Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5401 Mysterious Woman

Chu Yan was also stunned after hearing the words of the Ghost Island disciple.


Even if Ghost Island wants to capture someone, at least they have to capture a useful person, right?

According to Cao Jianjia's explanation, her wet nurse is simply an ordinary person. If you have to say that this wet nurse has some specialness, it is nothing more than some affection for Cao Jianjia.

But the problem... She is Cao Jianjia's wet nurse, not Luo Chen's wet nurse.

Why did Luo Chen capture her?

Chu Yan thought for a while and said, "Then maybe you want to use her to threaten the Witch Sword?"

It's possible!

Although the wet nurse is very ordinary, she is special to Cao Jianjia.

However, the disciple smiled bitterly and shook his head when he heard it: "Emperor Chu, you think too much. Before we met you, we didn't know that the Witch Sword had a wet nurse."

"Don't know?"

Chu Yan frowned.

This is even more strange.

Cao Jianjia's heart has been hanging.

At this time, Chu Yan waved his hand: "Forget it, didn't you just say that you captured someone from the Demon Sword Domain?"

The disciple nodded.

Chu Yan said: "Take us to see this person first."

Maybe there will be some information from this person.

The disciple nodded: "Chu Huang, follow me."

Chu Yan followed and comforted Cao Jianjia: "Don't think too much, they captured a person, you go ask him first, the other party is also from the Demon Sword Domain, he may know some information."

Cao Jianjia sighed and nodded.

This is the only way now.

I hope this person can give her clues.

Soon, the two followed the disciple to a sky prison on Ghost Island!

To be precise, it should be said that it is a dungeon...

This dungeon is built deep underground on Ghost Island.

If there is no one to lead, Chu Yan suspects that he may not find this place even if he controls Ghost Island for ten years, because...this place is too hidden.

The disciple said, "This is where the Ghost Lord imprisoned some special people, and some people who are suitable for his puppet body."

Chu Yan nodded, and then asked, "I am a little curious. Since the person you captured is not the Witch Sword Wet Nurse, why did you capture someone from the Demon Sword Domain?"

It doesn't make sense.

The Demon Sword Domain belongs to Cao Jianjia.

At that time, Cao Jianjia was not in the domain yet. It was reasonable for the Ghost Sect's people to go there and rob some resources. There was no need to capture someone specifically, right?

The disciple was silent for a while and said, "Because... this person is very special."

"Special?" Chu Yan was puzzled: "How special?"

The disciple shook his head: "I can't say, but this person has always revealed a special power. Even the Ghost Lord couldn't see through it at that time, and there was always that power, but our people couldn't hurt her."

"You can't hurt her? What realm is this person?" Chu Yan was stunned.

The people who went to the Demon Sword Domain at that time were not weak.

The strongest even had a third-level giant.

Cao Jianjia was not in the domain at that time, otherwise she would not be able to beat the Ghost Sect's people.

The disciple shook his head: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Chu Yan was confused: "You have captured everyone, don't you know what realm this person is in?"

The disciple said helplessly: "I really don't know, this person's realm should not be high, but there is always a special power protecting her body, and no matter how we attack, we can't break this layer of power. The Ghost Lord saw this and captured her back at that time."

Chu Yan was silent for a while.

After a moment, he turned to Cao Jianjia and said: "Jianjia, do you know that there is such a special person in the Demon Sword Domain?"

Cao Jianjia shook her head slightly: "No, I was the master of the Demon Sword Domain at that time, and the Demon Sword Domain was also my dojo. Everyone was integrated into my continent."

Chu Yan frowned: "Strange, forget it, let's go and take a look first."

The two nodded.

After a moment, several people came to the sky prison.

In the cell, as soon as Chu Yan came in, his pupils shrank slightly.

Just because there are too many terrible people imprisoned here.

Some people's skin has been ulcerated.

Some are simply some kind of monsters.

Of course, these so-called monsters are just creatures in the void, and they can speak human language, and they are even some big tribes.

When Chu Yan first entered the void, he was chased by a huge arthropod.

After the witch sword entered, his heart was even colder.

Too miserable.

If her nanny is really here, she must have suffered a lot.

"Emperor Chu, let's hurry up." Cao Jianjia said.

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

After a while, the disciples of Guidao took the two to a sky prison in the deepest part.

As soon as they arrived here, the two were slightly startled.

Because it was not very miserable here, there was a famous woman imprisoned in the sky prison.

The woman was very ordinary, and there was no breath on her body, but there was a faint halo around her body, blocking all the evil forces.

The disciple of Ghost Island said: "Emperor Chu, it's her. The light circle around her is the special power I mentioned. Even the full force of a level 3 giant cannot break it."

Chu Yan was slightly startled.

He then stared at the power for a long time.

He couldn't even see what it was.

But for some reason, he felt a sense of familiarity from this power, including the woman's appearance.

At this time, the woman suddenly turned around, and then she smiled at Chu Yan and Cao Jianjia: "You two are here."

Chu Yan and Cao Jianjia were startled.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "You, knew we were coming?"

The woman smiled and nodded: "I guess so."

Chu Yan's face darkened, and he suddenly felt that this woman was not as simple as he imagined.

Suddenly, he turned and looked at Cao Jianjia: "Jianjia, do you know her?"

Cao Jianjia shook her head: "No, she is not from my Demon Sword Domain."

Chu Yan frowned: "Are you sure?"

Cao Jianjia nodded: "Sure, although I changed the road, my origin is still there, and I will know the people from the Demon Sword Domain."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Not from the Demon Sword Domain...

This is strange.


And at this moment, the woman suddenly chuckled, and then her appearance changed unexpectedly.

Aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, her hair turned snow-white in a short while.

In a moment, the woman turned into an old man with white hair. Even her waist was bent down. Her voice became old. She chuckled and said, "Jianjia, do you really not recognize me?"

Cao Jianjia's pupils shrank sharply when she saw the old woman: "You... are the wet nurse?"

She was shocked.

Chu Yan was also shocked when he saw it.

Cao Jianjia had shown them the image of this old lady not long ago.

So... this mysterious woman is actually Cao Jianjia's wet nurse?

No, that's not right!

If so, why can this woman transform?

Cao Jianjia also came back to her senses immediately and said angrily: "No, who are you! You are not a wet nurse, how do you know what my wet nurse looks like!"

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