Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5733 Kill All

The pupils of the six elders shrank violently.

The leader's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but ask: "Did I see it wrong? Did our formation... run away?"

The remaining five elders said in a low voice: "Either I saw it wrong, or I ran away!"


The six people were immediately stunned!

The formation ran away?

what is this?

However, the six of them were confused, and before they could express their opinions... Suddenly, a roar rang through the Chen family.

"Cao, why did you run away! Come back here!"

Chu Yan’s voice!

Chu Yan became angry, who allowed you to run away?

The Divine Mark Formation is something that I can control. This Heavenly Punishment and Destruction Divine Formation is not weak. Once I control it, it will definitely be a killer move.

But as soon as he released his mental power, the formation actually ran away?

Chu Yan immediately chased towards the formation... However, the formation ran so fast that Chu Yan couldn't catch up!

After a while, Chu Yan came back with a gloomy face: "That's unreasonable!"

Immediately, he looked at the six elders and said angrily: "Ah ah ah!! You are finished, you have to pay for my formation!"

With that said, Chu Yan took his sword and killed the six people.

Six people almost cursed...

Isn’t that our grand formation?

Besides, our formation has escaped, why are you so angry?

What they didn't know was that Chu Yan was really angry.

He can refine the formation. Such a powerful killing formation, if absorbed, will be a great tonic for his mental strength.

Also, he can keep this move.

In an instant, Chu Yan rushed to an elder.

The Heavenly Refining Divine Sword touched the man's throat.

Tsk - blood stains the sky red.

The elder's eyes widened and he was immediately stunned.


Only the last five were left.

At this time, Chu Yan killed an elder, and his angry mood improved a little. He did not rush to take action against the remaining five people, but fell into silence alone.

Because he also felt a little strange at this time.

I didn’t do anything myself.

What is the big formation running for?

Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "The formation was obviously frightened by something, so it ran away!"

Chu Yan nodded. He also noticed it. Suddenly, he had a bold guess: "Xiaojiu, do you think there is a possibility..."


"Did my mother beat me in this formation?"

At this level, many great formations are also intelligent.

Although he is not very smart, he still has some memory fragments.

Xiaojiu nodded: "It's very possible!"

Apart from this, Chu Yan could not think of any other possibility.

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked at the five elders opposite: "If you look at it this way, we are feuding! You deserve to die!"

Five elders: "..."

They were all confused.

What is this and what?

But the next second, the five people suddenly despaired.

Can't beat it!

Can't fight!

It's not because of how strong Chu Yan is, but because in front of Chu Yan... they don't even have a chance to take action.

The physical body cannot be broken, and the divine pattern scares away...

Bloodline and solitary space are even more unusable.

How to fight this?


Suddenly, the leading senator shouted angrily: "Break through this place and go to Tianyuan!"

The five of them all realized one thing. If they continued to stay in the Chen family, they would have no chance of winning.

There is only one way before them now, and that is to run!

Run to Tianyuan and join the large army of the Chen clan. Only in this way can they have a chance of survival.

When the other four people heard this, their eyes suddenly showed unwillingness and anger!


They are in their own tribe, but they are forced to flee. What does this mean?

This person can be said to have been thrown away.

But they had no other choice.

The four finally sighed and nodded.

However, if they wanted to run away, would Chu Yan allow them?

Not only would he not allow it, Chu Yan could not even let these people leave the Chen family.

When Chu Yan entered Chen's house, he deliberately released the sealing formation outside to isolate all news from this place.

Otherwise, Tianyuan would probably notice the moment the head of the Chen family died.

Once this group of people breaks free of the seal, Chu Yan will be in big trouble.

These five people know that they are giants!

When the time comes, he will become the target of nothingness.

Not only the Chen clan, but the entire void will kill them without leaving any room.


In an instant, Chu Yan chased out with a sword.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The long sword swept across.

The sky shattered.

The five people were shocked when they saw this, and they all roared.

But sometimes... you don't win by being louder.

Almost in an instant, Chu Yan chased after a person, and aimed the Heaven Refining Divine Sword at his throat.

"No!" The elder suddenly screamed in despair.


The next second, a head flew out.

The third elder died.

The remaining four people were almost desperate, but they did not dare to stay. They could only take advantage of the elder's death to buy them time and run as hard as they could.

Chu Yan quickly drew his sword from behind.

Tsk - In an instant, another elder's eyes widened, with despair and unwillingness to perish.

Then the next one, and the next one...

Tsk tsk tsk!

In a moment, only the last one of the seven elders was killed, the elder who was the leader.

The elder's eyes were red and tears of blood flowed out.

Those who died were all his close friends for many years.

But he didn't dare to stop, or even look back.

Fortunately, the death of the other four people finally bought him some time.

At this time, the elder who led the group had already run to the border of the Chen clan, and the seal set by Chu Yan was in front of him, which made him smile on his tense old face.

He turned around and said excitedly: "Chu Yan, you are done!"

He didn't need to go to Tianyuan, as long as he broke the seal, everything that happened in the Chen clan would spread all over the world.

At that time, Chu Yan couldn't even hide his identity as a giant.

The next second, the elder came back to his senses and punched.

At this time, Chu Yan was still some distance away from the elder, which made his eyes slightly cold.


Suddenly, Chu Yan sighed: "It's still a waste."

Then he didn't say anything nonsense, and a sword energy flew out with a flick of his finger.

But this sword energy did not belong to him, but a sword energy full of pure yang power.


Almost in an instant, the sword energy burned between heaven and earth, and shot towards the elder like thunder.

The elder was shocked when he felt the sword energy: "What is this?"

He could clearly feel that the sword energy had accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, and its power had reached a very terrifying level.

That's right, this sword energy was cheated from the Pure Yang Taoist in the Tianyuan Holy City.

A wisp of ninth-level sword energy that had accumulated for hundreds of millions of years!

Chu Yan can kill ninth-level now, but it is still very difficult for him to cut such a sword.

Because the foundation and time are different!

This is like using a big move, which requires accumulation of power and time.

If Chu Yan wants to release a sword of this strength now, he must at least give him a few days to prepare.

Fortunately, the Pure Yang Taoist gave him a wisp at that time...

Now it's just right to use it.


The elder in the lead was desperate and screamed, but it didn't work. He could only hear a puff and was pierced by the sword.

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