Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 29: A palm strike from Liu Tianfeng

No words were spoken that night. Chu Yan did not fall asleep for the whole night. Instead, he put his soul into the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and operated the Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic to absorb his energy autonomously.

The next day, when the sun was high in the sky, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes. In one night, his energy had recovered a lot, which made him smile with satisfaction.

"The Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic is really different. I overdrawn so strongly, but it took me one night to recover. It seems that it is not unreasonable for my mother to leave it to me." Chu Yan smiled.

"Are you awake?" Liu Qingcheng pushed the door open and handed the newly boiled medicine soup to Chu Yan: "It's a bit bitter, you hold on a little longer."

"Wife, did you boil this for me yourself?" Chu Yan took the medicine soup and smelled the herbal smell emanating from Liu Qingcheng's jade hands. Chu Yan was very familiar with this smell.

Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly. She didn't want Chu Yan to know what she had done for him, and she didn't want to leave Chu Yan with hope. After all, she would leave after today. Giving Chu Yan hope would make Chu Yan suffer, at least that's what she thought.

"Haha, wife, you don't need to tell me. I know you are shy. Don't worry, I will drink up the medicine that my wife boils no matter how bitter it is." Chu Yan swallowed the medicine soup in one gulp. Although these medicine soups are not as good as pills, they also have the effect of promoting blood circulation and moisturizing blood. After a while, Chu Yan's body became hot, and those places where there was blood stasis were all washed away by the medicine.

Feeling this force, Chu Yan clenched his fist: "In this way, I am fully recovered."

"Miss, Master, are you all awake? The master is calling you over." Baoer came to the bridal chamber.

Hearing what the two said, Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly, and her expression was a little unnatural, but at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly held her hand. To be honest, this was definitely the first time Chu Yan touched Liu Qingcheng's hand after the wedding, and he was very excited.

"Don't worry, my wife. The day before yesterday, I was bored and went to the back mountain to collect herbs. I accidentally ran into the Qin family. Let's go to see my father now." Chu Yan grinned. Liu Tianfeng came to him, and he knew that he must be investigating the matter of the day before yesterday.

Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan strangely, and she nodded lightly: "Thank you..."

Liu Qingcheng didn't expect that Chu Yan was willing to conceal it for her. If Liu Tianfeng knew that Chu Yan went to the back mountain because of her, he would definitely blame her. She wanted to tell Liu Tianfeng today that she went to Tianshan Sect. If Liu Tianfeng knew the truth, I'm afraid... she wouldn't be able to leave.

But the two didn't know that they wanted to conceal it, but some people didn't want to let this matter go.

In the reception room of the Liu family, Liu Tianfeng and many elders were relieved to see Chu Yan recover.

"Liu Mu, quickly move a chair for Yan'er, he is seriously ill now." Liu Tianfeng said.

Liu Mu nodded, and then asked the servants to move two chairs. After Chu Yan sat down, Liu Tianfeng asked: "Yan'er, is your injury serious?"

"Replying to father, it's fine now." Chu Yan stood up and jumped a few times on the spot: "Full of energy."

"Uncle Liu, I said that Chu Yan is a tough kid, haha." Liu Mu also laughed.

Liu Tianfeng nodded, and his cold eyes first looked at Liu Qingcheng, and then asked Chu Yan: "Yan'er, tell me what happened the day before yesterday? Why were you not in the room in the middle of the night, but ran to the back mountain instead?"

The temperature in the reception room dropped, and at this time, all the elders looked at Liu Qingcheng.

Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng were married for three days, but Chu Yan did not return home at night. In fact, everyone had some ideas in their hearts, but there was no evidence, so no one said it.

Liu Mu also sighed and shook his head. He only hoped that all this was not what he guessed, otherwise, he could already imagine what kind of punishment Liu Qingcheng would receive next.

"Father, the day before yesterday, it was actually all my fault. I wanted to go to the back mountain to pick some herbs, but I got lost accidentally and didn't come back. Then I was met by the Qin family. Haha, I was really careless." Chu Yan laughed.

Lost? Can this lie be any lower?

"Yan'er, tell me the truth, I will make the decision for you. If Qingcheng bullies you, I will definitely make the decision for you." Liu Tianfeng said sternly.

"Father, it's really not. This is the fact. How could my wife bully me." Chu Yan said seriously.

Many elders frowned. Even a fool would know that Chu Yan was lying, but Chu Yan was unwilling to tell the truth, so they naturally had no choice.

But at this moment, a very arrogant voice suddenly sounded from outside the reception room: "Brother Chu Yan is not telling the truth at all!"

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of the voice, and Su Muyan and Asan came to the reception room.

Seeing Su Muyan, the faces of the elders of the Liu family were not very good, and Liu Qingcheng was even more so, because Su Muyan knew the truth.

"Little girl, don't make trouble, you have no right to interrupt when the adults are talking." Chu Yan saw Su Muyan and had a headache.

"Brother Chu Yan, she almost killed you, why do you have to defend this bitch now?" Su Muyan snorted coldly.

There was a chill in Chu Yan's eyes, and he looked at Su Muyan unfriendly: "I warn you for the last time, she is my Chu Yan's wife who was married in a formal matchmaking, and no one can scold her in this life. Don't think that you can touch my bottom line just because you have a little friendship with me."

