Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 3 Genius Awakens

Chu Yan was relieved when Liu Qingcheng left. Then he raised his head and looked up at the starry sky. There were hundreds of millions of stars in the sky, but Chu Yan only stared at one from beginning to end.

The star was very bright, as if it was the most dazzling star among billions of stars. It was called the King of Heaven. Chu Yan had always kept this star in his heart, like a brand, reminding him all the time.

Mom, the baby will save you soon.

Chu Yan left the guest room and walked to the center of the Liu family's living room alone.

There was a pair of stone lions in front of the living room. The two stone lions held pearls in their mouths and were very powerful. Chu Yan was standing in the middle of the two stone lions, lowering his head and counting the bricks and tiles under his feet.

"My mother said at the beginning that these two lions are facing the Tianyao Star. They are circulating their vitality here. Take ten steps to the north and ten steps to the east until they reach the third sycamore tree on the left. The star formation can be broken. I’ll try it first.”

Chu Yan recalled the footwork Qin Ruomeng had given him and began to circulate his vitality along the two stone lions.

If anyone else saw Chu Yan at this time, they would be surprised, because after he circulated his vitality, he took a step forward, leaving a deep footprint on the bricks on the ground. You know, these bricks are of the highest quality. Glazed tiles can defend against the attacks of any strong person below the moving dust realm, but now that Chu Yan is only on the first level of the mortal realm, he can actually leave a footprint on it?

This was the beginning. In the second step, the bricks collapsed, and a glazed tile was directly stepped on and fell apart.

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately afterwards, a brick would break with every step Chu Yan took. Of course, Chu Yan's current condition was not good either. He was sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked through by sweat. His whole body was bearing tens of millions of kilograms of force.

It is hard to imagine how Chu Yan, who is on the first level of the mortal world and has a life body of a star and a mortal body, can withstand the huge pressure of the Tianyao Star Array, but he just endured it. Although at the tenth step, his His knees bent, and he knelt on the ground with a bang, and a brick on the ground was immediately split open.

"The Tianyao Star Formation is really powerful!" Chu Yan clenched his fists. Although he was feeling much pain, there was still an excited smile on his lips.

At this time, as the pressure from the Tianyao Star Array became stronger and stronger, a flame rose up in Chu Yan's Dantian. This flame became hotter and hotter with the pressure from the Tianyao Star Array, causing Chu Yan's whole body to start to swell. Red, like a burning man.

After resting for a while, Chu Yan stood up at the tenth step, took a breath, and moved ten steps towards the east again. He glanced at the three sycamore trees on his left and locked his eyes under the third sycamore tree, grinning. A smile.

"It's under this tree." Chu Yan stood up again with great pressure, and then the bricks and tiles cracked in rows, and he finally came to the third sycamore tree.

Under the sycamore tree, Chu Yan smiled excitedly, then rubbed his palms and poured all his energy into the tree.


The soil under the tree suddenly rolled, as if a hidden dragon was ascending into the abyss, and a handful of golden underworld stones were suspended from the soil into the air.

Holding this golden stone, Chu Yan couldn't suppress the throbbing in his heart. He licked his cracked lips, and then he gently felt the power of the stone, as if there was a tiny spiritual snake. It's like swimming in the body.

Chu Yan closed his eyes and meditated, feeling that this force was constantly swimming in his body. Soon, his five senses were closed, and he came into a dark and chaotic space. This space was full of Yin energy, and the sky was full of yin energy. It was filled with billions of talismans, and in the center was a nine-story mysterious tower wrapped and sealed by thousands of black chains.

This is not the first time that Chu Yan has come to this space, but in the past this space was extremely dark, with a bone-chilling chill all around. It is not the first time that he has stood in front of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, but no matter what he used before, No amount of power can open the stone door of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, but this time is different. The power of the dark stone is like a key, the key that can unlock the seal of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

"Over the years, all the vitality I have cultivated, the stars in my life, and the blood in my body have been suppressed by the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda. Now, I can finally open you." Chu Yan's hands were filled with light, and he raised his hands. He opened his five fingers and slowly pressed the Mingshi on the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.


Chu Yan suddenly let out a loud scream, and the heavy iron chains began to shake, as if a mad dragon was awakening. Then there was a click, and the first chain broke. The strong wind here became stronger and stronger. Then one chain after another was shattered into powder, and the dim Jiutian Xuan Tower burst out with a bright color.

Chu Yan began to get excited when he saw the changes in Jiutian Xuan Pagoda. Then the strong wind here turned golden, and the stone door of Jiutian Xuan Pagoda finally opened a gap. However, this also brought a huge load to Chu Yan's body. This kind of The pain was incomprehensible to everyone. His skin was broken inch by inch, and the dirty blood in his body was expelled from the body.

