Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 452 Seeking the Name of the Emperor of Heaven

When Chu Yan's voice sounded, everyone gradually woke up, but the battle just now was still in front of them, shocking.

"Haha, kid, you really surprised me. According to the agreement, I will help you find someone. Tell me, what is the name of the person you want to ask?"

"Ye Xun." Chu Yan said calmly, but as soon as he said it, the eyes of many people around him changed slightly, including Zi Longyang who originally looked down on Chu Yan.

"Ye Xun?" A respected disciple's only son muttered in the distance, shocked in his heart: "Could it be that he is talking about that person?"

"Who is this Ye Xun?" Some emperor-level disciples asked puzzledly. They had entered the mountain gate for a short time and had never heard of Ye Xun.

"Xun Tiandi..." said the respected disciple, his eyes full of piety, as if he was extremely envious.

"Xun Tiandi?" This time, all the imperial disciples also stood in awe, and then many people looked at Chu Yan, slightly surprised: "He is actually, Xun Tiandi's friend?"

"Hush, keep your voice down." Another venerable said speechlessly, then secretly glanced at Zi Longyang, shook his head: "It's better not to make this matter public, otherwise if it is reported back to Shenzhu Mountain, I'm afraid Zi Longyang will be miserable. With Xun Tiandi's temper, I'm afraid that if he doesn't kill Zi Longyang, he will definitely lose half of his life. Even if the Thousand Faces Elder comes forward, it will be useless."

"Do you think we can be okay? If Xun Tiandi knows that we are watching the fun here today and laughing at his friends, don't even think about joining Tiandi Sect in the future." A disciple regretted it very much, and glared at Zi Longyang fiercely: "Asshole, Zi Longyang hurt me badly."

Chu Yan's insight is amazing. Although he didn't hear everything, he observed the words and expressions and felt that Ye Xun should be fine, and his current status is not low.

At least, above Zi Longyang, otherwise Zi Longyang would not be so afraid.

"Are you really a friend of the Emperor Xuntian?" Zi Longyang was upset, but still asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Chu Yan nodded.

Zi Longyang's mouth twitched, and the idea of ​​revenge was gone. He stepped aside and watched quietly.

"Senior, you haven't answered me yet." Chu Yan looked up and looked at the Thousand Faces Lord in the void.

"Didn't you hear it? The person you are investigating is indeed a disciple of my Shenzhu Mountain, and he is of extraordinary status. You don't have to worry about his safety. I have Shenzhu Mountain to protect him. As for you wanting to see him, I can't help you." The Thousand Faces Lord said lightly, obviously not expecting that the person Chu Yan was looking for was that guy.

Chu Yan frowned slightly, and wanted to say more, but seeing the look of the Thousand Faces Lord, he knew that no matter how he asked, it would be useless.

However, since he knew that Ye Xun was safe and doing well, he was content, so he bowed and said to the Thousand Faces Lord: "Thank you, senior."

After that, Chu Yan turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" The Thousand Faces Lord paused and suddenly said: "You defeated Zi Longyang, and you have two holy souls. You have passed the test of my Shenzhu Mountain. Next, are you willing to join my Shenzhu Mountain?"

The disciples in the distance looked at Chu Yan, not surprised. Whether it was Chu Yan's combat power or because he knew Emperor Xuntian, he was enough to become a disciple of Shenzhu Mountain, so this invitation was not surprising.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior. I will not join Shenzhu Mountain." Chu Yan paused and said lightly.


Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan was considered to have refused?

Shenzhu Mountain, a mysterious force above the galaxy and the sea of ​​stars, how strong Shenzhu Mountain is, even the disciples who joined it don't know.

Even they only saw the tip of the iceberg of Shenzhu Mountain. The whole appearance is too vast, and the top people don’t know it.

But there is no doubt that Shenzhu Mountain is powerful. Many people want to join, but the conditions are harsh, which is more difficult than Tianbei Mountain. So once there is a chance, who would refuse?

However, Chu Yan refused.

The Thousand Faces Lord was stunned for a moment. Seeing Chu Yan was about to leave, his majesty suddenly rose up and turned into a strong wind to cover Chu Yan, causing Chu Yan to frown: "What do you mean, senior?"

"Have you thought about it? How many people have been scrambling to join my Shenzhu Mountain? Now you just need to nod and I will allow you to join. Do you really want to refuse?"

"Senior, why should I join Shenzhu Mountain?" Chu Yan turned around and asked back. The Thousand Faces Lord said proudly: "My Shenzhu Mountain is a heavenly force in the upper realm with huge resources. If you have qualifications like you, you will definitely get stronger if you join it."

"Senior, what you said means that I can't become stronger if I don't join Shenzhu Mountain? I beg you to disagree. I have only been practicing for ten years, but I have always been invincible in the same realm. Even your disciples of Shenzhu Mountain, senior, have seen that they are not as good as me in the same realm. Why should I join?" Chu Yan said calmly, his words full of arrogance and confidence.

The Thousand Faces Lord's face turned cold, and he snorted: "Arrogant, you are indeed talented, but Shenzhu Mountain will give you better resources."

"No need." Chu Yan still refused, and the Thousand Faces Lord was speechless for a while, and the younger generation below couldn't help laughing, it was really embarrassing.

