile and said: "I'm curious, you have mastered the Devouring Bloodline, why didn't you What if I lost weight instead of being fat?”

"Don't mention it, it's really a trap to swallow blood. After eating something, it will be automatically decomposed into vitality and various powers. No oil or water is left for the fat man, which makes me starve to death every day! But it's better to be thinner, I'm already He's handsome. When he loses weight, he can pursue Sister Zi Yan." The fat man complained, and Chu Yan laughed bitterly. This fat man was still thinking about Zi Yan.

"You came to see me for something?" Chu Yan asked, and the fat man slapped his head: "Damn it, I forgot about your interruption. Go and have a look, Hua Zhixu is having sex with someone outside!"

"What's going on?" Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. He knew Hua Zhixu's temperament. Although he was a little arrogant, he was not an unreasonable person. Who could Hua Zhixu fight with in a wild land?

"They are from the Divine Weapon Guild. Now the Divine Weapon Guild has defected to Chiyue Valley. They brought people today in the name of visiting. Sister Zixuan can't drive them away, but the people who came are really arrogant. Directly He scolded Xiaohuazi as a waste, not worthy of Qiu Mengxi, and wanted to take Qiu Mengxi away. "

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