Not long after, Chu Yan, who was under the sycamore tree, turned into a bloody man.

"As long as I survive this last step and succeed, I will be able to transform. No matter how painful it is in these ten years of humiliation, I can't bear it. Chu Yan, hold on, you must hold on."

Chu Yan let out a hoarse roar, like a tiger roaring and a dragon roaring, and his eyes turned red at this moment.

Chu Yan did not know how long it passed like this, until the sky became brighter and the people of the Chu family gradually woke up.

Outside the Chu family meeting room, many Chu family disciples gathered around, in groups of two or three, whispering.

"Look, who is this man? Why is he covered in blood?"

"I've seen him, he seems to be Sister Qingcheng's fiancé, but why is he here?"

"Ah? He is that Chu Yan? Oh my God, why is he so embarrassed? Is he dead?"

"It's best if he's dead, so that Sister Qingcheng doesn't have to marry a beggar like him, huh, lest he ruin our Sister Qingcheng's reputation."

"Ah! He moved! He's not dead!" Several little girls said timidly.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyelids suddenly moved, and then he gradually regained his senses, and then he suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, as if he didn't see anyone around him at all, he jumped up from the ground. It didn't matter that he jumped up more than one meter high. After landing on the ground, he hurriedly meditated. When he saw a bright Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower in his dantian, all the chain seals around him were shaken away and he became ecstatic: "I succeeded?"

"I really succeeded?"

Chu Yan was extremely excited. Then, regardless of the strange eyes around him, he turned around and hugged a slightly thin figure closest to him, cheering excitedly: "I succeeded! I succeeded! Haha, I finally succeeded!"

"It's over, it's over, Master Chu is crazy! Master Chu is crazy!" Everyone screamed at this time and hurriedly ran away.

Seeing them run away, Chu Yan didn't take it to heart. Anyway, he knew that from today on, he was no longer a waste, but an awakened genius. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower contained the mysteries of heaven and earth. Now that he has finally unlocked the seal, he will be able to ascend to the sky in the near future to save his mother.

But at this moment, he was suddenly stunned, and then he lowered his head and saw a little girl in his arms: "Yes, why didn't you run away?"

"Master, I am the maid assigned to you by the master... I have nowhere to run."

The little girl said aggrievedly, if I were not your maid, do you think I would not run away?

"A maid assigned to me?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "That's good, I just awakened, there are many things to do, and I really need someone to help."

But then, Chu Yan took another look at the little girl. Not only was she thin, but she was also dressed in rags. It can be said that she was quite suitable for a beggar like him, which made him frown.

"Why are you wearing so tattered clothes? I see that the servants of other young masters and ladies are not wearing gold and silver, but at least they are neat. Why are your clothes full of holes?"

"Replying to Master, because Bao'er has no father or mother, the Liu family has always adopted Bao'er, so it's good to have one piece of clothing." Bao'er lowered her head and dared not look at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with sympathy. Of course, it was not that he was overly sympathetic, but Bao'er's situation was really similar to his.

"Since you have followed me, you can't wear this outfit. My maids live a more noble life than the young ladies in this Liu Mansion. So, you go to the account office later and ask them for fifty taels of silver. Go buy some clothes for the two of us first, and also buy some herbs for me."

"Can I buy it myself?" Bao'er looked at Chu Yan suspiciously. You know, the servants like them are distributed clothes by the Liu family every year, and they can never buy them. So even if they see some clothes they like, they can only look at them from a distance.

"Of course! And you have to buy beautiful ones. Forget it, I guess you don't know what beautiful means. Did you see the clothes Liu Qingcheng wore yesterday? Just buy the same clothes. If the money is not enough, you can ask the account office for more." Chu Yan said.

Bao'er felt sweet in her heart. She suddenly found that this useless son-in-law didn't seem to be as evil as she imagined. Instead, he was a little kind and approachable.

"Yes, son-in-law!" Baoer agreed, and Chu Yan took out a pen and paper and wrote down the names of some herbs at random. He had just unlocked the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda, and his body was thin, so he needed a lot of supplements. However, when writing down the names of the herbs, Chu Yan frowned, and seemed to smell the stench coming from his body. He lowered his head and saw that he was covered with blood and some filthy things. "No wonder everyone ran away, it was really stinky." Chu Yan laughed to himself, but he was very excited, because he knew that these blood and filthy things were the impurities in his body. Now that all of these were discharged, he was like a dragon shedding its skin, and was about to become a real dragon. "Baoer, I want to take a bath, you first put water for me before leaving." Chu Yan shouted, and Baoer did it. Looking at the warm water in a large wooden barrel, Chu Yan smiled, and then, he would start to cleanse himself with this bucket of water.

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