Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5404 Why did you come just now?

Tsk - In an instant, the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword was shot out.

For almost an instant, the mysterious woman did nothing. The special energy around her seemed to sense something and began to stir.


Soon, these special energies formed a shield shape between the mysterious woman's eyebrows.


The next second, there was a loud noise.

Then, the expressions of Chu Yan and Cao Jianjia changed slightly.

Because after the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword was pierced, the shield didn't even do anything and was completely intact.

No scratches at all.

"So strong?" Chu Yan was surprised.

Although he did not directly use all his strength, you must know that he used the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword...

Under normal circumstances, a weaker person would be torn into pieces with just a single stroke of the Heaven Refining Divine Sword without using too much force.

The Heavenly Refining Divine Sword has its own attack power.

At this time, the mysterious woman chuckled: "Young master, can you do it? Why don't you try harder? I don't feel anything like this."

Chu Yan: "..."

Cao Jianjia: "..."

The words of tiger and wolf!

Cao Jianjia is sure, you are driving!

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Okay, then I will go all out, and you can defend yourself well."


The next second, he took a step into the air, and then his hands suddenly joined together, and he took the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword, and then raised it high above his head.


In an instant, the sky turned dark.

Like eternal night.

The next second, Chu Yan shouted angrily: "Go! Yutian!"

Tsk - he cut out.

Directly used the strongest Yutian sword.

He also specially added potential energy to this move!


The moment this sword was struck, the entire Onigashima Continent began to shake violently.

When Cao Jianjia saw this, his heart tightened and he was a little worried.

Just trying it, is it necessary to be so cruel?

And then, there was a click!

A sword struck directly on the mysterious woman's shield.


The next second, the whole ground behind the mysterious woman collapsed, and the prison was destroyed.

But after a while, the wind and sand dispersed.

A huge pit appeared directly around the mysterious woman.

But only her feet... were intact.

The shield in front of her was always there.

Nothing happened at all.

Still okay!

Chu Yan's pupils shrank when he saw this.

He... didn't even break through his defense?

At this time, Xiaojiu said calmly: "You should have expected it."

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Luo Chen couldn't break through it at that time, and you defeated Luo Chen in the end with some skills. In terms of strength in one round, you are not as good as Luo Chen's puppet."

Chu Yan was silent.

The mysterious woman smiled and said: "Young Master, are you satisfied with my defense ability?"

Chu Yan stared at the mysterious woman for a while, then suddenly said: "Can I... make a presumptuous request?"

The mysterious woman was startled: "Young Master, please speak."

Chu Yan's throat rolled: "Can I study you carefully?"

too strong!

If he could build such a defensive formation, wouldn't his defense power be even better?

That is really invincible among the first-level giants.

Even if Xuetanzi is closed, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

So what if you meet someone you can't beat?

You can't hurt me anyway.

The mysterious woman was startled, then chuckled and said, "Research? How do you want to research, young master?"

Chu Yan said seriously: "Study everything from the inside to the outside."

The mysterious woman smiled and said, "Okay, then...do I need to take off my clothes?"

Cao Jianjia's eyelids twitched: "That's enough for you two!"

Chu Yan laughed, and then he said seriously: "Okay, I'm not joking, I want to see your formation eye map."

The woman hesitated.

At this time, Chu Yan said: "Of course, I know this is a bit presumptuous, you can also refuse."

The woman shook her head: "No, I was created by her at will. Now I can serve the young master. It is my honor."

Chu Yan nodded: "Don't worry, I won't harm you. By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?"

The woman chuckled: "I never have a name. Young Master, please call me Ling'er."

"Ling'er?" Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Okay."

Ling'er smiled and said, "Shall we start now?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Can you change back to the formation?"

Ling'er nodded: "It's possible, but it requires some energy and source stones."

Chu Yan said: "How much?"

Ling'er thought for a moment and said: "If it is just activated at will, only 500 billion source stones are enough."

"How many?"

Chu Yan's mouth opened wide.

500 billion?

Or just?

Ling'er said helplessly: "Young Master, you also know that I was created by her... 500 billion is really not much left."

Chu Yan's face turned dark.

Yes, I know that too.

But the problem is that I don’t have one.

All the 1 trillion he robbed from Bai Ling Hall was used to forge puppets.

Now he can say that his pocket is cleaner than his face.

Ling'er looked at Chu Yan and said strangely: "Young Master, don't you have one?"

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched and he snorted coldly: "No? How could I not have it? You, wait a moment, I will find a way to give it to you within three days!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

500 billion…

He really didn't.

What should I do.

Suddenly, Chu Yan realized that he was so poor!

Of course, you can't blame him for this. He has actually made a lot of money since entering the void, but he is too much of a gold-devouring beast.

His cultivation and cosmic cultivation all consumed a huge amount of money.

No matter how much he earns, it's not enough to eat.

"I'm so poor! Where can I make some money?"

Chu Yan was thinking about this.


Suddenly, the surrounding space trembled violently.

Chu Yan couldn't help but be startled.

As soon as he raised his head, the sky around him suddenly dimmed, as if it was enveloped by some special power.

Xiaojiu shouted at this moment: "Be careful, kid, it's the people from the Judgment Temple who are here!"

Chu Yan was startled at first, and then he became ecstatic: "Cao, they are finally here!"

Xiaojiu: "..."

The next second, he looked at Cao Jianjia and said, "Jianjia, open your mouth."

Cao Jianjia was startled, but subconsciously opened his mouth, and Chu Yan flew into Cao Jianjia's mouth.

"Let's go out and take a look."

Chu Yan's voice sounded in Cao Jianjia's stomach.

Cao Jianjia nodded slightly and flew high into the sky.

At this time, the person controlling the movement of Ghost Island was none other than Chu Yan's puppet.

He has been driving Onigashima Mobile.


Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky.

This group of people all wore the same clothes, and they directly surrounded Guidao. The leader slowly landed. He was startled when he saw Chu Yan, but when he was about to speak, the result was not revealed yet...

Chu Yan suddenly said excitedly: "Why are you here? I was waiting to die! Now that you are here, there is no need to leave."

Those who judge the temple: "..."

The people in the Judgment Temple were immediately stunned!

He looked at Chu Yan for a long time: "You...have been waiting for us?"

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