Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 536 Sweeping the Second Hall

Chu Yan walked out of the hall.

In five days, the fourth hall has become more lively. In addition to Li Pin, there are a few scattered people. There are also a few guards standing outside the hall. Their realm is not high, but they all stand straight, with a bit of momentum.

Chu Yan was quite surprised to see this. Li Pin was sweeping the fallen leaves on the stairs. Seeing Chu Yan walk out, he greeted him: "Hall Master."

"Who are they?"

"I recruited them privately, I hope the hall master will not blame me. Their realm is not high, but their combat power is good. Since they are a hall, they must have some appearance." Li Pin responded.

"Since you are doing this for the good of the hall, what's the crime?" Chu Yan nodded, and his mind moved, sweeping across the entire hall. Compared with five days ago, it was much cleaner. He was more satisfied with Li Pin, and turned around and asked: "I haven't been out for five consecutive days. There are many rumors about me in the outside world. Some people say that I am inactive and need the title of hall master. You follow me, have you ever regretted it?"

"Since I choose to follow you, I will not doubt that you are the hall master. There are reasons for doing this." Li Pin said, without any hypocrisy.

Chu Yan smiled and nodded, and Li Pin took out a file on the side: "Hall Master, the demon forest and mining area of ​​my hall have all been robbed by the second hall. It's time to offer sacrifices to the sect master. When there is no spiritual essence and cultivation resources, it will be troublesome to vent anger on the sect master."

Regarding the offerings, Chu Yan knew that every period of time, the hall master would offer some spiritual essence, as well as minerals, demon cores, cultivation resources, etc. to the sect master.

This is also the meaning of the existence of the hall, but now, the fourth hall has no income, and the day of offering is approaching, and it will definitely not meet the standard.

"Fifth Hall Master, Hall Master Bing Ning has come several times recently. Why don't you ask for it?" Li Pin said again.

Chu Yan shook his head: "The halls compete privately. Will the Chi Lian Sect intervene?"

"That won't happen. The halls are in a competitive relationship. The exchange meeting is just a platform for everyone. Even if there is no exchange meeting, the halls can compete for resources privately. Otherwise, the second hall will not be so unscrupulous." Li Pin explained, thinking that Chu Yan wanted to know whether the second hall was in line with the rules.

"In this case, if you want resources, just go and grab them." Chu Yan smiled. Li Pin stood beside him and trembled in his heart. He looked over and saw Chu Yan smiling peacefully, but there was a touch of elite light in his eyes, and there was a flash of fairy and demon light around him, full of domineering.

At this moment, Chu Yan was like a natural king. He stood there and deserved to be bowed to by all living beings.

Li Pin was a little uneasy. If someone else had spoken, he would have been full of doubts, but he believed in Chu Yan, and his eyes were excited.

On the day when Mingyou incorporated the fourth hall, he was the only one who stayed. For him, this was a gamble. For the next five days, Chu Yan stayed at home and there were constant rumors about Chu Yan in the Chilian Sect, but he never gave up. He always believed that following Chu Yan would eventually make a breakthrough.

Now, he finally waited for this day.

"Let's go." Behind Chu Yan, the wings of immortals and demons spread out, and when they flapped, the wind was blowing, just like a big roc.

"Just the two of us?" Li Pin looked at Chu Yan in surprise. Although Chu Yan was strong in combat, that was an entire hall. In the second hall, Mingyou could reach this position, so his strength must be extremely strong.

"When you have reached this level of cultivation, the number of people is useless. Too many will cause trouble." Chu Yan smiled and walked away. The wings behind him left a glow, like the road of immortals and demons, giving people an impulse to follow blindly.

Li Pin stood below, his heart was extremely uneasy, but he still followed. He might lose this battle, but he would surely become famous on the road to becoming an emperor.

And he knew that if he did not lose, the person he followed would become an emperor in the future.


The second hall of Chilian Sect, Yutongfang, has countless monster forests and mining areas.

Looking down from the sky, it was like a whirlpool, with a peak in the center, and a jade palace built. The palace was more glorious and dazzling than Ye Bingning's hall and the fourth hall. Two golden dragons holding pearls were carved outside the door, which were lifelike and mighty.

There were two rows of Tiandi guards outside the palace, holding spears and standing there in a uniform manner.

Chu Yan and Li Pin came all the way. Chu Yan came a little ahead and slowly fell after arriving at the second hall. The fairy and demon wings behind him fluttered wildly, causing a hurricane.

"Who is coming?" The guards outside the palace immediately held swords and shouted, stopping Chu Yan and the others.

"The fourth hall master, the Great Emperor of the Divine Hammer, is here to visit the second hall master."

Chu Yan stood with his hands behind his back. Li Pin stood beside him, also showing a bit of pride. He had an extra token in his hand, holding it high, and spoke loudly.

The voice spread in all directions, so that everyone in the fourth hall could hear it clearly. Many disciples flew over and couldn't help laughing when they saw the two of them.

