Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5862: The Darkness of the Divine Court


After the words of Divine Punishment fell, the faces of the God of Death and others changed drastically, full of disbelief.

The corpse soul stared at God Punishment and said in a low voice: "Slave? God Punishment, in your eyes...we are actually just slaves?"

Divine Punishment smiled lightly and said: "What do you think? The huge Divine Court is just a slave of my family. If it weren't for the elders in your family, I would have killed you one by one many years ago."

After saying this, Divine Punishment suddenly sneered: "Oh, by the way, you are not curious at all about why I have so much divine power?"

As soon as these words came out, Death God and others were stunned.

Indeed, there is something wrong with the divine power of the Divine Punishment Society.

For example, with the power of the God of Death, the God of Death is obviously still alive, but the Divine Punishment has been mastered.

This is also the reason why the God of Death did not doubt God's Punishment at first, because God's Punishment has already mastered the power of Death, so he has never taken action against the God of Death at all.

The God of Death said gloomily: "God's punishment, I am still alive, why do you have my power? Can you also steal it?"

At this time, Chu Yan also looked towards Divine Punishment.

In fact, he has always been curious about this matter.

At that time in the Holy Mountain, Divine Punishment had used the power of death.

But the God of Death was still alive at that time.

The God of Death is not dead yet.


But if divine punishment can be stolen, why kill people?

It's not necessary.

Chu Yan can steal, so even if he doesn't kill people, he only needs to seize some of the opponent's power so that he can simulate it.

Could divine punishment also work?

At this time, the God of Death suddenly shook his head: "No, if you can steal, why do you want to kill people? Do you just want to kill us?"

If this is the case, then divine punishment is really even more unforgivable.

Divine Punishment laughed at himself: "Steal? To be honest, I think about it too, but I have to say that my power is not as perfect as the universe, and I still can't steal energy without killing people."

After saying this, Divine Punishment looked at Chu Yan: "I am not as good as you in this regard."

The God of Death frowned: "Can't steal it? Then how do you control the power of the God of Death? I'm not dead."

This is what he is most curious about.

Divine Punishment suddenly sneered: "You are not dead, but God of Death...have you forgotten something? You are never the only one in this world who has the power of Death."

Speaking of this, God Punishment paused and said with a smile: "Let me remind you, do you have a brother?"

The God of Death was stunned for a moment, then became furious: "Damn it, is it you? My brother's death was not an accident, nor was it caused by the Demon Palace, but you?"

Divine Punishment laughed loudly: "Are you just realizing it now?"


The eyes of the God of Death suddenly turned red.

A hundred years ago, he had an elder brother who went on an expedition on behalf of Shenting, but suddenly encountered an accident.

Rumor has it that in that battle, everyone in the Divine Court and the Demon Palace perished, as if they had suffered some unexpected impact.

Later, Shenting searched for a long time, but there was no result.

For this reason, the God of Death has always kept this matter in mind of the Demon Palace, and has had many conflicts with the Demon Palace in recent years.

As a result, now Divine Punishment says that the person who killed the person in the first place... was Divine Punishment?

How could he accept this?


"I'll kill you!"


The God of Death roared angrily, with death energy surging all over his body, he drew out a curved black scythe, and quickly killed God Punishment.


But in the next second, God Punished with a palm strike, directly sending the Death God flying away.


The God of Death spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body shattered on the spot, revealing a trace of anger and helplessness.

He couldn't defeat Divine Punishment.

On the other side, although Lieyang and others did not take action, they were all furious.

At this time, the corpse soul suddenly said in a low voice: "God's punishment, nine years ago, the son of the God of Poseidon fell. Seventeen years ago, the son of the God of Thunder was inexplicably assassinated. Five hundred years ago, the son of the Blood God was attacked. A thousand years ago, a member of the Divine Court The team disappeared inexplicably and the murderer was never found. These..."

God Punishment smiled and said, "Yes, it's all me."


The people in the Divine Court suddenly burst into tears, feeling extremely sad and angry.

It turns out...the one who has been assassinating them all these years is not the enemy, but Shenting himself?

"God's Punishment, aren't you afraid that all this will be exposed? With all this exposed, do you think the Divine Ancestor can really protect you?"

"If the Ancestor God knew what you had done, do you think the Ancestor God would forgive you?"

However, after hearing this, God Punishment suddenly showed a strange smile.

After a moment, God Punishment smiled and said: "So... I have always said that you are cute, but you are really cute."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Divine Court showed doubts.

"What do you mean?" Corpse Soul said in a low voice.

At this time, Chu Yan couldn't stand it and said with a smile: "Are you really stupid? Such a big thing is just one thing. Do you think the Divine Ancestor doesn't know about it? Please, where are your brains? Shen Ting, he You may be able to hide everything from everyone, but how can you hide it from the Ancestor God?”

"God's Punishment did this without even the five major gods noticing it. Why do you think it is? How did he manage to hide it?"

The God of Death and others were stunned for a moment, and then their bodies didn't even tremble.

Some people even couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Could it be..."

"No...no, this is impossible!"

"This is impossible!"

"All of this...the Divine Ancestor has actually known for a long time? Has the Divine Ancestor been tacitly approving of what you have done?"

Thinking of this, Wang Shen and others felt that their sky was darkened.

Before, it was only the betrayal of God Fa. Although they were shocked and hateful, they were not desperate.

But it is different now.

If all this has been tacitly approved by the God Ancestor, doesn't it mean that the God Court has been rotten to the root?

This is an organization that has rotted even to the root.

The word "slave" in the mouth of God Fa is not just talk.


Wang Shen and others are all desperate.

"From the beginning to the end, have we been just your pawns?"

At this time, the corpse soul said gloomily: "God Punishment, God Ancestor really knows all this?"

God Punishment chuckled: "What do you think?"

The corpse soul was silent for a long time and suddenly said: "God Punishment...Aren't you worried? In the final analysis, the God Court does not belong to God Ancestor alone, nor is it the power of your God Ancestor's family, but belongs to all the gods! If you do this, aren't you afraid that the news will be exposed? Our fathers and the five supreme gods will never allow you to do this."

Hearing this, God Punishment nodded slightly: "This sentence is right, so, these years, I have been doing things very carefully, and I have been planning for thousands of years. Otherwise, do you think they will die so slowly? Some people even have a gap of thousands of years."

The corpse soul narrowed his eyes: "What about now? Aren't you afraid that we will expose the news?"

God Punishment was stunned, and suddenly laughed: "Exposed? Hahaha, little cuties, you don't still think...you will have a chance to leave Shura Field alive?"

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