Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5881: How to become stronger without breaking through

Inside Shura Field.

Chu Yan flew away from Demon Mountain, and his first target was Shenshan.

Shenshan was very glorious, with many temples connected together.

Unfortunately, compared to the last time Chu Yan came here, there was a biggest problem here.

That is, it became very cold and indifferent.

There was no one.

With the exposure of the divine punishment, all the people in Shenshan fled.

They dared not stay in Shenshan, otherwise, once the divine punishment was restored, those who stayed in Shenshan would be waiting for death.

Chu Yan came to Shenshan, and his goal was very clear.

Shenshan Treasure House.


This time, Chu Yan did not wait for others to open the door for him, but punched directly.


The door of the treasure house was directly smashed.

Chu Yan stepped in.

The treasure house is now empty, with nothing.

It was all emptied by Chu Yan.

But there is still a towering ancient tree here.

Under the ancient tree is the mineral vein.

When Chu Yan saw the ancient tree again, his eyes suddenly became expectant and excited: "Haha, I'm back again."

He has been thinking about an ancient tree and a mineral vein for a long time.

If he hadn't been worried about the shaking of the sacred mountain last time, he would have pulled it up by the roots.

The next second, Chu Yan hugged the ancient tree and shouted angrily.


In an instant, the ancient tree began to shake, accompanied by the shaking of the entire sacred mountain.

Xiao Jiu had said before that the roots of this ancient tree had already covered the entire mountain.

Hua La La!

Instantly, as the ancient tree was pulled out by the roots, the entire sacred mountain began to collapse and shatter.


Until finally, Chu Yan pulled out the entire ancient tree, along with the mineral vein below.

Of course, the result was that the entire sacred mountain collapsed.

The moment Chu Yan took the ancient tree away, the originally glorious sacred mountain directly became a ruin.

After Chu Yan flew into the air, he looked down and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The first mineral vein was in hand.

At this moment, he was happier than when he robbed the treasure house of the God Mountain.

Although the source stones that can be mined from this mineral vein are not as many as those in the treasure house, the problem is... this thing is durable, it can continuously absorb the power of heaven and earth, and then transform it into source stones.

What is the most lacking in the universe?

Isn't it something that produces source stones in a durable way?

With the first mineral vein, there will be the second, the third, and then more and more.

In this way, the universe can form a virtuous cycle.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "What are your plans now? The divine punishment... will not give up."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, he naturally knew this.

Xiao Jiu said again: "Now... you have reached the first level giant, and you can't break through in realm, unless you step into the true self."

Chu Yan shook his head: "No! There is a problem with the path of self-centeredness!"

Chu Yan would not joke about his future.

A short-term increase in strength will leave long-term sequelae.

This is definitely not what Chu Yan wants.

Otherwise... he has too many ways to become stronger quickly in his life.

He will never give up his own foundation for short-term benefits.

He has come all the way from the mortal world to now. Isn't his most proud foundation?

Xiao Jiu frowned: "If you don't enter the only self, you can't break through again, and you can't become stronger."

Then, Xiao Jiu continued: "In fact, as long as you break through the only self now, it will be very easy to fight the divine punishment!"

Chu Yan nodded.

Of course he knew this.

There is a qualitative change between the giant and the only self.

The increase from the giant to the only self is definitely greater than that from the second-level giant to the first-level giant, and even more than the third level to the first level.

However, Chu Yan still shook his head: "I won't break through! Besides... I can't attack the only self now!"

"The only self road of this era... has been cut off."

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "But the broken road is in your hands!"

Chu Yan clenched his fists fiercely.


The mysterious box given to him by the spirit of the universe at the beginning contained the only self breaker!

As long as Chu Yan opens it, the path of the current era will be repaired.

At that time, not only Chu Yan can break through, but everyone in this era can break through.

Once this happens, Chu Yan will not have to worry about the punishment of God, and the universe will also make rapid progress, and there is no need to be afraid of the people in the God and Demon Era and the Ancient Era.

At that time, Chu Yan will not have to wander around like he is now.

He can return to the universe with peace of mind, sit in it, and fight for the world.

Chu Yan pondered for a long time.

He certainly knew that this was the best way at present.

But in the end, he still shook his head: "No! I can't bet on my own and the future of the universe for short-term interests! I can't afford this bet!"

Xiao Jiu sighed: "I know it."

It said these, just objective facts.

But in fact, when it said it, it already knew that Chu Yan would most likely reject it.

"Then you have to think of other ways now, how to become stronger without improving your realm."

Chu Yan fell into contemplation.

This is actually what he is most proud of.

He couldn't beat the Divine Punishment, not because he really couldn't beat it, but because he didn't want to break through.

He had to defeat the Divine Punishment in the Giant Realm, otherwise if he broke through... it would be really easy to beat the Divine Punishment.


He had to think about what to do if he didn't break through.

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked up at the sky of Shura Field, his eyes lit up, and he had some new ideas.

"Xiao Jiu... Is there a law of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower here?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned and said helplessly: "It's useless to ask me this. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower is in your body, shouldn't you know more about it than me?"

Chu Yan nodded, yes.


The next second, he entered the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

"Wu Loss, Wu Cai, Senior Zhi Qing."

Instantly, three figures emerged.

Chu Yan looked at the three people and hesitated and said: "Three seniors, can you be sure that there is a law here, right?"

Zhi Qing sensed it and nodded slightly: "Yes! The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower resonates, so there must be something related to him here! And besides the law, I can't think of what else it can be."

Chu Yan suddenly became excited: "That is to say, as long as I find a new law, I can practice a new law technique, right?"

Law technique... Chu Yan has seen it.

It's really powerful.

Whether it is the undamaged one, or Zhiqing's, including the colorful five-element hegemony body, every practice will make oneself complete a qualitative change.

If... I find that ray of law in the Shura Field, can I become stronger?

Chu Yan thought of this, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Who said that you have to break through the realm to become stronger? I, Chu Yan, can still make a leap even if the realm does not change!"

But the next second... Zhiqing suddenly poured a basin of cold water on him: "You should think about it first, what if the law here is a hostile law, what should you do, I don't think you can beat any hostile law now."

Chu Yan: "..."

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