"Can't stand it anymore?" Recently, the second hall has been targeting Chu Yan. It's no secret in the Chilian Sect, but Chu Yan has never responded. Today, he appeared directly outside the hall.

"No!" A loud voice came from a distance. It was another deputy general of the second hall.

Li Pin wanted to say something else, but Chu Yan didn't waste words. He moved directly, folded his wings, and walked towards the second hall with his hands behind his back.

"Bold!" Many guards looked cold. Even if the other party was a hall master, they didn't need to respect him here. If they dared to force their way in, they would definitely kill him.

"Kill!" Countless guards released their imperial power, transforming into countless killing lights that pierced towards Chu Yan. There seemed to be spear and sword shadows in the sky, as well as magical powers and spells, and strange phenomena continued.

Chu Yan stood below, acting extremely calm. From beginning to end, he had been walking with his hands behind his back. With a thud, a spear stabbed down and hit Chu Yan's body, which was like being shredded and broken. Then came the sword shadow, magic spells, and the shadow of the monster, but all of them were ineffective.

The immortal and demonic aura in his body became stronger, and Chu Yan shone with light, making him like a huge furnace, with high-temperature flames bursting continuously. No matter how many killing methods were used, they could not get close to him at all. They were all melted and burned halfway.

Just like that, Chu Yan looked forward and continued to walk, ignoring everything.

The people in the second hall were shocked. Although they knew that Chu Yan had extraordinary combat power, they surrounded and killed him with so many people, even the hall master would be in a mess, but Chu Yan did not.

"Those who get close will die." Chu Yan took a step forward and finally spoke. The flames roared. Li Pin followed behind him, staring at the rolling flames, his eyes became more excited.

"Damn it, he's stronger than the rumors say." The disciples of the second hall looked embarrassed.

A strange scene appeared outside the door of the second hall. There were only two people with Chu Yan, and there were nearly a hundred emperors in the second hall, but for a moment, no one dared to step forward. Chu Yan and the other walked forward, and everyone followed behind them, walking all the way towards the hall.

Soon, Chu Yan came to the front of the hall, which was even more glorious. There were many people standing in a row, and some were disciples of the fourth hall. When they saw Chu Yan, they were all surprised.

"You really dare to come." Ming You sat on the dragon chair at the top. He looked down and showed a strong murderous intent after seeing Chu Yan.

"After today, the second hall will no longer exist. I will give you a chance. If you surrender now, I won't kill you." Chu Yan looked at the people in the second hall, his voice was calm, but there was only laughter. In their opinion, even if Chu Yan was strong, two people came here and challenged the entire hall, and they would become a dead man.

Mingyou's eyes flashed fiercely, and a fire wolf jumped out beside him, howling: "You are really brave. Since you want to die, I will grant you your wish!"

"I will help you delay." Li Pin also sacrificed his soul and was about to take a step forward.

"No need." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, and then his only son walked out. With just this one step, there was a thud, and the hall began to tremble violently. A giant star hammer emerged, emitting dazzling golden light.

"Kill him!" Mingyou ordered, and suddenly nearly a hundred emperors in the second hall roared, and all kinds of magical powers burst out, strangling Chu Yan.

But almost at the same time, the sky darkened, and a Taishan appeared above the second hall, suppressing it with strong gravity.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions continued to ring out. Under the terrible gravity, the disciples trembled one by one. The bodies that had just jumped up seemed to be dragged down and fell to the ground. The weaker ones couldn't even support their bodies and fell directly to the ground, bleeding.

"It's your turn." Chu Yan flew out in one step. The golden hammer seemed invincible. He went straight through the crowd and came to Mingyou. The hammer was raised high, and a rumbling sound rang out. Mingyou's eyes were shocked. He shouted, and the fire wolf beside him died for him.

"Let's go together!" Mingyou shouted in shock. More emperors rushed to Chu Yan. Strong killing methods continued to blast out. Chu Yan immediately became like a lone wolf, attacked from all sides, isolated and helpless.

"Die!" Mingyou smiled excitedly.

"It's pitiful that at this time, you still think that the number of people is useful?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously, and continued to take steps. With a bang, a hammer was blasted out, and a row of figures flew backwards. Then Chu Yan took another step. Every time he took a step, someone knelt down and surrendered.

"From today on, I am the king of the Second Hall!"

Chu Yan sang loudly, and the giant hammer was raised, attracting thousands of stars. Ming You's eyes widened under the giant hammer. At this moment, he seemed to be restrained and had no ability to dodge.


"Ming You, die!"


The giant hammer smashed down, and the ground suddenly sank, and deep pits continued to spread. Everyone's eyes were dazed. The huge Second Hall, with hundreds of Heavenly Emperor-level strongmen, but at this time, was swept away by Chu Yan alone?

When the fierce aftermath dissipated, there was only a ruin in the hall, and as for Ming You, he had disappeared long ago.

Who could have thought that Ming You, who had been so arrogant and had put endless pressure on Chu Yan since the exchange meeting, would be reduced to nothing in just half an hour.

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