But seeing Chu Yan was about to leave, he became anxious again. Chu Yan was a rare genius he had ever seen. He suddenly said again, not only lowering his posture, but also a little bit of coercion, inducement, and begging.

"Little guy, think about it. If you want to join Shenzhu Mountain, I will take you to see Ye Xun. Otherwise, tell me what conditions you have. As long as it's not difficult, I will help you do it!"

Chu Yan laughed, this Thousand Faces Lord is interesting.

"I appreciate your kindness, senior." However, Chu Yan still shook his head. He had never left the Six Regions and didn't know how vast the world was. Shenzhu Mountain might be very strong, but he didn't want to limit himself too early. As for joining a force, he had never thought about it.

The Thousand Faces Lord was speechless for a while and glared at Chu Yan: "Forget it, get out. With your qualifications, I am not willing to accept you!"

"Junior goodbye!" Chu Yan smiled bitterly and finally flew out of the Shenzhu formation. As for the original void formation, some junior disciples couldn't help laughing.

The Thousand Faces Lord's face froze and glared at everyone fiercely: "What are you laughing at? Don't you dare to go back and practice? It's really embarrassing. You were abused by a Xinghe disciple, and you still have the nerve to laugh. Go back and run a hundred laps in the mountain tonight. You are not allowed to fly in the air. You are not allowed to eat until you finish running!"

"Uh..." Many disciples were speechless. You were rejected by others. What does it have to do with us?

But the Lord spoke, who dared to refute, so they had to retreat one after another.


Leaving Shenzhu Mountain, Chu Yan walked out. At the entrance of the Twelve Shenzhu Formation, Liu Qingcheng clasped her hands. There was a huge riot in the formation before, and the light curtain flickered, which made her pale and worried.

She wanted to rush in several times, but was stopped by a divine thought in her body.

"Chu Yan!" Seeing Chu Yan walk out, Liu Qingcheng rushed out and threw herself into Chu Yan's arms.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, hugged Liu Qingcheng and smiled softly: "It's okay."

"Is there any news about Ye Xun?" Liu Qingcheng nodded gently and asked gently.

"Yeah." Chu Yan nodded and told Liu Qingcheng about the deeds in Shenzhu Mountain. After learning that Chu Yan had fought with others, he was shocked again.

"You should have agreed. The starry sea is vast, and it is not like the six domains. You have no friends there. If you enter Shenzhu Mountain, it will be better." Liu Qingcheng scolded.

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head: "If I join, what about you?"

Liu Qingcheng's heart trembled slightly. It turned out that he didn't join Shenzhu Mountain because of her.

"I delayed you."

"Silly girl, didn't you join when Wangxian Tower invited you to Tianbei Mountain? Besides, who knows what kind of force Shenzhu Mountain is. If it is strong, it's fine. What if it is not as good as the Sixteen Veins of Tianbei Mountain? Wouldn't I be at a disadvantage? Besides, I am so powerful. When I go to Xinghai in the future, I will be a hot commodity for all major forces. Then Shenzhu Mountain will be ignored." Chu Yan said with a smile.

"You are so conceited!" Liu Qingcheng rolled her eyes at Chu Yan, but nodded slightly. She also believed that Chu Yan would be able to dominate the Xinghai in the near future.

This trip to Shenzhu Mountain allowed Chu Yan to learn about Ye Xun. Although he failed to meet Ye Xun, he was extremely happy and thought to himself: "Xuntian Emperor is really domineering."

However, Chu Yan would never know that Ye Xun was named Xuntian Emperor not because he already had the power of Emperor Tian, ​​but Xuntian was his title.

Ye Xun named himself Xuntian, and he followed Chu Yan in his life.


Above the galaxy, in a distant area, the sea and the sky are connected, the stars are connected, and there are even orbits between the stars, like a vast land with no end in sight.

Here, under a mountain stream, there is a young man practicing. There are space fluctuations around him from time to time, forming fractures.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and a clear light flashed in his eyes. Then he couldn't help but smile: "Finally, I'm waiting for you to come?"

"Swoosh!" The next moment, the young man flew out of the mountain stream, his figure flashing, and every step he took would move horizontally for a thousand meters, like teleportation, tearing the space.

Not long after, a young man came to a group of disciples' rooms.

"Surround them!" The young man said, and countless figures immediately emerged from behind him, surrounding the room. All the disciples were shocked.

The people in the room looked up at the young man with admiration. At this time, there was a young man in purple among the disciples. He looked extremely embarrassed, lowered his head, and said nothing.

"Zi Longyang, do you know your crime?" Ye Xun asked calmly. Now he has the potential to be a hegemon.

"Xun Tiandi, I didn't know he was your friend!" Zi Longyang said tremblingly. Ye Xun shook his head: "It has nothing to do with this. If he fights you, you will lose. You have no chance of winning. You just humiliated yourself. I ask you for your crime because you went to the Xinghe Land without authorization to show off your power, and you looked down on the people of Xinghe. Do you still have me in your eyes?"

"Xun Tiandi, spare me!" Zi Longyang said in horror. With a plop, he knelt on the ground.

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living punishment cannot be escaped. Execute!" Ye Xun gave the order, and countless light screens descended. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with Zi Longyang's screams.

Everyone in the distance was secretly shocked when they saw this scene. Zi Longyang, the peak of the human emperor, was punished, but no one dared to say anything.

Just because that person was, Xun Tiandi!

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