Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 239 I like you so much!

"It's so ridiculous to settle this world with just one word. He doesn't even dare to come to today's feast. After the feast, it will be the end of the wilderness. He is even less qualified to say this." Qiu Muhong sneered.

"Oh, I said you are really shameless. Back in the wilderness, you forced my brother Chu to two levels and was almost killed by my brother Chu. Mengxi interceded for you. In the past, Jiuyou Tianchi, you were directly killed by me. Brother Chu slapped him away, and you still have the nerve to say this." The fat man was chirping at the side.

"What if it were me?" Chi Yue strolled over. Qiu Muhong saw Chi Yue showing some respect: "Brother Chi Yue!"

When Qiu Yu and others saw Chi Yue, their faces looked bad. Qiu Muhong and the others were not afraid, but Chi Yue was different.

Chi Yue looked at Liu Qingcheng and asked a woman next to her: "Can you tell that she is still a virgin?"

The woman smiled calmly: "Back to Master Chiyue, I, Chiyue Valley, can practice blood power, so I can do it. She still can."

"Yes, that's fine." Chi Yue nodded and sneered at Liu Qingcheng: "Liu Qingcheng, because you are still a virgin and you have the most beautiful beauty in the world, my brother values ​​you, so please leave with me. , I will serve my brother in the future, and I will spare your life today!”

Everyone was angry, Liu Qingcheng was Chu Yan's inverse scale, and also the inverse scale of all of them.

The most important thing is that what Chi Yue said today is even more humiliating. Considering that you are still a virgin, will you spare your life?

"What should I do?" Hua Zhixu cursed unhappily from the side.

"Protect to the death and let Qingcheng finish carving the words." Qiu Yu ordered, and all the figures burst out with vitality, and they all roared.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Chi Yue smiled coldly. As soon as he thought, a terrifying force was blasted out. All the emperors were unable to resist in this thought and were directly knocked away.

"Leave it to me, Qiu Muhong!" Hua Zhixu was the first to rush out. He faced Qiu Muhong. He and Qiu Muhong had already fought. That day in the wilderness, when he first entered the emperor, he was not as good as Qiu Muhong. But today, he stepped on the road again. He came out, holding a sharp halberd, and blasted it out with great force.

"Kill!" Qiu Yu ordered, and everyone launched a crazy offensive. At this time, everyone was shocked. Once this battle is triggered, it will definitely be the biggest event in this feast.

Liu Qingcheng represents Chu Yan, which is the wilderness. Chiyue represents Chiyue Valley, and the other valleys and Wanzong. Today's battle is equal to the battle between the descendants of Manhuang and Chiyue Valley.

"I didn't expect that such a terrifying confrontation would begin just after the feast!"

"Well, Liu Qingcheng is indeed beautiful, but I didn't expect that she is still a virgin. It seems that Chi Junlin wants to take it as his own just like Gusu City back then." One person said, and everyone nodded. .

At this moment, Situ Jun also flew over. He looked at the battle in the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly. Tang Yuyan said from the side: "Situ, do we want to come together?"

But after a moment, Situ Jun shook his head. He hated Chu Yan and wanted to kill Chu Yan, but he had his own bottom line. He was not the kind of crazy man who killed innocent people. Just like when he went to the wilderness that day, he had no right to Hua Zhixu took action and directly challenged Chu Yan.

In Jiuyou Tianchi, he did not take action against Hua Zhixu and others. Today, he will not take action either, but once Chu Yan appears, he will definitely kill them with all his strength.

"Keng!" But at this moment, the nine mountains trembled again, and everyone was moved by it.

"The second word, Liu Qingcheng carved the second word! It's Yan!"

"Chu, Yan!" The world was shocked. Liu Qingcheng cut the mountain with her sword. More than a thousand swords were carved with two words, staining the sky with blood. Now she carved the word "Chu Yan" on the highest peak of the nine mountains. After the wilderness , Chu Yan!

These two words are so eye-catching, becoming the most dazzling place in the Nine Mountains. It seems that under these two words, everything is so dim.

Hua Zhixu laughed wildly at the side: "Haha! Even if this bastard guy didn't come to the feast, he is still the most exciting in the feast tonight, and his name is the loudest! So happy!"

Chi Yue's eyes were cold and gloomy, his face hardened, and he struck out a sword in the air, intending to cut off the Chu Yan character.

"Bang!" But at this moment, Qiu Yu met him in the air and blocked it with a sword. Chi Yue's expression changed rapidly. He looked at Qiu Yu coldly: "It's you who ruined my good deeds again, Qiu Yu, you This is looking for death!"

Qiu Yu looked at Chi Yue with firm eyes. He and Chi Yue were both kings at the beginning, and he represented ASEAN. However, in the past three years, he has been running around to attract forces and cultivate talents for Chu Yan, but he has delayed a lot.

Chi Yue has reached the seventh level of the Emperor, but this evening, he, Qiu Yu, only has the fourth level of the Emperor. The gap of three levels is too big for Tianjiao!

"No one can disturb her today!" Qiu Yu said firmly: "I will not give up even if I die!"

"Then I will help you!" Chiyue became angry. He took a step forward and turned his hands into huge unicorn arms. The green light enveloped the sky and grabbed Qiu Yu's chest.

