Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 253 A Critical Moment

"What can we do if we escape to the wilderness? After today, there will be no more wilderness in the world. All of you will die!" The people of the three major forces are so proud that in their eyes, everything in the world is nothing. Like ants, they are all mortal, but they are the existences that are extraordinary and holy.

The emperor and those under the emperor are all ants. Gusuyu and Emperor Qiu are walking in the air, killing endlessly, and the world is plunged into absurdity.

Watching countless people die, everyone in the world was horrified. Among those who died were their loved ones, their respected teachers, and their juniors, including some young people who should have been shining brightly and be the stars of tomorrow. But he died for no reason today.

"Kill!" Chi Junlin strolled out. The mountains and rivers roared with every step, directly turning the ground below into a plain. The figures disappeared one after another, turned into bones, and were buried in the ground. Countless barbaric people and innocent people evaporated. go.

"So vicious!" Liu Qingcheng's eyes turned red: "It's okay for the two major forces to kill people like crazy, but Chi Junlin is like this, ignoring all sentient beings!"

"Heaven has its way, and one day, they will all repay these grievances!" Chu Yan roared, Chu Hanfeng was the guardian of the mortal world, but he was ruthlessly killed today.

"Quickly go!" Chu Yan roared, and everyone in the wilderness retreated crazily. Emperor Ren was in the realm of breaking the emperor. His whole body turned into a light curtain and enveloped everyone, and he quickly retreated towards the wilderness.

"I told you that you can't escape today!" Gu Suyu strode after him: "Chu Yan, today I want you to pay for my son's life. And that bitch, my son fell in love with her as a gift to her. But I didn’t expect her to be so despicable. After today, I will definitely make her die badly. When the time comes, he will make her life worse than death, and she will become the plaything of everyone in my Eastern God Altar!”

Gu Suyu was killing with all his heart, and his voice was transmitted to Chu Yan, making Chu Yan's eyes ferocious and burning with thick blood.

Everyone in the world looked at Chu Yan pitifully. Everyone knew the reason for the matter, but the truth was so powerless in the face of absolute strength. Today was different from every time. This time there was no Chu Hanfeng, and Chu Yan had no backing. Even the empress does not know where she went. Who can save Chu Yan today.

"You will die!" Chu Yan stared at Gu Suyu, and he suddenly let out a low roar.

Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan actually said to Gusu Yu, would he die? Gu Suyu was also startled, and laughed loudly: "Am I going to die? Chu Yan, are you talking in your sleep? Now in this world, the whole world is under our control, and your wilderness is about to perish. Who can kill me!"

"Come on, you will die soon." Chu Yan said coldly, turned around and ordered to Emperor Ren, Yao Lao and others: "Seniors! Continue, go back to the wilderness, we still have a chance when we reach the wilderness!"

"Let's go!" Many strong men flashed wildly along the way. Emperor Ren alone blocked the attack of three emperors from the other side. His chest was pierced by an iron spear and he was seriously injured.

People were dying every minute and every second. Chu Yan's eyes were about to burst, and his fists were about to be crushed: "I have written down all this hatred. Today, everyone, everyone, I will not let go of anyone." Pass!"

"Hua Feng! Our families have been friends for generations. Please surrender today. I won't kill you!" Emperor Qiu struck out with his palm and collided head-on with Hua Feng.

"Emperor Qiu, I, Hua Feng, am ashamed to know you in this life. You are not worthy of the name of emperor!" Hua Feng looked at Emperor Qiu coldly.

"It's ridiculous. I just did what everyone would do, identify the situation and understand the current affairs. After today, there will be no more barbarism in the world." Emperor Qiu said lightly, Hua Feng rolled his eyes coldly. Emperor Qiu: "When we were young, you and I were passionate about fire patterns. You chose to refine weapons, and I chose to refine alchemy. Don't forget, you are also half of Qin Ruomeng's disciple, and he is her son!"

"Qin Ruomeng disappeared for more than ten years. She is not known whether she is dead or alive. She will not come back!"

"What if she comes back?" Hua Feng smiled mysteriously, but Emperor Qiu's heart skipped a beat. To be honest, whether it was Chu Hanfeng or Qin Ruomeng, both of them were transcendent existences. Once she came back, it was not difficult for Emperor Qiu to imagine as a result.

On that day, Chu Hanfeng could fight in all directions, and no one in the six regions of the galaxy could defeat him. If he came back, who would compete with him?

"Impossible! That's just an idiot's dream!" Emperor Qiu said resolutely. Hua Feng smiled scornfully: "Don't forget, he is their son, and his path will be extraordinary and wonderful! If he doesn't die today, you will never die. I can only live in a nightmare!"

"Boom!" Hua Feng struck out with a palm. He retreated and shouted sternly at Chu Yan and others: "Let's go! Boy, do what you want!"

"Senior Huafeng! Let's go together!"

"We can't leave!" Hua Feng gave a confused smile and looked at Hua Zhixu with such kindness: "Chu Yan, whatever you owe me today, you must pay it back to Zhixu in the future, otherwise, you will be ashamed of me! "

"No!!!" Hua Zhixu roared, and Chu Yan's eyes turned red. This was not what he wanted. The two of them were about to rush forward, but the next moment, Emperor Ren gritted his teeth and walked out, killing the two of them. He blocked it and said to the old demon: "Old demon, take the young master away! Do what the young master said!"

