Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5370 Puppet

The ghost master narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Boy, are you practicing on me?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Yes, why, you don't dare to fight?"

The ghost master sneered: "I think I understand, the blood in your body does not seem to belong to your power, and your original realm should be only about level four, no problem, then I will accompany you."


The next second, he slashed with a knife.

Chu Yan quickly horizontally.

And this time, he is no longer fighting blindly, but quickly absorbing every experience in the battle. He actually has some ideas of his own.

Now that the blood pool is open, although this power is not his own, it is equivalent to improving his realm in a disguised sense, allowing him to know what a first-level giant looks like in advance.

For a person, knowing what the road ahead is like, and experiencing it first, it will be much easier to break through.

If one day the blood pool is suddenly closed, and his strength retreats, he will at least know how to become stronger.

Another point is that although the Blood Pond is now open, this power does not belong to him, but the Spirit of the Universe said that he can control this power.

He is also thinking about how to change the power of the Blood Pond into his own power.

The Blood Pond is so strong without his control. If he really masters it, his strength will definitely be stronger.

Bang bang bang!

Chu Yan quickly drew his sword, growing every time.

At this time, the ghost master on the opposite side also discovered this and was secretly surprised.

What a fast progress!

He started to fight with Chu Yan. Although Chu Yan was not weak and had a strong sense of combat, he was obviously a little lower level. But in just a short while, Chu Yan had begun to adapt to the battle of the first-level giant.

Swish - at this time, Chu Yan suddenly slashed out with a sword.

The ghost master immediately swung his sickle horizontally.


With a loud bang, both sides retreated.

While retreating, Chu Yan's palm suddenly spread out, and then with a swish, the Refining Heaven Sword in his hand flew out quickly.

The ghost master was shocked when he saw this, but it was too late for him to resist, so he could only twist his body quickly.

Swish - the next second, a sword energy flew across the ghost master's face, carrying a strong sword energy.


The ghost master stopped, and blood quickly flowed from his face, which made his face darken.

He was... injured.

The ghost master touched his face, and the hot feeling of blood made him roar: "Boy, I want you to die!"


In an instant, the ghost master disappeared, and when he appeared again, he descended directly over Chu Yan, and chopped hard with the death sickle in his hand.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and quickly flashed back, but then a strange scene suddenly appeared.

Swish - in an instant, the death sickle extended out, and the sickle turned like a chain sword and stabbed towards Chu Yan's back.

Chu Yan was shocked and held the Refining Heaven Sword horizontally.


The next second, he retreated a thousand meters, and as soon as he stopped, the Death Scythe actually extended and chased after him.

When Chu Yan wanted to draw his sword, it was too late, and he subconsciously wanted to punch to block.

But at this time, Luo Chen hurriedly shouted: "Emperor Chu, don't! This is the Death Scythe, you must not let it hurt your body, otherwise you will bleed to death."

Chu Yan frowned.

Luo Chen quickly said: "The reason why this knife is called the Death Scythe is that it was used by the Death to harvest lives. Any place cut by this knife will never heal until you die of excessive blood loss. Moreover, this knife is like a brand. Even if you destroy your original body and replace it with a new one, it will still be useless. The reshaped body will still have this wound."

Chu Yan was shocked when he heard this, and quickly retracted his fist to dodge.


The sickle missed.

But Chu Yan was not much better. In order to avoid this knife, he crashed into a huge mountain and flew ten thousand meters away.

The ghost master saw that his attack missed, his eyes turned cold, and he looked at Luo Chen fiercely.

Swish - In an instant, the death sickle slashed towards Luo Chen.

Luo Chen's face changed drastically, and he turned around and wanted to escape.

But how could he escape the pursuit of a first-level giant?

Seeing the sickle falling, Luo Chen was almost desperate, and he also regretted it a little.

Swish - Suddenly, a black sword energy slashed down from the sky, and a ray of light was born in the darkness.

A sword to control the sky.

Chu Yan knocked the sickle away with a sword, soared into the air, and sneered: "Have you asked me about the person who wants to kill me?"

The ghost master sneered: "Your people? Boy, you must know that if he betrays me today because he is afraid of death, he will betray you one day."

Chu Yan said lightly: "He betrayed you because your means were too despicable. If one day I betray myself, I will admit it."

"Looking for death!"

The ghost master shouted coldly and attacked again.


The two sides immediately launched a hot collision.

As the fight continued, the ghost master's face became more and more gloomy.


With a sword strike, the ghost master retreated madly.

He stared at Chu Yan: "You... are stronger?"

Chu Yan's mouth curled up: "Surprised? Unexpected? My learning talent is so good."

The ghost master stared at Chu Yan. To be honest, Chu Yan's growth rate really surprised him.

A third-level giant and a first-level giant.

You know, how many people in the void have spent their entire lives and hundreds of millions of years without being able to cross this gap, but Chu Yan has only used less than 5 minutes so far.

Even if this power is not Chu Yan's own, this ability to adapt is enough to prove Chu Yan's talent.

The ghost master was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Boy, do you think this is the end?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

He is very familiar with this kind of words. Is this going to be a big move?

The Ghost Lord sneered: "Since you took in my traitor, you should have heard him tell me what I really cultivate, but have you seen it so far?"

Chu Yan couldn't help but be startled when he heard this.

Then he remembered.


Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "You mean...puppet?"

The Ghost Lord sneered: "Correct answer!"

Chu Yan was instantly alert to his surroundings!

Then, the ghost master laughed loudly: "Stop looking for it. Don't you still understand what's going on?"

Chu Yan was stunned.

The ghost master smiled and said: "Forget it, you don't cultivate puppets, so you will never understand the thoughts of a puppet master. For a real puppet master, how can they easily expose themselves? Let the puppet go Why would you let me do what you are doing? Isn’t that a fool?”

Chu Yan was startled at first, a little confused.

But suddenly, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the ghost master in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Don't tell me that this person you are now is actually your puppet?"

The ghost master laughed loudly: "Haha, hahaha, are you just reacting now? What a pity, what a pity...boy, it's too late!"


The next second, a huge and vast force suddenly rose into the sky in the Ghost Sect Continent.

That power enveloped the entire continent.

It was also at this time that Chu Yan stared at the ghost master opposite, and then he was shocked to find that... there was an invisible energy line above the ghost master's head!

So he fought for a long time, but he was actually fighting a puppet the whole time?

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