"Bang!" Qiu Yu retreated violently, but in a moment, he also sacrificed his life soul, and a dark golden feather appeared above him. That piece of feather seemed to have the power to cover the sky, and it suddenly turned into a At this moment, the Dapeng bird was heading towards Chiyue to kill.

The fat man's eyes were red as well, he said, 'Ah! ! ! ’ With a roar, he opened his bloody mouth and bit Chiyue. This scene looked very funny, but Chiyue's expression changed in shock. He could feel that his strength was being eaten by the fat man, and he slowed down rapidly.

"Swallowing bloodline? Lord Zhentian's famous bloodline?" Chijun was outside, staring at the fat man and frowning slightly.

"Damn Fatty, you're looking for death!" Chiyue was angry, raised her hand and struck out with a palm. Fatty was violently blasted away, and suddenly hit a big mountain. He spat out several mouthfuls of blood, and Mu Ling'er immediately jumped over: " Fatty, are you okay?"

"It's okay! It just hurts a little. All his strength was taken away by me." The fat man rubbed his belly, but his eyes were red. In today's battle, they were all suppressed. Is it going to be the same as before? Are they just a burden?

Liu Qingcheng remains the same! Although the backlash of the mountain made her face pale, her white skirt stained red with blood, and her arms trembling slightly, she did not stop, and continued to carve despite being disturbed by all the outside world.


The third word is me!

The fourth word, good word!

The fifth word is the word happy!

The sixth word is the word joy!

The seventh word is you!

The eighth character, the word ah!

Liu Qingcheng used a three-foot green peak to wave his seven thousand swords on the mountain, and now he carved eight characters. Chu Yan, I like you so much!

Looking at those seven words, everyone was shocked. How much obsession does this require? The young girl met the small Tianyong City. This evening, Liu Qingcheng carved eight words on the nine mountains, Chu Yan, I like you so much!

"This Liu Qingcheng also has deep feelings for Chu Yan! These eight words almost cost her half of her life!" Everyone was moved.

"You don't know. It is said that Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng have known each other for a long time. They met when they were ten years old and later got married in the outside world. Then the two of them had a bumpy journey. They are definitely an enviable couple!" Talking about it, it seems that at this moment, the earthly feast is not so important, everyone is indulged in this emotion.

Looking at the eight words, Qiu Yu, Hua Zhixu and others all blushed and smiled.

Zheng Yutong flew forward and hugged Liu Qingcheng gently: "Little junior sister, you did it! Junior brother, he will definitely understand your thoughts!"

"With what he did for me, what do I do?" Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, and she also had a tear, which flowed out gently at this moment. She came to the feast this time just to tell the world her feelings. !

Liu Mu, Liu Tianfeng, and Ye Ting'er all cried when they saw these eight words outside the banquet. Liu Tianfeng scolded: "You are worthless, why are you crying! We should bless Yan'er and Qingcheng for what they are today!" "

"Uncle Liu, then don't cry! You cry the most!" Liu Mu said from the side. Liu Tianfeng wiped his eyes: "I didn't cry! I was squinting!"

"But it's really touching!" Ye Ting'er said excitedly.

"I don't know whether to live or die! Break it into pieces!" Chi Yue looked at these eight words coldly from a distance and swung a sword.

"No!" Everyone was shocked, but at this moment, Liu Qingcheng shouted. She faced Chiyue's sword and blocked the sword, but Liu Qingcheng finally became the emperor, and the cliff Carving the words took too much time. When the sword fell, her jade face turned pale and she spat out a mouthful of bright red.


Everyone was angry. Liu Qingcheng took a mouthful of blood and fell on the eight characters. The blood flowed silently, turning the characters on the nine mountains into red. Everyone was shocked when they saw the nine red characters in blood.

Today, Liu Qingcheng held a three-foot green peak and carved eight words in blood. This feeling touched heaven and earth, but she said: This feeling has no regard for heaven!

The sky seemed to be screaming at this moment, and a strong lightning suddenly struck from the sky.

The nine mountains turned into mournful roars at this moment, and a strong intention covered the entire world. That was Liu Qingcheng's intention. Her blood turned into the words she carved. This friendship emerged in the world. Throughout the world, her thoughts echoed in everyone's heart.

"Qingcheng!" There was the sound of rolling thunder in the distant Jiuyou Tianchi. Chu Yan's eyes suddenly opened. He felt Liu Qingcheng's strong intention!

Chu Yan's eyes were red, and with a thought, he roared with huge power. He stood up immediately, but at this moment, Jiuyou Bird made an ancient voice: "Jiuyou Tianchi has not fully understood it yet. If you leave now, it will be detrimental to you!"

"My way of cultivation is for this friendship. Today, Qingcheng is in trouble, how can I not go!" Chu Yan roared, and the Jiuyou Tianchi boiled, forming a huge tornado. Jiuyou Que felt Everyone was shocked when they saw this strong intention: "Such a strong intention, it actually moved Jiuyou Tianchi?"

"Qingcheng! Wait for me!" Chu Yan stood up, and with a thought, he turned into a blue rainbow and flew towards the feasting place.

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