The next moment, more powerful men flew out, and Wanqing Emperor also came forward to fight. They wanted to fight to the death. Motu also looked at Chu Yan with a smile, his old eyes were so determined, and beside him was Qin Ban. Mom, Qin Banniang finally took Mo Tu's hand and said, "Old man, I've been waiting for your confession all my life, but you still refuse to say it. Today, let me tell you, I like you."

Motu looked at Qin Banniang and nodded: "Fight, I will not hesitate to die for these juniors today!"

"No!" Chu Yan's eyes turned red: "Seniors, believe me, it's almost done! It'll be done soon. As long as we reach the wilderness, everything can be solved!"

"Silly boy, it's too late!" Emperor Ren smiled kindly: "Boy, you have to practice hard in the future. You have an extraordinary destiny. Remember, let alone the mortal world, no one in this world can be better than you. Let you Lose, your path should be further away. The master taught us how to practice. Without the master, we would have died of old age. How could we achieve what we have today? I can fight for you today without any regrets!"

"None of you can leave!" The Red Lord's army is approaching. The three major forces, numbering tens of thousands of people, are moving towards Chu Yan and others to suppress them.

"Let's go! Old demon, the young master is in your hands. If anything happens to him, you will be ashamed of yourself!!! Let's go!" Emperor Ren roared, he was so majestic, everyone was shocked, but who I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Young Master, let's go!" Yao Lao's eyes turned red. He had known Emperor Ren for thousands of years, and they had grown up together since they were young. Today, he had to watch Emperor Ren die.

The demon veteran turned into a screen of light, covering Chu Yan, Qingcheng, Hua Zhixu and others, and quickly fled towards the wild land.

The sky turned red at this time, and the sky was stained with blood.

"Today, none of you can leave!"


Chi Junlin led a three-party army, tens of thousands of people, and more than ten emperors. Finally, at this moment, they turned into wings from the front and enveloped the people. Everyone's eyes were red, the old demon clenched his fists, and the benevolent emperor was also angry. : "Is it true that God wants to destroy my wild land?"

Gusu Yu took a loud step, and the mountain collapsed. The emperor's power turned into heavenly power and descended. A big hand grasped Chu Yan in the void: "Chu Yan, you will die today. No one can save you." , and that mean woman!”

"Chu Yan, your talent is really great. I have never seen anyone as powerful as you in the Six Realms Galaxy, so you will die even more like this. To be honest, Chu Hanfeng really scared me that day when he killed everyone in all directions, but it's a pity , He didn't destroy us, haha, I'm afraid he will never think that it was because of him that he killed you!" Gu Suyu laughed wildly.

"Because my father knows that I have to take care of your lives myself!" Chu Yan took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the wilderness. He kept chanting the mantra in his heart. As he got closer, more and more It was getting closer, and he could feel that the opportunity he had been waiting for was about to arrive here!

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him, the control of the evergreen tree is in his hands." Zai Qiu said contemptuously from the side.

Chu Yan sneered, had the truth finally been exposed? These people wanted to kill him because they wanted the evergreen tree and the nine inheritances of Lord Zhentian. Everything else was fake, he continued to realize in his heart.

"Do it! Kill him!"

"Boy, I'll give you one more chance. You join my sect and hand over all your inheritance, as well as the evergreen tree and the control method of the Haotian Tower. I will protect you from death today!" Ancient words were spoken in the wooden boat in the distance. Also preached.

"It's ridiculous. I'm here, and the wilderness is here!" Chu Yan responded coldly, and then he raised his head and looked at Gu Suyu and others: "Wait a minute, don't you want the method of mastering the evergreen tree? I'll give it to you. That’s it, take it!”

"Whoosh!" The golden leaf-like token was thrown by Chu Yan. Gusuyu was overjoyed when he saw the token. He waved his hand and caught the token. The next moment he could feel the energy coming from the evergreen tree. Infinite vitality: "It is really the way to master the evergreen tree!"

The people in Chijunlin and the Southern Shrine were a little unhappy, but they didn't say much.

"But boy, do you think it's enough to hand over the evergreen tree? And I will take your life, and the life of that despicable woman!" At this moment, Gu Suyu's eyes narrowed: "And there's more. That despicable woman, are you willing to give it to me too?”

"I'm afraid you can't bear it!" Chu Yan's voice was extremely calm, but it revealed endless killing intent.

"Are you kidding?" Gu Suyu laughed wildly. Chu Yan continued to stare at Gu Suyu: "Do you still remember what I said?"

Gu Suyu's eyes narrowed, what did Chu Yan say? Chu Yan said too many things, but the thing that worried him the most was that he would die!

"You just want to delay time, I will kill you now!"

"You have no chance!" Chu Yan became ferocious at this moment, and the next moment everyone in the world was shocked.

"Rumble!" The earth trembled violently, and the dust shook. In the wild land, there was a huge stone tablet moving quickly, and it was constantly surging towards Chu Yan. The stone tablet was like a huge mirror image. Like a door, there is the only remaining entrance to the mirror world.

"Everything should be over!" Looking at the mirrored stone tablet, Chu Yan's eyes turned red, and he roared like a wild beast: "I am here, the wilderness is here, the wilderness in the world is still the same, but you are all going to die today!"

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