Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5387: More ruthless

Puppet Land!

In other words, Luo Chen's Avenue Land!

At this time, this place is already full of fire.

Purple flames, this is a kind of fire that specifically targets will, and at this time, the flames have been wandering throughout the puppet land.

Among them, Chu Yan and Luo Chen sat opposite each other, both enduring the terrible pain of the flames.

Chu Yan was better, but Luo Chen was the opposite.

At this moment, he grimaced.

It hurts so much!

Usually he is the one who targets others, and when has he ever been targeted by others, but he has no choice, he can only hold on a little bit.

He thought about taking back the soul fire, but he tried it, and found that he couldn't do it at all.

After the soul fire was blessed by blood, it became extremely irritable and was no longer under his control.


After a long time, Luo Chen finally couldn't help it and screamed.

He looked at Chu Yan with red eyes: "Damn, you lunatic, you are a lunatic, don't you fear death at all?"

Chu Yan opened his eyes and chuckled: "I am afraid, but I think you will die before me."

Luo Chen's mouth twitched and he shut up again.

Suddenly, his eyes also showed a fierce look.

Comparing endurance?

Then let's compare!

I am a giant, I am also the leader of the alliance, I will not lose easily.

Luo Chen chose to remain silent and bear it!

But after a while, his face gradually changed.

Because he found that he really couldn't bear it!

It hurts too much!

If it was just an ordinary soul fire, he was not afraid of it.

It's like a person who practices the way of fire, how can he be afraid of fire?

People who practice ice live in ice all year round.

Luo Chen practices the way of puppets, and usually uses soul fire to refine puppets. He is not too afraid of this thing.

It will hurt a little, but to say that he can be burned to death by soul fire, that is unconsciously dreaming.

The problem is... that blood!

After the blood was added, the power of the soul fire was dozens of times greater than before!

It hurts so much!

Luo Chen looked up again. He actually wanted to see Chu Yan.

Because according to common sense, the pain Chu Yan endured should be greater than his. He wanted to see if Chu Yan could hold on.

But when he looked up, he was stunned!

Because he found that Chu Yan was very calm and had been closing his eyes in the sea of ​​fire.

His consciousness had been burned badly, but Chu Yan didn't even frown the whole time.

Luo Chen growled: "Boy, are you pretending?"

Chu Yan opened his eyes and smiled again: "What are you pretending for?"

Luo Chen roared: "You must be in pain, you should be in more pain than me, but why are you so calm? You must be pretending, right?"

Chu Yan was stunned and laughed: "So you are talking about this... I'm so sorry, I really didn't pretend."

Luo Chen growled: "Impossible!"

Chu Yan said: "It hurts, it really hurts, but you don't understand at all, everything else I have experienced in my life, the pain I have encountered is a million times more painful than this."

Luo Chen's face changed: "A million times? Are you bragging?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Whatever you think, then give it a try, we are all in this sea of ​​fire, who collapses first, it's not the strength, but the will, and who can bear more pain!"

He continued: "You are right, the pain I endure is indeed above yours, but... everyone's limit of pain is different, and my limit is beyond your imagination."

He kept laughing while saying this.

There was a bit of madness in his smile, like a demon.

Comparing cruelty?

Comparing pain?

Then give it a try.

Bet once!

Bet you are not as good as me.

The next second, Chu Yan suddenly raised his hand and did something that shocked and despaired Luo Chen.

Chu Yan laughed and said, "More!"


In an instant, blood and energy surged out of his body again!

At this time, the soul fire seemed to be obsessed with blood and energy. When the new blood and energy appeared, the soul fire suddenly became greedy and began to devour it madly.


Seeing this, Luo Chen roared and roared, "Mad man... Mad man, you mad man! Stop, damn it!"

Chu Yan laughed and said, "Come on, let's bear it together."

The flames burned more and more vigorously.


The next second, Luo Chen began to scream wildly.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

His consciousness began to dissipate.

Chu Yan was actually not much better, but... Chu Yan could bear it.

"Mad, mad! You mad, ahhhh!!! I'll kill you."

Suddenly, Luo Chen roared, he could no longer bear it, he stood up, and rushed towards Chu Yan with his teeth and claws bared.

He wanted to kill Chu Yan directly, if he could kill Chu Yan, he could escape from this sea of ​​suffering.

However, as soon as he made a move, Chu Yan suddenly flashed back and did not choose to fight with Luo Chen.

Luo Chen roared: "Asshole, don't run, fight me."

Chu Yan sneered: "I advise you to be quiet, so that you can burn for a while longer, if you continue to waste energy, you will only die faster."

Luo Chen's eyelids jumped.

But suddenly, he said coldly: "Chu Yan, you seem to have forgotten something."

Chu Yan looked at Luo Chen.

Luo Chen said fiercely: "This is my puppet land, I can pull you in, so I can also get out! I won't play with you!"

The next second, Luo Chen suddenly turned around.

He wanted to run away.

Going out, although he only had a wisp of soul, he might not be able to beat Chu Yan, but if he continued here, he would definitely die.


In an instant, the puppet land began to collapse.

Luo Chen wanted to unseal this place.

However, as soon as he did so, Chu Yan's mouth corner suddenly raised: "Want to leave? You think too much!"

After that, Chu Yan suddenly whispered: "Xiao Jiu!"

After a while, Xiao Jiu's voice sounded: "I'm here."

Although Xiao Jiu could not enter the puppet land, its voice could be transmitted.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Seal this place up, don't let me and any of him go out."

Xiao Jiu was shocked: "Are you sure?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Sure, today I will let the people of nothingness know that they are nothing, hahaha!"

Xiao Jiu was silent for a while, and with a hum, as the puppet land was untied, another layer of barrier descended.

Luo Chen's face changed when he saw this, but then he immediately punched the boundary wall in front of him.


The next second, Luo Chen was shocked, because he found that his punch did not hurt the barrier at all?

"How is it possible!" Luo Chen was puzzled. He had checked Xiao Jiu's strength. Xiao Jiu... was at most a level three giant, and was not his opponent at all.

Chu Yan sneered: "Idiot, I've said it before, how can you only measure a person by his realm? If it's a fight, Xiao Jiu is definitely not as good as you, but his barrier... is the same source as the Liantian Universe."

Luo Chen's eyelids jumped, and he turned to look at Chu Yan again: "Asshole, you are a lunatic! A complete lunatic!"

He had unlocked the puppet land, but Chu Yan disagreed and sealed it again.

Is he really going to drag him to death?

What's the plan?

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