Su Muyan rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction. She did not argue with Chu Yan, but looked at Liu Tianfeng: "Liu Tianfeng, you really gave birth to a good daughter. You want to know what happened three days ago, right? I tell you, yes, just as you guessed, it was your daughter who forced Brother Chu Yan away."

"Su Muyan, that's enough!" Chu Yan said coldly.

"Brother Chu Yan, I'm just telling the truth for you. Even if she is your wife, I will never allow her to bully you and get away with it!" Su Muyan continued: "Liu Tianfeng, I tell you, it was your good daughter who forced my brother Chu Yan away three days ago. And I tell you, from the time we got married until now, your good daughter has never let my brother Chu Yan climb onto the bed. She makes my brother Chu Yan sleep on the floor every day! This is your precious daughter."

Hearing Su Muyan's words, all the elders in the reception room were shocked.

Let Chu Yan sleep on the floor all the time?

Liu Tianfeng's face was extremely gloomy. Although he knew that Liu Qingcheng had always been against this marriage, the wedding was already done. He thought that Liu Qingcheng should have gradually accepted it, but he did not expect that Liu Qingcheng would be so excessive.

"Qingcheng, is what the princess said true?"

"Liu Qingcheng, do you dare to let everyone see if your virginity is still there?" Su Muyan pressed aggressively.

Liu Qingcheng was speechless. She clasped her ten fingers tightly together. Yes, her virginity was still there, but she did not dare to show it to everyone.

Liu Qingcheng's silence also made everyone understand that what Su Muyan said was true. At this time, Liu Tianfeng was furious. He looked at Liu Qingcheng with unprecedented anger: "Liu Qingcheng, you are really great! You are really my good daughter!"

"Uncle Liu..."

"Shut up, whoever dares to plead for her today will not be a member of my Liu family in the future!"

Liu Tianfeng was really angry this time. Liu Mu was interrupted before he spoke. He stared at Liu Qingcheng: "Liu Qingcheng, you are really powerful now. What's wrong? Do you think the man I found for you is not good enough? Let Chu Yan sleep on the floor? Are you worthy?"

"Father, I..."

"Shut up, I don't have a daughter like you!" Liu Tianfeng interrupted Liu Qingcheng directly.

Aside, Chu Yan was also angry. He stared at Su Muyan.

"Brother Chu Yan, I..."

"I'll settle with you later!" Chu Yan snorted coldly, then looked at Liu Tianfeng: "Father, this matter is not Qingcheng's fault, in fact, it's my fault. Qingcheng didn't drive me out, I really wanted to go to the back mountain to collect herbs..."

"Yan'er, you don't have to plead for this evil girl anymore. Yan'er, my Liu family owed your mother back then. Ruoming is the benefactor of our Liu family, but Qingcheng is so good that she actually let the benefactor sleep on the ground."

"Father, it's not true. My waist is not good. I want to sleep on the ground."

Unfortunately, no matter what Chu Yan said, Liu Tianfeng would not believe it. He looked at Liu Qingcheng coldly, and his voice suddenly became stern: "Asshole, why don't you kneel down and apologize to Chu Yan? If you don't kneel today, then I, Liu Tianfeng, will treat you as a daughter. Get out of here!"

Liu Qingcheng was stunned. She raised her head and looked at Liu Tianfeng in shock... Let herself kneel down to Chu Yan? Get out?

Liu Qingcheng's eyes were red, but she felt very aggrieved. Was it really her fault?

"Yes, I made him sleep on the floor, but who forced him to do this? He is wronged now, and you defend him like this. But Dad, I am your daughter. Have you ever asked me in these years whether I am willing to marry him? I told you a long time ago that I have someone I like and I don't want to marry, but what? Didn't I still listen to you and marry him? What else do you want from me?"

"Asshole!" Liu Tianfeng was furious. He waved his sleeves and a gust of wind blew towards Liu Qingcheng's thin body.

At this time, everyone was shocked. Liu Mu also frowned. Looking at the gust of wind, Liu Qingcheng suddenly laughed at herself. She really felt that she was ridiculous. Her father wanted to hit her for an outsider?

"Qingcheng, get out of the way." The elder of the Liu family shouted.

Liu Tianfeng's palm was really unreserved. At the fifth level of the Dynamic Dust Realm, a palm fell, and Liu Qingcheng was either dead or disabled.

Liu Qingcheng stood there without dodging or evading. She thought to herself, maybe being beaten to death would be a kind of relief, right?

But suddenly, a figure came forward and hugged Liu Qingcheng from the front. Liu Qingcheng was stunned. She looked at the brilliant smile, the hand gently rubbing her head, and the gentle voice that said to her softly: "Wife, be good, it's okay."


The palm directly hit Chu Yan's back. Chu Yan was already injured, and a mouthful of hot blood sprayed on Liu Qingcheng's white clothes.

Everyone in the living room stood up in shock. Liu Tianfeng also stared, with his hand hanging in the air.

"Yan'er! Chu Yan!"

After a long time, Liu Tianfeng came back to his senses. He rushed forward in a hurry: "Yan'er, you..."

"Father, I'm fine." Chu Yan squeezed a smile from his face, and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

But his body was really uncomfortable. This palm made his internal organs roll up, and he was sweating on his forehead, and his face was pale.

"Don't talk, I'll call a doctor for you!"

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