Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5435 Kindness?

The Lord of the Judgment Hall is really in a hurry.

A little crazy.

He found that Chu Yan was like a bottomless pit.

The trump cards are used one after another, endlessly.

So he decided he couldn't wait any longer.

If you wait any longer, something will really happen.


All three magic weapons were summoned by him.

And when the three magic weapons were combined into one, a special energy was born.

These three artifacts all come from one person, the Judgment Angel, and now they explode.


Over Ghost Island, a shadow suddenly appeared!

A translucent figure, and behind this figure, there are actually six pairs of wings!

"Seraph!" Xiaojiu shouted.

Chu Yan frowned: "What is that?"

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "A race from the previous era: angels. The level of the angel race depends on how many pairs of wings there are on the back. Some weak angels have no wings, and as long as a pair of wings is born, He will become the leader of the angel clan. If he can reach two pairs, he will be at the top level, and if he has three pairs of six wings, he will be at the level of a god. Of course, it is rumored that the ancestors of the angel clan once cultivated eight wings, but that is just one. legend."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

Xiao Jiu said: "This phantom should be the projection of the Judgment Angel. These three divine objects contain the aura of the Judgment Angel."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.


At this time, the sky thundered mightily.

There are constantly terrible powers of judgment and divine punishment crisscrossing from all directions.

Electric light and flint.

Chu Yan was enveloped in it, and he could clearly feel that the power of these thunders was very powerful.

But the next second, he raised his palm.


Suddenly, a terrifying light erupted from the first floor of the Jiutian Xuan Tower.

He pointed lightly towards the sky.

Nine days of annihilation!

He didn't know how powerful this move was, but he believed it would bring him miracles.

Jiutian Xuan Pagoda has never let him down.


Suddenly, a beam of light broke through the air. This beam of light turned directly into a golden sword in the void, continuously emitting deafening sword sounds.

The next second, Chu Yan used his fingers to control and flicked towards the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was also very serious when he saw this sword.

He didn't know how strong this sword was.

But he and Chu Yan had the same idea. The moves in Jiutian Xuan Pagoda would definitely not be weak.

The next second, the Lord of the Judgment Palace shouted angrily: "Go!"


The angel's shadow in the sky moved, controlling the three magic weapons to attack Chu Yan.


The three divine objects were very powerful. As soon as they were released, the surrounding space was shattered and terrifying ravines opened.

At this time, Chu Yan shouted angrily and slashed down with his sword energy.

This sword directly collided with the three magic weapons.


The next second, everyone clearly saw that all three magic weapons collapsed.

It turned directly into powder.

Even the angel's shadow in the sky was cut.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"How can it be?"

That was a magic weapon left over from the previous era!

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was stunned for a moment.

What on earth is this move?

But at this moment, Chu Yan didn't give him any time to think. He disappeared from the place and rushed to the Lord of the Judgment Hall again, drawing out his sword.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall quickly dodged back.

But as soon as he got out of the way, his expression changed drastically.

Because he discovered that Chu Yan's sword didn't strike at all, it was just a feint. The moment it was aimed at the Lord of the Judgment Hall, Chu Yan smiled slightly and suddenly flicked his finger.

Chi - the long sword changed from chopping to stabbing.

He flew out directly.

The place he pointed to was the heart of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Palace's eyes turned cold, but it was already too late for him to dodge. The sword was extremely fast and did not carry unparalleled lethality.

At this moment, the Lord of the Judgment Hall felt the threat of death.

But he didn't sit still and wait for death. Instead, he suddenly roared angrily, and then a golden ball of light suddenly appeared on his chest.

Sneak—Chu Yan pierced the light mass with his sword, piercing through the heart of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.


The next second, the light group exploded.

However, the Lord of the Judgment Hall was fine. He suddenly flashed back and appeared a thousand meters away.

Chu Yan frowned when he saw this.


Chu Yan was very sure that the sword just pierced the heart of the Lord of the Judgment Hall. According to the power of this move, the Lord of the Judgment Hall should die.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "He is dead, but he is not dead. Someone blocked the disaster for him."

Chu Yan was startled: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "Faith!"

"What faith?"

"He was about to die just now, but he used the power of faith to let some people who believed in him die for him. If I guessed correctly, when you stabbed him with the sword just now, there should be someone in the void. All the people in the world were killed, and it was those people who blocked the disaster for him. "

Hearing this, Chu Yan's expression changed slightly: "You mean, although I didn't kill him with my sword just now, it killed countless people in the void?"

Xiaojiu nodded: "Yes."

"Beast." Chu Yan's eyes turned cold.

Xiao Jiu said: "It's not your fault. If you do this, it can be considered as a relief for them. Those people are too superstitious and have lost themselves."

Chu Yan stared at the Lord of the Judgment Hall: "Is this your belief? This is not your belief, this is evil!"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall said calmly: "I am their god. In their eyes, it is their honor to die for me."

"What an honor!"


Chu Yan took a step forward.

At this moment, he was really angry.

He could not forgive a person who regarded other people's lives as worthless.

Swish - in an instant, Chu Yan slashed at the throat of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

But this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall seemed to have grasped Chu Yan's weakness. He did not dodge the sword that was slashing towards him, but suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and a golden light appeared on his chest.

Chu Yan's sword was about to fall, and his face suddenly changed.

Because he knew very well what this sword would mean.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall grinned: "Boy, kill me. If you strike me with this sword, I will not die, but tens of millions of lives will be wiped out by you."

Chu Yan trembled all over, but he finally did not have the courage to strike.

It was not because he was so kind, but when he knew the result of this sword, he was moved.

That was hundreds of millions of innocent lives.

But just as he hesitated, the Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly attacked.

Kicked out.


Chu Yan's face changed, but the two were too close, and he was kicked directly, and the whole person flew a thousand meters away.

As soon as he stopped, the Lord of the Judgment Hall took the initiative to attack this time, rushed to Chu Yan in an instant, and punched him.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and immediately drew his sword to cut.

But as soon as he drew his sword, golden light appeared on the Lord of the Judgment Hall again.

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and he immediately put away his sword.


Fly out again.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall stood in the air and said sarcastically: "It's unbelievable that a person who has cultivated to your level can still have such a pitiful kindness in his heart."

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