Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5367 Left Guardian

After the shadow guard finished speaking, he turned around and went into the passage he came in from.

You know, he is also a shadow guard, and the strength of each shadow guard is about the same. As a result, the shadow guard was killed by Chu Yan in one blow?

Wouldn’t it be death if he stayed?

Chu Yan and the other two were a little confused when they saw this.

Cao Jianjia said: "You are leaving now?"

Luo Chen smiled bitterly: "If it were anyone else, they would run away when they saw Emperor Chu. If they don’t run, they will die."

Cao Jianjia said: "Emperor Chu, what should we do now?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "If they don’t come, we will go over and go directly to the Ghost Sect."

The three nodded.


In an instant, the three broke through the air again and continued to fly towards the Ghost Sect.

On the way, there were people who came to stop Chu Yan, and their strength was getting stronger and stronger, but no matter who it was, as long as they came here, Chu Yan would kill them with one sword.

No one was the enemy of Chu Yan's sword.

At the beginning, the people of the Ghost Sect didn't notice it, but later, the people of the Ghost Sect gradually began to fear.


At the same time

Ghost Sect Continent!

This is a huge continent, hundreds of times larger than the Witch Sword Continent.

Rather than a continent, it is a huge skull, and a huge palace is built in the eye socket of the skull.

This is the palace of the Ghost Lord.

At this time, the Ghost Lord suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold.

"Who can tell me what happened?" The Ghost Lord said in a deep voice: "Just to kill a person in a universe, why did so many people die?"

Below, a Ghost Sect disciple said in a deep voice: "Reply to the Ghost Lord, we all underestimated Chu Yan. His strength is very strong, and his realm is very strange. He is wrapped in a layer of blood and gas, which makes it impossible for people to see his true realm."

The Ghost Lord said coldly: "I don't want to hear this. I just want to ask you, are you ready to watch him fight until he comes to me?"

He said coldly: "Are the thousands of you I support useless? Are you here to eat dry food?"

Below, everyone shivered.

At this time, a man suddenly walked out of the crowd and asked, "Sir, I'll go."

The Ghost Lord looked at the man who spoke. This person has a special status in the Ghost Sect. He is also one of the Ghost Lord's left and right protectors, a real second-level giant.

This person can dominate a circle of giants. If he does not rely on himself, he can completely build an alliance by himself.

The Ghost Lord nodded slightly: "Okay, within a day, I hope to see this boy kneeling in my hall."

The left protector nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Immediately, his figure became ethereal and quickly disappeared in the hall.

The Ghost Lord breathed a sigh of relief and slowly closed his eyes.

The left protector went, and he was not too worried.

The disciple next to him also chuckled: "The left protector went, this time it's stable."

"That's right, the left protector is a second-level giant. Looking at the void, he is a truly super-top existence. The kid in the universe must not be his opponent."

"I can congratulate you in advance. You will get the mystery of the universe soon."

The Ghost Lord smiled when he heard it.


The mystery of the universe, I never thought that after a circle, it would fall into my hands.

His strength is not weak, he is stronger than the Lord of the Ten Thousand Daos, but he has not sent anyone to the universe since it was opened, because he has always understood that he is not the strongest person in the void.

He is stronger than the Lord of the Ten Thousand Daos, but there are also people stronger than him in the void, and the temptation of the universe is so huge, so he is very clear that if he goes to the universe, he may not be able to laugh to the end.

He has seen too many things like the mantis stalking the cicada while the oriole is waiting behind.

Therefore, he forcibly controlled his inner desire at that time.

But I didn't expect...

The Son of the Universe came on his own initiative!

The Ghost Lord couldn't help but laugh... People, sometimes when luck comes, you really can't hide.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and waited comfortably.

——Outside the Ghost Sect.

Chu Yan has been taking people for a walk.

Swish——At this time, the space in front of the three people suddenly cracked.

The faces of Chu Yan and the other two changed slightly.


A loud noise.

The next second, Luo Chen and Cao Jianjia were blown away at the same time.

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

After a while, a man appeared in the crack, it was the left protector.

The left protector glanced at the three people, then looked at Luo Chen first, and said lightly: "You actually betrayed the Ghost Sect."

Luo Chen's heart trembled: "Left Protector..."

The left protector said coldly: "You should know the price of betraying the Ghost Lord."

Luo Chen clenched his fist slightly, but suddenly he gritted his teeth and said: "So what? The Ghost Lord has been doing evil for many years and practicing by cannibalism. He has already violated the way of heaven. I am now free again. This is my luck."

The left protector sneered: "Lucky? Soon I will make you live a life worse than death. I will see if you will still think this is lucky."

Luo Chen was silent for a while, and suddenly looked at Chu Huang: "Chu Huang, beat him."

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan laughed.

This kid is quite familiar.

Chu Yan looked at the left protector.

At this time, the left protector was also looking at Chu Yan, narrowing his eyes and said: "Compared to you, you are Chu Yan, the son of the universe?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Is the ghost master trembling?"

The left protector was startled and sneered: "Arrogant! The power in your body is very special. I can't even see your true realm, but your avenue is not stable. Everything you have now does not belong to you?"

Chu Yan looked at the left protector: "You care about me?"

Left Protector narrowed his eyes: "I was curious before. The Ghost Sect investigated you a month ago. I have read your files. At that time, you had just entered the giants, but now you have broken through to this level. I am still a little surprised. It turns out that you have relied on external forces."

Chu Yan rubbed his head: "Too long-winded, are you going to fight or not?"

Left Protector smiled and said: "I will do it for you."


Suddenly, Left Protector disappeared.

He chose to take the initiative to attack. He was able to get to this position, which naturally had some special features. He was not the kind of person who was careless, so he attacked with all his strength.

In an instant, he rushed to Chu Yan in one step, and then a spear appeared in his hand, aiming at Chu Yan's heart and stabbing hard.

Chu Yan was very calm in front of the spear and stretched out his hand to grab it.


The world was quiet.

The spear stopped moving.

Left Protector was stunned: "How is it possible?"

Then he burst out with energy and stabbed forward again...

It didn't move at all.

The corner of the left protector's mouth twitched slightly: "You...what is your strength?"

Chu Yan grabbed the spear, but his face suddenly turned dark.

After a long time, he shouted: "Ahhh!!! Ghost Lord, I'm not done with you, you look down on me, you look down on me! You actually sent this kind of trash!"


The next second, Chu Yan clenched his palm hard, and with a click, the left protector's spear shattered instantly. Then he turned his hand and grabbed the left protector's throat directly. Then he dragged the left protector and shouted: "Speed ​​up, I'm going to demolish his ghost island today!"

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